When it is not possible to connect to centralized heating, long-burning stoves can be used to heat the room. Among the many devices, these are considered ideal for use in country houses and cottages.
Stoves can serve as both primary and secondary heat sources. During the warm season, they are used to heat water, and in some cases - for cooking.

The main feature of these designs is the long process of combustion of materials. Unlike primitive boilers, after ignition, the fuel goes into smoldering mode. This feature can significantly reduce the consumption of combustible material and simplifies the maintenance process.
Design and principle of operation
All furnaces of this type have a similar design. Mainthe elements in each of them are:
- Casing made of durable and heat-resistant material.
- Combustion and storage chambers.
- Valves for regulating air supply.
- Fume pipe.
Combustible material is placed in the first chamber. The furnace gains maximum power and pressure when the dampers are open. Once the oven is hot enough, the air supply should be limited. In this case, the flame will significantly decrease, and the material will switch from burning to smoldering mode.
Modern models are equipped with additional space for air circulation from the room (such devices can be batteries or the space between the housing and the combustion chamber). It is worth noting that the air that comes into contact with the camera circulates quickly and heats the room more efficiently.
Important! When densely laying firewood, the damper should be covered. Air is supplied to the oven from the side. This ensures uniform and slow smoldering of food and does not allow firewood to ignite.
In the second chamber, the decay products (the gas emitted by materials) are finally burnt out. This significantly reduces the amount of waste.

The specificity of long-burning furnaces is as follows:
- The air that comes out of the oven heats the room and returns to the space around the chamber again (that is, it circulates).
- Gases and residual products are burned in the second chamber.
- The slower the burning process, thespace heating will take longer.
Important! The shutters in the ovens must ensure the safety of using the appliance. The damper, which is installed in the chimney, has an additional gap, so it is not possible to completely shut off the pipe.
Average ovens look like this:
- The temperature at the outlet of the chimney is approximately 50-80 °C.
- Inside the furnace, the gases are heated to a temperature of about 270 °C.
- High efficiency long burning stoves (from 70 to 95%) show the best efficiency if they work on high-quality combustible materials.
- The required moisture content of combustible material should not exceed 25%.
- Depending on models, the average burning time between bookmarks is 6 to 10 hours.
- System pressure (only for units with water circuit) - 1 atmosphere.
Models and types of stoves
The most popular long burning stoves for the home among users are:
- Buleryan and Breneran.
- Professor Butakov's stoves.
- Boilers with long burning chamber.
Buleryan and Breneran are identical in design. They can heat the room in which they are installed, as well as neighboring rooms (through air ducts). Such furnaces are made in the form of a cylinder, and crossed pipes are present in the upper part of the product.
The inner part of the furnace space is divided into 2 parts. It is worth noting that insuch designs do not have a grate. The power of both furnaces varies from 6 to 35 kW. The efficiency in this case is 75-80%.
The maximum duration of burning depends on the volume of the furnace and is from 4 to 10 hours.

Important! To install long-burning stoves of the above type, an insulated chimney with a height of at least 5 meters is required.
Butakov's stoves are also popular. Thanks to a wide range of models, you can choose the most suitable option:
- The “Student” model with a power of 9 kW and a furnace volume of 60 liters is suitable for heating small rooms.
- Model "Engineer" with a capacity of 15 kW and a volume of 120 liters can be installed in small warehouses and country houses.
- Furnaces "Associate Professor" and "Professor" with a capacity of 25 kW and 40 kW, respectively, are suitable for large country houses and summer cottages. It is worth noting that the volume of the first is 250 liters, and the second - 500.
There are several more options for long-burning wood-burning stoves for summer cottages or private houses:
- With forced air circulation. In this case, air is supplied by fans, and firewood is laid in the upper space of the stove.
- In the second design, the afterburner is located at the rear of the unit.
As a rule, the power of such boilers is higher than that of small Butakov furnaces.
Water circuit ovens
This installation consists of a chamber and heat exchanger pipes. Furnace wall thicknessdepends on the type of execution and amounts to:
- for closed systems - 6 mm;
- for open - 4 mm.
The main components of such devices are:
- case;
- combustion and afterburner chambers;
- injector;
- convective pipes;
- supply and return pipes;
- air chamber;
- grid;
- door;
- valve;
- chimney.
About 40 liters of liquid circulate through the pipes. Temperature sensors are installed on the ovens to control heating.

The air in the furnace is supplied naturally and manually regulated.
Such equipment is suitable for small private houses and cottages. Long burning stoves are easy to use and safe.
In the warm season they are used to heat water.
Among the positive characteristics of such installations are:
- low cost;
- autonomy;
- stylish design;
- compact;
- full adaptation to any climate;
- they are suitable for any heating system;
- stoves run on inexpensive environmentally friendly fuel - wood.
Installations do not need to be connected to the main line, and their operation does not depend on the availability of electricity.
If you plan to install a stove in a country house or in the country, you can choose a model with a hob. This will save a lot of space.
The main disadvantages are:
- inability to install automatic control;
- need for regular cleaning of all components;
- possible performance deterioration due to climatic conditions;
- low efficiency.
All units are covered with a layer of heat-resistant paint. In some models, the furnace part is lined with bricks. This feature allows you to equalize temperature differences.
Modern models can be combined with alternative sources of electricity (such as solar panels). Such structures are used as backup equipment: in summer - for heating water, and in winter - for space heating.
Important! Only a specially designed oven should be connected to the water circuit. Otherwise, there will be a significant loss of room temperature and a large amount of unburned material.
What to look for when choosing
Before purchasing a long-burning stove for a wood-burning home, you should pay attention to:
- Type of fuel. Among modern stoves, there are often combined ones, that is, those that can work on wood and coal at the same time.
- Power. The efficiency of the furnace depends on this parameter. If the power is insufficient, the room will not warm up, and choosing an unreasonably high power will lead to excessive fuel consumption.
- The volume of the combustion chamber. The larger the firebox, the less often firewood should be put into it. Among the modern models are furnaces with automatic loadingfuel from a special bunker.
- Weight. Long-burning cast iron stoves are very heavy and require increased attention during installation. Despite these inconveniences, such an installation is durable - its service life can be more than 50 years. Also, cast iron is able to hold the temperature for a very long time.
- Efficiency. The higher this coefficient, the more efficient the operation of the furnace.
- Installation type. Very often there are long-burning furnaces with a circuit. The efficiency of this equipment is higher than that of conventional ovens (they provide additional heating through radiators). In addition to the basic functions, heaters can serve as equipment for heating water or even cooking. It is worth noting that the temperature of the additional equipment is not adjustable.
How to choose the right oven
Stoves of low or medium power (from 6 kW) are suitable for modern insulated rooms.

The material of long-burning wood burning stoves must be heat and wear resistant. It is best to purchase cast iron stoves (since this alloy does not corrode and deform from temperature). It is worth noting that due to the large weight of such a structure, an additional foundation should be made for it.
Important! The oven and all accessories (such as the chimney) must be made by the same manufacturer.
Advantages and disadvantages of long burning stoves for home
The main advantages are:
- long work on onebookmark (from 6 hours);
- high efficiency;
- compact;
- long service life;
- possibility of installation directly in the dwelling (rather than in special boiler rooms);
- small size and weight;
- economy and safety.
Among the disadvantages are:
- need for regular pipe cleaning (about once every 3 months);
- high requirements for chimney installation;
- not all models can be connected to the water circuit;
- difficulty in setting the optimal air supply;
- high quality requirements for raw materials (e.g. minimum moisture content, size).
Efficiency: how to increase it
The efficiency of stoves depends on the design as well as the quality of the fuel. Each installation has its own factory flaws and design flaws. To increase the efficiency of long-burning stoves, the combustion process should be changed:
- in the instructions for the boilers it is said that you should first kindle small firewood and chips, and then put in a larger material;
- after the firebox is completely filled with firewood, close the door.
In practice, this process turned out to be inconvenient. There is also significant energy loss when the door is repeatedly opened.

In order to reduce losses, you should first lay out firewood tightly, and under them - small branches and chips. After laying out,kindling and the door closes.
Oven settings should be changed if:
- burning process is too active;
- formation of soot and condensate exceeds the allowable limits;
- a large amount of fuel is not burned up.
To change the settings, adjust the air supply to the chamber. It is better to entrust the adjustment to a specialist.
Installation and commissioning of the furnace
The efficiency of operation, as well as the explosion and fire safety of equipment, depend on the correct installation of a long-burning wood-burning stove.
Almost all factory models are equipped with legs that are adjustable in height. If there are none, you should prepare the foundation before starting the installation process.
The parameters of the foundation depend on the size and weight of the oven.
In the manufacture of such, attention should be paid to the quality of the solution. In order for the foundation to be reliable, you should follow these steps:
- First, a box of boards is picked up or knocked down on its own.
- Then it is filled with crushed clay (particles should be equal to the size of a chicken egg).
- A layer of clay is filled with water.
- After a while, the solution is filtered through the mesh.
- At the last stage, sand is added to it. If the mixture is thick, dilute it with water.
The location of the stove should be away from flammable materials (the center of the room or boiler room would be ideal).
If the walls in the house are wooden, the distance from them should be at least120 cm. In the case when the walls are made of heat-resistant material - 35 cm.
Incorrect setting of the stove can lead to burn-out of the firewood masonry with a significant increase in temperature or a complete cessation of oxygen supply. Because of this, the gas will not be able to burn out and simply exit through the furnace. Such factors can cause the chimney to ignite.
In windy or rainy weather, it is important to monitor pressure changes, because thrust can collapse.
When choosing a chimney, collapsible should be preferred. It is also very important to regularly inspect and clean all removable parts. The upper cut of the pipe must be protected by a visor (for example, a fungus) to prevent moisture from entering it.
Considering all the features, you can choose the most suitable long-burning stove for a summer residence, workshop or home.
Manufacturer Reviews
Among modern heating equipment, the most popular are:
- Stove-fireplace of long burning "Buleryan". Users emit high heat output: the simplest of a series of such boilers is able to heat a room up to 80 m22. Among the shortcomings are: the need for insulation of the chimney, a specific design. It is also noted that the greatest heat transfer occurs during the full laying of firewood.
- "Sropuva". Users note an unusual combustion process - from top to bottom. Among the positive aspects are: no need for frequent loading of firewood (after all, the capacity of the firebox is 200 kg). One download is enough, on average,for 3 days. Among the disadvantages: the need to clean the chamber before each load, a large amount of waste.
- "Viadrus". Among the positive aspects: unpretentiousness to the quality of fuel and the presence of an automatic temperature controller (such a device independently regulates the opening of the smoke damper). Among the negative reviews: the need to install a complex foundation (the boiler has an impressive weight), and to select the size of firewood (no more than 34 cm). Also, users note that due to the small volume of the firebox, you have to carefully monitor its filling.
- Galmet. The range of this manufacturer includes devices of various capacities. Thanks to this, it is possible to choose the most suitable design for particular cases. Also among the positive points are: the presence of automatic loading (in some models). Maintenance of the boiler should be carried out no more than 2 times a day, and cleaning - once a week. The coolant temperature is controlled automatically. The boiler runs on multiple fuel sources.
- Dakon DOR. It has a high efficiency, and the temperature at the outlet of the fuel chamber is approximately 60 °C. Among the negative points are: the need to select high-quality raw materials and equipment for a chimney to a height of at least 8 meters.
- Danko-80T long-burning wood-burning stoves of domestic production are the most budgetary. Despite this, the performance of the equipment is quite high. Among the negative points - poor build quality in some models.

In addition to factory models, home-made brick ovens are also popular. The design of the latter is the same as that of the usual one. To begin with, a large combustion chamber is being erected, and above it an additional gas furnace. In most existing designs, there is a coil that is connected to the chimney. The presence of a coil significantly increases heat transfer.
These designs are suitable for giving. A long-burning brick oven has a number of disadvantages:
- due to the roughness of the walls, coking occurs;
- during the combustion process, products emit more ash and tar, which remain in the furnace space.
Coarse deposits are almost impossible to remove without the use of special abrasives.
Important! If accumulations are not cleared in time, the furnace becomes a fire and explosion hazard.