Not every person has enough financial resources to hire a team of workers and even more expensive contractor who will do all the necessary work. Therefore, when repairing an apartment, its owner has to do everything himself. In such an undertaking, the key to success will be great experience, certain knowledge in the field of construction and, most importantly, high-quality multifunctional manual locksmith tools. It is important to know that the level of complexity of the operation performed depends on which professional kit you need to use.

If you have a good tool, you can perform absolutely any operation as quickly and efficiently as possible. To make the right choice of hand tools, it is not enough to know only the approximate appearance, name and manufacturer.
Types of bench tools
Beginning to get acquainted with the tools, you must first understand their types. There are generally accepted four groups in which certain devices are combined. This classification must be known exactly, since for specific work it will be necessary to first take measurements, and then markup, and only then “cut off”. So, let's study locksmith tools in more detail.
Group names:
1 group - measuring instruments.
2 group - marking tools.
3 group - general purpose fixtures.
4 group - bench and assembly tool.

Hand Tool Selection Criteria
First you need to figure out what can be done with this or that tool. Simply put, you should thoroughly explore all of its available features. Then you need to clarify what the maximum load this device is designed for.
Most skilled craftsmen and less experienced workers make extensive use of professional locksmith tools. But in their arsenal, in addition to modern electric, pneumatic and gasoline devices, there are also hand-held devices. In addition, their assortment does not decrease at all and even steadily expands, which once again confirms the popularity of this category of tools. When buying, you should pay attention, first of all, to those devices that are the most familiar and familiar to an ordinary person. As a rule, no work can be done without them. What are locksmith tools, read below.
Variety of screwdrivers
So traditional and familiar to everyone, the screwdriver can be safely considered the most used tool. Any repair and installation work without it is almost impossible to perform. The range of these tools is currently very wide. The industrial production of screwdrivers has changed significantly in recent years. With the ability to select the desired type, any job can be done much faster and easier.
Locksmith tools include several types of screwdrivers that differ in blade type, size and diameter:
- flat (slotted);
- cruciform;
- specialized - used when working with slots of increased complexity.

One of the most important tools is the ruler. It is a mandatory attribute that completes locksmith tools. Its price varies from 100 rubles and more, depending on the size and material used in the manufacture. The highest quality are metal rulers. It is worth noting that such models have the most accurate division scale.
The following tools can also be classified as measuring instruments:
- probe - a set of steel plates designed to determine the width;
- caliper is a ruler with movable rods, used to measure the outer, inner dimensions, as well as the depth of the hole;
- micrometer is designed for fine work, because withit can accurately measure the smallest distance;
- Goniometer is a professional device used by skilled workers.
Clamping tool
Locksmith tools such as pliers, vices, clamps, etc. are essential for any job, even the smallest. For example, if you need to pull out a nail or fasten an object, you can not do without clamping devices. This type of tool belongs to the general purpose group.

Varieties of saws
Every self-respecting craftsman should have at least a few different hand saws on hand. The following are most often used in practice:
- two-handled crosscut saws;
- bow saws;
- traditional hacksaws for wood and metal.

Metal scissors, files of different sizes must be present in a set of plumbing tools. These are manual cutting tools. However, for better work, a grinder, a drill, a puncher will come in handy. With their help, you can do quite complex manipulations in a relatively short time. For example, drill a hole to install a mount. This work can be done with a chisel, but it will take a lot of time and effort.
Such a familiar hammer
If we consider locksmith tools, no doubt, it is the hammer that is the most ancient of allcurrently known hand tools. Its purpose, design and principle of operation is well known to every person. A standard hammer consists of two parts: a massive impact part made of metal and a handle. The back of the percussion component is called the butt pad, and the front is called the striker. Hammers are designed for a wide variety of jobs, so the shape of the heads can be different, for example, rectangular or round.
The number of hand-held construction tools currently reaches more than two dozen. Among professional workers, kits from such brands as Matrix and Bosh (Germany), Force (Taiwan) are popular.