Which is better - plywood or OSB: types, classification, ease of use, similarities and differences, pros and cons of application

Which is better - plywood or OSB: types, classification, ease of use, similarities and differences, pros and cons of application
Which is better - plywood or OSB: types, classification, ease of use, similarities and differences, pros and cons of application

The modern domestic building materials market is characterized by a huge range of chip products that are used to level walls and floors. Since plywood and OSB boards appeared on the market, there has been a debate among builders about which of these varieties has the best characteristics.

Let's look into this issue, compare the physical and mechanical properties of both materials and find out which is better: plywood or OSB board.

What is plywood?

Plywood sheets are multilayer veneer panels. During their production, the manufacturer alternates the direction of wood fibers, which gives the final product sufficient strength.

plywood board structure
plywood board structure

Practice shows that pressed veneer is able to withstand heavy loads. Sheets can be used in conditions of moderate humidity and in places that are subject to intense physical stress. These properties contribute to the use of the material inas subfloor and wall cladding.

To find the answer to the question of which is better: plywood or OSB, you should study the main characteristics of each material, highlight the positive properties and disadvantages.

Advantages of plywood

The main advantage of plywood sheets is that over time, products do not shrink and deform. A large number of veneer layers in the slab makes the material durable and resistant to many factors. Plywood flooring lasts for years and does not need to be repaired.

Many craftsmen prefer veneered sheets because of their impeccable smoothness. On top of such a base, you can lay tiles, glue wallpaper and perform other cladding.

distinctive properties of plywood
distinctive properties of plywood

The large size of plywood speeds up the repair process. The products are easy to process and easy to install. Also, the positive qualities include the environmental friendliness of such products. It contains no harmful resins and formaldehyde, which allows the material to be used in children's rooms and public institutions.

Answering the question of which is better - plywood or OSB, it should be noted that veneer material has several varieties, which affects its final characteristics.

Varieties of plywood

When choosing blanks for floor or wall cladding, please note that all plywood is divided into 4 grades. Each one has the following features:

  1. Sheets are considered the most budgetary products4th grade. They have a large number of knots, resinous spots. This variety is made from the most low-quality wood, practically not processed and not polished during the production process. If we compare which is better - OSB board or plywood of the 4th class, then preference should definitely be given to the first option.
  2. Sheets of the 3rd grade already have fewer flaws, but they also need additional polishing. Such products can already be used to equip the subfloor.
  3. Second grade veneered products are characterized by excellent quality and almost perfect appearance. On such a sheet there may be only minor cracks, which can be easily repaired with putty.
  4. Materials of the 1st grade are considered the best, but also quite expensive. Products look very attractive and have the highest strength characteristics.

There is plywood and elite grades. It is made from precious woods and is used for finishing walls and floors. If the choice is between such plywood or OSB (on the walls, as a finish), then veneered sheets definitely win in terms of external indicators.

Characteristics of OSB boards

OSB is made from waste wood products. The main raw material is coniferous chips, which are carefully glued together during the production process and form durable plates of given sizes.

OSB is considered an excellent building material that can be used not only to create rough foundations, but also for the constructionframe buildings. This is facilitated by the high strength of products, which exceeds the performance of plywood. The particle board is able to withstand a load of 100 kg for every 1 m2.

Which is better: plywood or OSB board?
Which is better: plywood or OSB board?

Considering the question of which is better - plywood or OSB, one should take into account the distinctive characteristics of the chip material. These include:

  • resistance to cracking and delamination (not the case with plywood);
  • highest shear strength;
  • lightweight;
  • affordable price.

They have similar plates and a number of disadvantages. Firstly, they are less susceptible to processing, and secondly, they release substances harmful to humans into the air. It is not recommended to use them as decoration for residential premises. The only exceptions are those situations when the slab is faced with tiles or stone, puttied or pasted over with a roll finish.

Varieties of OSB boards

Like the previous version, OSB-plates are divided into 4 groups. The blanks of the first group have the lowest strength characteristics. They are cheap and more commonly used to make furniture.

Slabs of the second group are already more durable. They are suitable for arranging a rough base for finishing. Such products are able to withstand short-term contact with moisture.

arranging walls with OSB-plates
arranging walls with OSB-plates

The third group is the most common. It is these products that are widely used to create raised floors. It has sufficient strength and durability.to fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels.

The most expensive products are plates of the fourth group. They are characterized by maximum strength and are used to create walls and partitions during the construction of buildings. If you cannot decide which is better - plywood or OSB, install high-strength particle boards on the walls.

Comparison of both materials

If you try to determine the differences between these two materials, then, in addition to the method of production and performance, we can distinguish the following:

  1. The base price tag of plywood exceeds the cost of medium quality OSB. However, heavy-duty and elite grades of OSB can cost more than plywood. Manufacturers justify this fact by the fact that expensive impregnations, varnishes and decorating additives are used in the chip material. At the same time, decorative varieties of plywood significantly exceed the cost of OSB with average strength indicators.
  2. The structure of the OSB board is represented by 4 layers, and as for plywood, the number of veneer layers is not limited, thereby increasing the strength of the product.

If you compare the properties of OSB, plywood and chipboard, which is better is hard to understand right away. If you need light and affordable material, choose OSB, in cases where the budget is very limited, use chipboard. However, remember that the edges of this material may break off over time. If durability is your top priority, plywood is the best choice. But this option will be the most expensive.

Wall sheathing material

OSB is very actively used inframe construction and for the manufacture of sandwich panels. This is due to their lightness and affordable price tag. If we are talking about facing houses built according to Canadian technology, then it is better to give preference to OSB. They do not load the frame much and serve for a long time.

However, if we consider what is better from an environmental point of view - plywood or OSB on the walls of a house, then veneered material definitely wins. It does not emit harmful substances when heated, but the estimate for construction with its use immediately increases.

plywood house walls
plywood house walls

The advantage of OSB lies in its excellent heat and sound insulation abilities, which is very important for frame buildings. Plywood loses in these qualities. However, if you are sheathing walls indoors, it is better to use it.

What is the best way to level the floor?

If you are dealing with a concrete base, then alignment is best done using OSB boards. This recommendation is based on the fact that such products are more resistant to moisture that porous concrete can absorb. What is better for the floor (plywood or OSB) is also determined depending on the degree of its curvature.

plywood or OSB - which is better for the floor?
plywood or OSB - which is better for the floor?

Veneered sheets are more bending strength, which means they last longer on uneven surfaces. But here it is also important to choose the right optimal thickness of products.

When it comes to boardwalk, both materials can be used to level it. The main criterionthe choice in such a situation is your financial capabilities and the ability to work with similar products.

The choice of material depending on the method of its finishing

Beginners often ask the question: "What is better for laminate flooring: plywood or OSB?" In fact, both options can be used for laminated panels, since they are laid on top of a special substrate. In this case, the main task of the plates is to level the surface. Estimate your budget and feel free to choose the material according to your capabilities.

laying laminate over OSB boards
laying laminate over OSB boards

As for the roll coating, when asked what is better for linoleum - plywood or OSB, most experts answer that it is more expedient to use plywood. It is smoother, so it is better suited for thin coverage. If you are using OSB, be prepared to sand the base before laying the linoleum.
