Varieties of tomatoes: description and photo

Varieties of tomatoes: description and photo
Varieties of tomatoes: description and photo

Tomatoes are the most sought-after vegetables on our table. To date, a huge variety of their varieties and hybrids has been bred, so there is plenty to choose from according to your taste. What varieties of tomato are best for growing in the open field and greenhouse, read the article.

Variety tomatoes
Variety tomatoes

Crop tomatoes and their features

Many vegetable growers believe that varieties of tomatoes with high fruiting are more demanding on watering, fertilizing and growing conditions. But it is not so. To date, breeders have bred many productive, and at the same time unpretentious varieties in cultivation. There are a lot of fruits on such bushes, they all ripen at about the same time, so they need more food and water. But this has nothing to do with the increase in the frequency of watering and fertilizing. Care and terms of procedures in the usual mode. Only when watering productive varieties of tomato, the hose should be kept above the bush longer, and more fertilizer should be applied, that's the whole trick.

It is important to know that only early and medium varieties of tomatoes ripen in any regions of our country. If tomatoes are characterized by high yield,but late ripening, they will not have time to keep up before the onset of autumn frosts. When choosing varieties of tomatoes with high fruiting, you need to focus on the following indicators:

  • flowering period is short;
  • tolerance to autumn and spring frosts is good;
  • processing of vegetables to prevent diseases of the species - carried out;
  • growing - outdoors;
  • tomatoes should belong to the group of varieties specially bred for the regions of Russia, as well as hybrids of foreign selection, acclimatized to our weather conditions.

Below are some varieties of ground tomato and hybrids with high yields.

Harvest varieties of tomato
Harvest varieties of tomato


This is an early maturing hybrid bred for outdoor cultivation. The fruits are rounded and deep red in color. Ripens 75 days after planting. The average weight of one tomato is 150 g. Powerful bushes have a small height (45 cm) and many leaves. The plant does not need a garter, as it has thick stems that can withstand the weight of the fruit. But you need to pinch to get rid of numerous stepchildren. If you make rooting of lateral shoots that take root quickly, you can additionally get a certain amount of fruit. They will ripen two weeks later.


Today, many varieties of tomatoes for open ground have been bred. One of them is the mid-season tomato Gift. This variety is intended for growing in warm climates, in the south. But it is grownin other regions where they get no less high yields. The culture is unpretentious. It is enough to water the plant regularly and feed it several times during the growing season. The shape of the fruits resembles a flattened ball, they are bright, red, and taste good.

Wild Rose

This tomato belongs to the early ripe varieties of tomatoes (see photo below) and is considered the most unpretentious. It grows well in the absence of regular watering and changing weather. This variety is for busy people who do agricultural work on weekends. The size of the fruit is medium, the shape is round, the color is pink. The pulp is sweet, juicy, aromatic. Each bush produces six kilograms of fruit.

Tomato varieties photo
Tomato varieties photo


This is a very early hybrid. The bushes are tall, although the plant is determinate. To increase productivity, leave a few stems - one or two. The plant needs a garter. The hybrid has a high yield, as the ovaries are formed often, at a distance of two sheets. Each brush has eight fruits, the average weight of each is 200 g. Tomatoes are round, tapering downwards. The pulp is distinguished by juiciness, aroma and excellent taste. If you provide good care, you can collect 12 kg of tomatoes from each bush.


The variety belongs to the best varieties of tomato in terms of yield. Tomatoes are intended for cultivation in any regions of our country, they are indifferent to the composition of the soil, give high yields, growing on any soil. There will be no trouble with these tomatoes: theytolerate drought well, do not respond to temperature changes, are not afraid of viruses and diseases. Their round, red-orange fruits are very palatable.

Tomato varieties description
Tomato varieties description


Of all varieties of tomatoes for open ground with high yields, it has the largest fruits, each weighing up to one kilogram. Hence the name. This is an indeterminate plant, the bush grows up to 1.5 m, 10 fruits are formed on it. Pudovik tomatoes are medium early, the crop can be harvested 115 days after planting the plants in the ground, for the cultivation of which any regions of Russia, including the northern ones, are suitable. The area of growth does not affect the yield. From a plot area of one square meter, you can collect 17 kg of tomatoes and even more.

Sweet varieties of tomatoes: description

Currently, varieties and hybrids of tomatoes are bred in large numbers: six thousand, and ¼ of them are in Russia. Fruits have different weight, color, shape and taste. But there are about 100 varieties of tomatoes with high sugar content all over the world. Sweet tomatoes are considered the most elite. Below are some of their representatives.

Pink honey

These tomatoes have a salad purpose, they are large-fruited mid-season varieties. The fruits are oval, pink in color and thin-skinned. Of all the varieties of tomatoes with sugary pulp, these tomatoes are the best, so they are often grown by vegetable growers. The main value of the variety is the taste. The fruits are sweet, without sourness, including around the seeds. Besides,tomatoes have a high yield, they are also harvested from the lower bunches.

Fruits are quite large, their average weight reaches 600 g. This is a determinant variety, plant growth is limited in height (80 cm). If the plants are grown in a greenhouse, their size increases to 1.5 m. However, the growth of the bush does not affect the fruiting, weight, quality and taste of the fruits.

The best varieties of tomato
The best varieties of tomato

Golden Koenigsberg

When it comes to sweet yellow outdoor tomatoes, this one is the best. The fruits have a very juicy, fleshy pulp, they are sweet and tasty. Ripe in medium time. Growing in a greenhouse, the height of the bush reaches one and a half meters, in open ground - half as much. The fruits have an unusual color for a tomato due to carotene, the content of which is high. Their shape is elongated, weight - 300 g, yield - five ovaries in one brush. Tomatoes are consumed fresh and canned. They remain unprocessed for a long time due to the dense structure of the fruit.

Tsar Bell

This is a medium ripening salad tomato variety. The fruits are high in sugar. When cut open, they resemble the flesh of a watermelon. The tomatoes are large, their weight reaches 600 g. The bushes are tall, up to one meter, they require garters and the formation of a bush. The fruits are heart-shaped, elongated, red, three or four copies per brush. The variety is resistant to adverse weather and care errors, even in such conditions the yield does not fall, and the taste does not deteriorate.

Tall outdoor tomatoes

These are indeterminate plants,reaching a height of three and a half meters. To obtain a high yield, you need a high-quality garter and the formation of a bush. Tall outdoor tomatoes have the following benefits:

  • they do not need a lot of space, resulting in savings in land area;
  • have a high yield: one plant forms 20-40 clusters with fruits;
  • due to high growth get a lot of light and air;
  • leaves on the stem are located high, which excludes their contact with the ground surface, as a result of which the plants are protected from late blight;
  • long fruiting period: until frost;
  • no difficulty during care.

Below is a description of some varieties and hybrids of tall tomatoes.


The plant is indeterminate, reaches a height of 1-2 m. The fruits ripen late, 120 days after planting, there are from 7 to 10 pieces in a brush. The tomato is heart shaped and has a delicate, crimson color. Fruit weight - 250-500 g. They taste sweet, with a slight sourness. On a tall stem, foliage growth occurs gradually. The yield is good, eight kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from a plot of one square meter.

This variety is liked by vegetable growers, as its seeds have good germination, frost-resistant plants, large fruits, their taste is bright. When growing this crop, it should be noted that the bushes need to be tied up before other varieties. If this is not done in time, the branches will break off under the weight of the fruit.

Varieties of tomatoes for open ground
Varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Honey Spas

Refers to indeterminate plants, the height of which reaches two meters. Heart-shaped fruits ripen late. They are sweet, with a rich taste and a yellow-orange color. They are the leader in terms of sugar content. The mass of fruits is 150-230 g. The average yield is six kilograms of tomatoes per bush. The advantages of breeding this variety of tomatoes is the long-term storage of fruits (until winter) without changing the taste. They are well transported, keeping their presentation, resistant to adverse environmental influences: heat, drought, temperature changes.

Pink Elephant

This is a semi-determinate plant, reaching a height of one and a half meters. It ripens in medium terms, 115 days after planting. The fruits are spherical, slightly flattened. They are sweet in taste and large in weight. One tomato can weigh from 300 g to one kilogram. The yield is not very high: four kilograms per square meter of land. Considered a delicacy, these tomatoes are grown by those who enjoy their taste.

Small outdoor tomatoes

This culture belongs to the determinant species. As soon as the plant forms five brushes, its growth ends. The appearance of the first of them occurs after the formation of the seventh sheet in a row. The previous brush is laid every two. The advantage of such plants is that they give their harvest in full and early. For their cultivation, open ground and greenhouses are suitable. Examples of undersizedTomato varieties are listed below.

Crimson Giant

This is a high-yielding hybrid with large fruits, their weight is 700 g each. One brush forms up to six fruits, they are formed every three leaves. Tomatoes ripen early, have a pleasant taste and aroma. The fruits are pink in color, but they are not aligned, each instance has its own shape, up to a flattened top and sides. If you provide good care, you can collect 15 kg of tomatoes from the bush. The fruits ripen four months after planting, have increased resistance to diseases of the species.

Varieties of tomatoes for soil
Varieties of tomatoes for soil

Rio de Grande

Culture is considered universal. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and various kinds of processing. They are preserved, marinated, s alted. They make pasta and salads. Bushes are undersized, only 60 cm in height. The fruits are cream-shaped, flattened and not very large, but tasty and sweet. Tomato weight - 125 g.


A variety of Dutch selection with an average ripening period. Fruits in the form of cream reach full ripeness for a long time. The average weight of a tomato is 80-110 g. Each bunch forms 20 fruits that housewives use for harvesting.

Tomatoes for greenhouses: the best varieties

To get an early harvest and extend the fruiting period, tomatoes are grown in greenhouses with a film and glass cover. With this cultivation, tomatoes must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to air temperature changes;
  • quickly formfruits;
  • to ripen early;
  • well transported;
  • give high yields;
  • be highly immune.

Depending on the coverage, the type of plants is chosen: determinant varieties are grown in film greenhouses, and indeterminate varieties in glass greenhouses.

Beautiful lady F 1

This is a hybrid of domestic selection. It has increased resistance to adverse conditions. Forms ovaries even when the temperature drops or rises a lot and it will be very hot. The fruits ripen simultaneously and early, 95 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Planting density of bushes - three copies per square meter. The fruits are formed by brushes, each with five to seven pieces. They are all rounded, aligned. Their flesh has a dense texture and a pleasant taste. The hybrid is immune to dangerous diseases of the species. The yield is good - five kilograms of tomatoes per bush.

Tomatoes for greenhouses the best varieties
Tomatoes for greenhouses the best varieties

Lelya F 1

This is an early ripening tomato. The harvest is formed together, as the brushes are laid often: the first three - through one or two leaves, and the next - opposite each. This type of arrangement of leaves is called "serpentine". In the brush, seven to nine fruits of intense red color are formed. Their weight is 150 g, the taste is sweet with sourness. The hybrid is immune to diseases of the species. The yield is not bad: five kilograms of tomatoes ripen on one bush.

Pink Elephant

The color of the tomatoes corresponds to the name. The bush is powerful with leaves unusual for the species: they resemblepotato. Large, flat-round fruits with an average weight of up to 300 g are formed on the stems, although some vegetable growers grow tomatoes weighing up to one kilogram. The taste of these fruits is better than other greenhouse tomato varieties. It has a general resistance to diseases.

Mikado pink

Popular with gardeners due to its pink fruit color and great taste. This plant is powerful, the harvest forms early. Already on the 96th day, the fruits can be harvested. Up to 12-15 fruits of a fairly large size are formed on a bush. Their mass reaches 250-300 g, sometimes - 900. The pulp is incredibly juicy and tasty. Tomatoes are used for making salads, juices, they are consumed fresh. The disadvantage of the variety is the cracking of the fruit if the soil moisture changes dramatically.
