The Siberian greenhouse is not a simple greenhouse, but a real complex structure that should help grow crops in a harsh climate with short daylight hours and low temperatures not only at night, but sometimes even during the day. It is important to take into account each element of the greenhouse, only then you will be able to create an effective house for growing plants.
Features of foundation construction

The stronger the foundation, the better. Therefore, some make it not just traditional, but use secret tricks, for example, add empty glass bottles to the foundation. The air in the container will act as a heat insulator, in addition, this will save on the cement component. In order for the Siberian greenhouse to be installed on such a foundation, you must first prepare the bottles, wash them and dry them.

Next, you can start digging a pit, the depth of which should be 1 m. Then along the walls of the pitstack the bottles in 5 layers, pouring them with soil. After that, you can begin work that involves the initial preparation of mortar and bricks, which will be laid on top of the bottles. It is necessary to lay out a couple of rows of bricks. The next step is to install a wood strap, for which a beam should be used.
Wall installation

Siberian greenhouse will not provide the required amount of heat if its walls are made from a single layer of polycarbonate. For this purpose, it is necessary to use covering material in two layers, leaving about four centimeters of space between them. It is necessary to use 12 mm polycarbonate in the work. Covering should not be overlapped. A connecting profile is to be applied, fixing the material in the grooves. An alternative solution for walls can be high-density polyethylene. It should also be fixed with an air gap, into which air should be blown in during the operation of the greenhouse by installing a snail-fan. In order to eliminate holes in the walls, the film is initially reinforced with special clips.

Siberian greenhouse must be heated. In order for the heating system to be rational, a boiler can be used. In terms of power, heating should be twice as much as what is in the house. You can use cable infrared, as well as gas heaters. The system will not be so expensivesolar air conditioning, which involves heating water during the day due to the energy of the sun, while at night the heat will flow into the greenhouse space.
Recessed construction of a Siberian greenhouse

Siberian greenhouse can be buried. To equip such a greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare a pit, the depth of which should be equal to two meters. After that, you can proceed to the thermal insulation of the soil. Another important point: instead of foam concrete for the base of the walls, it is preferable to use adobe blocks with a solution, but you can protect their surface from moisture by covering them with polymer mastic. However, before that, they have to dry well. In order to achieve good thermal insulation characteristics of the greenhouse, it must be insulated from the inside using foam, which is previously protected by wrapping in polyethylene. This will save it from the destructive effects of moisture and soil. Such Siberian greenhouses are very warm. Polycarbonate in such greenhouses is used for the roof.
In addition to the above, it should be noted another nuance: around the perimeter, the foundation must be sprinkled with sand, it will act as an additional protection against water and cold. In order to exclude the phenomenon of soil freezing in the greenhouse, it is necessary to remove 1.5 m of soil from it and lay loose compost before winter. If there is such an opportunity, then metal-plastic pipes should be laid 30 cm into the soil, which will be heated from the boiler. However, the boiler itself should not stand in the greenhouse;prepare an additional insulated room. As a fluid for installation, you need to choose something non-freezing, for example, antifreeze.
A buried Siberian greenhouse must have a vestibule. It and the roof of the greenhouse, as described above, can be made of two layers of polycarbonate.
Electric heated greenhouse
In order to make such a greenhouse, it is necessary to equip the foundation using wooden sleepers, which can be replaced with large bars. It is necessary to lay the foundation 1 m deep. The internal surfaces of the structure are to be sheathed with DSP. Sawdust should be laid in a layer of 0.5 m, then electric heating mats. The next layer will be 10 cm of lake sand, and then a chain-link mesh. Then comes the turn of the burlap, on which the soil is poured. After you make the walls according to the same principle as described above, the assembly of the greenhouse will be completed, a Siberian structure of this type will protect plants even in severe frosts.
You may not be engaged in the manufacture of such structures yourself, as they are sold in a wide range on the market of relevant materials. Such systems for growing plants are already equipped with everything you need to install a greenhouse on your site. The Siberian greenhouse "Autointellect" will allow growing crops all winter in the most severe external conditions.