For many of us, comfort in the house is not only a good arrangement of furniture, wallpapered walls and a beautiful chandelier on the ceiling. A comfortable environment is made up of many different, seemingly insignificant details. Trinkets dear to the heart, souvenirs brought from travels, and, of course, smells - this is what creates a general cozy atmosphere. Of course, someone can say: “I already smell delicious without any artificial “stinks” there.” But it’s not at all necessary to spray the apartment with a “smell from a spray can”, it is much better to use natural home fragrances created by yourself to create a pleasant atmosphere.
What can be used as a natural fragrance at home
In order for a pleasant fragrance in your apartment to become stable, you need to use fragrances with similar, suitable to each other, or better - the same smells for all rooms. Fragrances for the home are not only sachets known to everyone withherbs and aroma lamps. They can be fragrant soap, incense sticks, candles, aroma stones, and of course plants such as basil or lemon balm grown on the windowsill.

Making fragrances for your home is not difficult at all. This will not require any great efforts from you, as well as time costs. Quite the opposite, their production will give you pure pleasure, help to cheer you up, fill the house with indescribable smells in its magnificence. Fragrances for the home can be made together with your child - after all, this is undoubtedly an instructive, and most importantly, an absolutely safe activity.
Aromatic sachet
Sachet (from the French sachet, which means "small bag" or "sachet"). Theselittle cushions filled with fragrant dry herbs or scented with essential oils have been used as fragrances for centuries. You can sew a sachet from any material, decorate it with embroidery, lace or beads. By attaching a loop to it, you can hang it in a wardrobe so that the clothes are saturated with the pleasant smell of herbs or oils. Placed under the pillow, a sachet with a soothing scent of lavender or lemon balm will contribute to a good rest. A wonderful natural air freshener for the home can be made by putting several of these delicious-smelling bags into a small beautiful basket.

What to fill the sachet, it's up to you. For long-lasting fragrance, you can drop it on a dryherb a few drops of essential oil.
Production of aroma sachets
For the manufacture of aroma sachet, take any, better natural, material - thiscan be linen, burlap, cotton or bamboo fabrics, silk. The size of the pillow or bag should not exceed 12x13 cm. Usually, the sachet is filled with well-dried, crushed plants. Mint, lavender, geranium, wormwood, tarragon, carnation, jasmine, acacia flowers, roses and other herbs with a strong aroma are perfect for this purpose. Various spices can serve as an addition to them - vanilla, cinnamon, anise, sweet peas, dry lemon, orange peel and others. It is worth noting that all these spices have an intense pungent odor, so you need to add them to the main mixture of herbs carefully, in small quantities.
You can use the sachet as a fragrance for no more than three to four months, after this period the smell, unfortunately, will evaporate. But as an interesting, hand-made decoration of the interior of the house, it will serve you for more than one year.
Aroma Stones
Home fragrances in the form of decorative stones are gaining more and more popularity due to the fact that in addition to a pleasant smelling atmosphere, they are also wonderful, one might say, exclusive interior design items.

To make several small aroma stones you will need:
- any flour - 1.5 cups;
- s alt - 2, 5 tbsp. spoons;
- potato or corn starch - 2.5 tbsp. spoons;
- boiling water - a little over half a glass;
- essential oils (optional);
- food or artificial colors;
- cookie cutters.
Flour, s alt and starch should be mixed in a suitable bowl, add water with dye and "knead". Roll out the dough into a thick cake. Using molds, cut out stone figures, on each of which you can now apply a few drops of oil and leave to dry. If there are no molds, you can simply mold the dough in the form of small pebbles. After hardening, the stones can be laid out throughout the house, each separately, or decorated with wicker baskets, small plates. As the smell evaporates, you can again and again drip a couple of drops of essential oil on the stones, which will allow the fragrance to last for a long time.
Incense Sticks
Home fragrances made with natural wood sticks will become a real decoration of any interior. Plus they're pretty

durable due to the fact that the components of the composition are easily replaced.
To make a home fragrance with chopsticks, you will need:
- glass vase or bottle with narrow neck;
- wooden sticks (kebab skewers);
- unscented vegetable or cosmetic oil;
- essential oil;
- vodka or alcohol (to speed up the flavoring process).
Fragrance for home with sticks is very easy to make, for this oil (odorless) is necessarypour into a suitable bottle, add 25-35 drops of essential oil and a couple of teaspoons of alcohol to it, shake the mixture. Now a few sticks are simply lowered into the mixture of oils - the flavor is ready. Do not forget to periodically turn the sticks - this helps to enhance the smell. What essential oil to include in the composition, everyone decides for himself. If you are not familiar with aromatherapy, use a mixture of lavender and bergamot or eucalyptus, mint with sweet orange, or patchouli and neroli. These win-win scent options are great for uplifting, helping to create a light fragrant atmosphere in the house.
Natural fragrance spray
This fragrance spray is the best for those who are used to spraying the scent around them from a can. How to make a home fragrance in the form of a spray bottle? Easy, simple, and most importantly - fast.

You will need:
- water;
- alcohol;
- spray bottle (preferably glass, but plastic is fine too);
- essential oils.
All components must be mixed. Shake the bottle well before each spray to mix the ingredients. By the way, this fragrance can be sprinkled on upholstered furniture, rugs and carpets.
Coffee flavor
Perhaps the easiest way to fill the house with an indescribable natural aroma is to place cups filled with roasted coffee in all rooms.beans.

You are sure to have a lot of fun making homemade fragrances for your home. In addition, natural, without impurities, smells can significantly improve your mood, create a pleasant cozy atmosphere in the house and not harm your he alth.
It remains only to wish your home warmth and comfort, surrounded by wonderful delicious aromas!