Modern stained glass windows: a variety of types and options for use in the interior

Modern stained glass windows: a variety of types and options for use in the interior
Modern stained glass windows: a variety of types and options for use in the interior

Stained glass making is quite an ancient art and is perceived as an item of the rarest luxury. Initially, these were majestic canvases made of small colored glass, which were an integral part of the architecture of Gothic cathedrals. In later eras, such masterpieces of art were available only to eminent people from the family of kings and nobles. Currently, beauty connoisseurs have the opportunity to order an individual project that corresponds to personal views and ideas. Of course, the technique of making mosaic paintings could not stand still, and modern stained-glass windows in all their diversity and improvement are now the fruit of glass miracles.

Development of stained glass creativity

Stained-glass windows were used in architectural buildings to fill various openings. As a type of decorative art, they could have an ornamental character or depict everyday scenes. Gradually, technological innovations and changes in fashion have transformed antique elements of decoration into attributes for design purposes. Todaymodern stained glass windows look a little different and stagger the imagination with their multifaceted and intricate ideas.

Russians were familiar with the existence of the stained glass craft as early as the 12th century. During the Renaissance, it was presented as a painting on glass, using the method of scraping paint on the image in certain places. Particular interest in creativity among the population increased in the 13th century in connection with the passion for chivalric romances. These stories aroused in people the desire to imitate the Gothic culture, and thus stained glass became fashionable. At the stage of formation of technological processes and other secrets of stained glass craftsmanship, Western Europe did not have the opportunity to supply products to the foreign market. During the Renaissance, medieval art masterpieces were brought to Russia.

Thanks to the fact that gifted creative individuals managed to carry through the years and preserve the skills and some technologies of the once lost centuries-old art, we can admire them, and also use them to equip our homes. In order to transfer skills to a new generation, a lot of various developmental events are held in our country.

This type of creativity is also used to develop the artistic horizons of students in educational institutions. Being in the status of modern decorative art, the stained-glass window contributes to the spiritual development of a person and has an attractive power. In children, it forms a love for creativity and art, develops in them the perception of an active viewer. In addition, this kind of classes help students develop skills for accuratemeasuring and cutting details, and the ability to collaborate with others.

Options for using modern stained glass windows
Options for using modern stained glass windows

Demonstrations of creative works

Stained glass as a modern exhibition art can be found at special cultural events, where masters present their best work. Here, stained glass artists exchange their experiences and discuss issues related to the trends in the further development of glass image manufacturing techniques. Exhibitions with works of art are organized in cities where the stained glass craft flourished earlier. For example, in 2015 it was held at the Museum of Architecture in Paris.

In 2012, a demonstration called "Art in Interior" was held in Russia. The purpose of this creative event was to combine a wide exposition with its various ideas, which can later become design fragments for interior decoration. Make-up artists plan to embody their ideas in a variety of decorating styles - from classic to modern style.

Modern stained glass windows - execution technique
Modern stained glass windows - execution technique

Purpose of glass jewelry

The secret of creative works lies in the successful combination of sunlight with colorful glass particles. With the help of live flickering of highlights, the effect of scattering, elusive colors is achieved. In view of this idea, the basis for creating ornaments should be transparent. At the same time, the ancient artists pursued the following goals: to attract the eye of a person, to produce an indelibleimpression and radically transform the architectural structure. Although there have been grandiose changes in the process of technology, modern stained-glass windows have not lost this purpose. They are still able to impress and fascinate the viewer. Many products are made in such designs that it is possible to admire them at any time of the day, regardless of the angle from which the light falls on the picture.

The role of stained-glass windows in the interior

Stained-glass windows in a modern interior are exquisite and rather practical elements that do not require special care and can decorate absolutely any type of room. First of all, they are intended for design arrangement of premises and are the main accent in the interior. From this it follows that the artistic composition will look great in the living room, kitchen and on the central wall of the bathroom.

Those who want to complete their design solutions with such an element are guaranteed to see their home in light and amazing colors. To make the interior look coherent and unified, professionals advise decorating it in harmony with the stained glass attribute, namely in the same style or the most suitable in terms of aesthetics.

Modern stained glass windows - variety of types
Modern stained glass windows - variety of types

Popular species

There is a huge variety of types of modern stained glass, and each of them belongs to one specific style. The most popular include: classic, modern and stained glass neo-Gothic.

Classic. This style is characterized by simplicity, sophistication, nobility and naturalness. Chief designthe rule is to maintain symmetry in the drawings. The images themselves can have any theme - from geometric shapes to creative artwork. Pictures or ornaments are made in dark or pastel colors.

Neogothic. A very interesting style, the compositions of which are used selectively. It is important to be able to choose the right ratio in size. In large rooms, stained-glass windows in window openings should be dense, and in rooms with a small area - transparent, almost colorless, with characteristic variegated blotches.

Modern. In the handwriting of the Art Nouveau variety, elegance and extravagance are clearly expressed. Feathered edges, ornate extraordinary patterns, drawings imitating various plants - all these intricacies are inherent in the new and firmly established style in design. Another of its hallmarks is a palette of colors, characterized by delicate undertones.

To create decorative works, various methods of decorating mirror and glass surfaces are used. This involves different ways of processing both a separate finishing process and by combining different techniques. Modern stained-glass windows are famous for a rich range of technologies that are strikingly different from each other. We propose to consider them in detail.

Stained glass windows in a modern interior
Stained glass windows in a modern interior

Classic style

The stages of its manufacture are as follows:

  • the starting point of the project is the execution of a sketch;
  • next, a drawing of the future image is built from the metal profile;
  • preliminarilyprepared parts are inserted into the profile;
  • at the end, the product is painted.

For work, a profile with an H-shaped section is used, which can only be made of high-quality materials - copper, lead or brass. Its grooves are filled with colorful fragments corresponding in width, which is usually 5 mm.

Stained glass windows in modern style
Stained glass windows in modern style


Glass paintings are created by sintering all parts of the picture under the influence of strong temperatures. This process consists of the following steps:

  • a clear sketch of the pattern is made;
  • decorative elements are cut;
  • glass blanks are folded into a single pattern;
  • then placed in a fusing oven.
Photo of modern stained glass windows
Photo of modern stained glass windows


The most complex, aristocratic style, with characteristic picturesque landscapes. The paintings look realistic through the use of elements of a peculiar configuration, with a convex and concave surface. These are handmade works that are genuine works of art. A more creative approach is used to produce highly aesthetic paintings:

  • a sketch is being developed;
  • the picture is divided into several main fragments;
  • cut out individual elements;
  • each part goes through a turning process where it is immediately given the desired shape and size;
  • all pieces are skillfully wrapped with copper tape;
  • used to connect themlead-tin solder.

Photos of modern stained-glass windows made in this style are illustrated in our article.

Stained glass as contemporary exhibition art
Stained glass as contemporary exhibition art


Flooded modern stained-glass windows are considered a real imitation of the old Tiffany mosaic. Their execution requires artistic talent and professionalism. In appearance, the technique sometimes resembles painting on glass. Its distinguishing feature is the presence of relief outlines made of polymer material. Paintings are made as follows:

  • drawing is developed on a computer with markings of colors and sizes;
  • cleaning and degreasing of the surface;
  • sketch is placed under the glass base;
  • a pattern is applied using polymer paint;
  • after drying, the fragments of the picture are filled with paint and then with varnish.
Stained glass - modern decorative art
Stained glass - modern decorative art


A matte ornament is applied to a colorless glass or mirror sheet. For this purpose, special devices have been developed that allow the release of a jet of compressed air in combination with quartz sand. This removes the surface layer from the glass. The master is expected to be able to work with the equipment, since this technique is quite difficult. Some solutions require double-sided finishing. Moreover, depending on the degree of application, the pictures come out very different. The final result depends on the depth and area of processing and the size of the sand grains. To create frosted stained-glass windows, a number of sequential techniques are carried out:

  • the drawing is carefully worked out, the necessary markings are made;
  • sample being created;
  • cut out all the main details;
  • then the stencil is fixed;
  • under high pressure the surface is matted with a jet;
  • The finished canvas is covered with a hydrophobic varnish.

Design Tips

In addition to the stained glass windows described above, there are several more types of new technologies. These include: film, painted, frosted, faceted, combined, stained glass 3D, cast, collages and photo printing. Some of them are budget options and look pretty good. Everyone can choose a decoration that suits their personal tastes and abilities. In this case, it would be nice to use the recommendations of professional designers.

Classic options can be used as a window opening, original partition or screen.

Calmness and comfort bring pastel colors and smooth contours of Art Nouveau. They are beneficial in that they can be combined with different interior styles.

Gothic look expands the space visually and fills the room with bright colors. These are stained-glass windows with elongated shapes that create the illusion of a flying pattern.

The options for using modern stained glass windows are wide. You need to remember just a few design tricks. The main condition by which an artistic element is selected is the harmony of colors. If the picture is notcombined with the rest of the objects in the room, it will not fulfill its role and will have a negative impact on the psyche.

You should not place bulky furniture and other bulky items on the same area with stained-glass windows.


By using stained-glass windows as a decorative element in modern interiors, experienced designers are flexible and create a unique atmosphere in the room. Using the services of professionals, you can bring notes of antiquity and a certain charm of mystery and harmony into your home. Undoubtedly, such a decision will not come cheap. However, the work of skilled authors is worth it. To create stained-glass windows, in addition to the mental flight and talent of the artist, certain skills of craftsmanship are also required. As a rule, the process of making glass paintings is accompanied by complexity and painstaking hard work.
