Apartment design: laying strip parquet

Apartment design: laying strip parquet
Apartment design: laying strip parquet

One of the oldest floor coverings, which has served man for thirty centuries, is parquet. For the first time this word appeared in France, and then it became known in Europe. It was in France that they began to make mosaic and panel floors from wood. Russia began to actively use it only in the eighteenth century.

strip parquet installation
strip parquet installation

The well-known oak mosaic floor appeared on the floors of Russian palaces as early as the sixteenth century. Even then, the laying of piece parquet was carried out in a herringbone pattern. This laying technology was called "skewed". The basis of the parquet in those days were roughly sawn pine boards. In the seventeenth century, parquet slabs were laid on a lime base using the “oak brick” method, and the joints between the “bricks” were smeared with resin or the same lime.

The true flourishing technology of laying piece parquet in Russia received in the eighteenth century. The construction of palaces and cathedrals in the new capital required fresh interior design ideas. In the first half of the eighteenth century, the Russian Baroque style in parquet art flourished in Russia. In those days, this coating was a shield and was attached topine base, which was covered with a sheet of plywood with drawings from various woods. Such shields were laid in a block lattice - this gave the structure additional strength.

options for laying strip parquet
options for laying strip parquet

Using expensive types of wood from Russian forests, parquet masters simultaneously used more exotic types of wood - red sandalwood, lemon, tobacco, orange, satin and elm satin. With such an incredible combination and skill of Russian masters, laying piece parquet has turned into an art.

Today, among the many existing types of parquet, piece parquet is still very popular. If you decide to lay it, you need to think through all the details before purchasing it in order to determine the exact amount of material and characteristics that it should have. For example, if you walk on this floor in shoes with heels, then look for a picture of a woman's shoe on the package - this type of coating can withstand heavy loads.

block parquet laying technology
block parquet laying technology

Parquet is not only a symbol of luxury. First of all, it is a reliable and environmentally friendly coating. A variety of types of wood and options for laying piece parquet allow you to perform absolutely any composition on the floor. As practice shows, this is the most durable coating. Block parquet is laid from individual planks of hardwood: ash, oak, beech, maple, walnut, cherry, etc. It should be noted that this is the most expensive type of flooring, butdo not forget that it is also the most reliable and functional.

True parquet masters most often belong to entire dynasties. Here, the secrets and subtleties of craftsmanship are passed on from grandfather to father, from father to son, etc. Not a single textbook will give complete information about the secrets of this most interesting profession, and besides, work experience here means a lot.

Laying piece parquet is an art, and art requires a creator. Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to find such a specialist. Most likely, friends who have worked with such a professional will help you.
