Atmospheric tillandsia: home care, plant description, reviews

Atmospheric tillandsia: home care, plant description, reviews
Atmospheric tillandsia: home care, plant description, reviews

Atmospheric Tillandsia is an attractive airy flower that is very popular with exotic lovers. And this is not surprising, because the tropical guest has an unpretentious character and original appearance. And if desired, even an inexperienced florist can grow it, the main thing is to adhere to the norms of agricultural technology.

spray bottle for water
spray bottle for water


Atmospheric tillandsia is a prominent representative of the numerous Bromeliad family. This perennial epiphytic plant parasitizes on trees and stones, clinging to them with its tenacious hook roots. It receives moisture and nutrients from the air, thanks to special scales on the leaves. You can meet Tillandsia in the wild in the tropical and subtropical forests of Argentina, Chile, Mexico, as well as in the southern states of the USA.

Unlike most exotic plants, many types of crops take root easily at home. The main thing is to choose a suitable place for the culture, and maintain high humidity inindoors.


tillandsia atmospheric breeding
tillandsia atmospheric breeding

There are many varieties of this plant. But at home, as a rule, these types of atmospheric tillandsia are grown:

  • Use-shaped, or flywheel. Atmospheric plant, devoid of roots, which clings to a support with thin tendrils. The length of the stems reaches only 15-20 cm. The narrow leaves of the awl-shaped culture are covered with thin whitish hairs. In the summer, modest yellow flowers appear on the tops of young shoots.
  • Silver. This tillandsia differs from other types in the thickened base of the rosette, resembling an onion. Thin and thread-like leaves of the variety in the sun are cast with silver, for which it received its name. Blooms with small red-blue buds.
  • Bootsy. The original variety, which resembles a tangled bundle of emerald wires. The leaves of the plant are heterogeneous: with thin tips, and expansion towards the base. The culture reaches up to 60 cm in height. It blooms in large tubular buds with a pinkish bract and purple petals. Unlike their "relatives", Tillandsia Bootsy releases babies even before flowering.
  • Andre. An ornamental variety with thin, curved back leaves, on which there is a gray or brown fluff. Reaches up to 25 cm in height.
  • Head of Medusa. This variety really looks like a mythological creature. It has swollen, and strongly twisted leaves resembling tentacles. The plant produces a flat, bright pink peduncle, on whichblue buds are formed.
  • Violet flower. This variety looks like exotic corals. The plant has small rosettes, reaching no more than 5 cm in height and width, and thin curved leaves. The most unpretentious species that clings to any support and survives in almost all conditions. In the summer, before flowering, the inner leaves of the culture acquire a bright pink color. Produces spiky blue-violet buds.

Each of these varieties will decorate the interior. But for this you need to create comfortable conditions for the plants.

Home care

Atmospheric tillandsia is a plant that has an unpretentious character. Nevertheless, in order for a tropical guest to please with her appearance, she needs care, which consists of regular watering and feeding, prevention of diseases and pests. In addition, it is important to provide the plant with a dormant period, and maintain a comfortable temperature, lighting and humidity in the room. And then the tillandsia will take root and quickly grow.


Atmospheric tillandsia is a thermophilic plant, but it does not tolerate heat. It is advisable to maintain the temperature in the room within + 20 … + 25 ° C from spring to autumn. From November to February, when the tropical beauty has a dormant period, it is better to move the plant to a cooler room with a temperature of +14…+18 °C.

atmospheric tillandsia plant
atmospheric tillandsia plant


The plant is shade-loving, but still needs sunlight for normal growth. Especiallyit is useful that the rays fall on the leaves of tillandsia in the morning and at sunset. Therefore, it is desirable to grow plants near the east or west window. In winter, when the sun is not too active, it is worth rearranging the culture closer to the south side. Better yet, provide Tillandsia with additional lighting with a phytolamp. In addition, a tropical guest can generally be grown under artificial lighting. But it should be borne in mind that daylight hours for her should last at least 14 hours.


Like most epiphytes, Tillandsia absorbs moisture from the atmosphere with its leaves. Therefore, when growing a tropical beauty, it is important to maintain high humidity in the room, and this figure should not fall below 75%. Of course, it is best to put a special device next to the flower - a humidifier. If it is not there, then every morning spray the foliage of the plant using a water spray bottle. At the same time, cover the peduncle with cellophane so that moisture does not get on it.

In winter, when the air in the apartment becomes drier due to the operation of central heating, it is much more difficult to maintain optimal humidity. And at this time, spraying alone will not work. Experienced growers are advised to purchase special florariums for Tillandsia for the winter. Others grow the crop in aquariums, vases, or flower displays.

If you do not have such devices, then try to spray the foliage of the crop several times a day using a water spray bottle. And also place water containers next to the plant, and cover the batteries with wettowels.

At any time of the year, do not forget that an exotic beauty needs fresh air. Therefore, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room. But since Tillandsia cannot stand drafts or extreme temperature changes, take it to another room during this procedure.

how to water
how to water


Most of the moisture the plant receives through spraying. But still 1-2 times a week, he needs more substantial hydration. How to water a plant? To do this, immerse it together with a support in a container of warm water and leave for 20-30 minutes so that it is saturated with life-giving moisture. And then wait until the excess liquid drains, and return the flower to its usual place

Before you water the plant, you should remember that it is better to use rain or melt water for irrigation. In extreme cases, you can use tap water, but before the procedure it must be filtered and defended for at least a day.

If you notice that the Tillandsia leaves have begun to curl along the vein, then immediately immerse the flower in a container of water. After all, this phenomenon is a sign of serious dehydration. In this case, hold the flower in water for 3-4 hours, and only then return it to its usual place.


Tillandsia responds well to fertilizers, but it is strictly forbidden to overfeed the flower. In addition, compounds containing nitrogen, copper, boron and zinc cannot be used for these purposes. Also, do not feed the tropical guest with universal preparations, any growth stimulants, andorganic matter in the form of infusions of grass, bird droppings and mullein.

What then to fertilize the culture? Give preference to dressings intended for bromeliads and orchids. But choose solutions that do not contain boron and copper, which are poisonous to tillandsia. And also keep in mind that you need to use only a quarter of the dose indicated on the package.

Fertilize from March to September directly into the rosette of the flower, combining top dressing with watering. Do this activity once every six weeks. Eliminate top dressing completely in winter.

Resting period

When caring for atmospheric tillandsia at home, we must not forget that the plant needs a dormant period. If you grow a tropical beauty near a window, then in winter it will come by itself. Indeed, during this period, the amount of light and heat decreases, and the tillandsia goes into hibernation. At this time, be aware of the extreme temperatures that the plant can withstand.

If you grow a crop in the back of the room, then provide it with additional illumination with a phytolamp.

undemanding plants
undemanding plants


As such, a Tillandsia transplant is not only not required, but also undesirable. Indeed, during the event, parts of the plant can be damaged, which will affect its he alth. Therefore, even if you do not like the support, and you want to replace it, then it is better not to transplant the culture, but wait until it releases the children. And already attach them to the new stand.


Atmospheric tillandsia blooms once in a lifetime, and this happens in two orthree year old plants. And after the formation of buds, the tropical guest spends all her strength on the formation of children, and she herself dies. Tillandsia bloom looks very exotic: the plant produces an ear, on which buds of bright color open one by one. Each of them does not last long, but the flowering itself can last several months. In addition, the ear looks very decorative, even after the last bud leaves. Therefore, it is not necessary to cut it, because over time it will die along with the mother plant.

Tillandsia care during and after flowering is the same as usual. It is necessary, as before, to regularly spray and water the flower so that it grows children. Each specimen produces from 3 to 8 lateral shoots, thanks to which you can create a large collection of these exotic plants.

tillandsia transplant
tillandsia transplant


If you wish, you can grow a large collection of these amazing plants. Moreover, even a beginner can cope with the task. First, prepare all the necessary materials.

Plants do not need soil, most often they are attached to bars, snags or felt. When creating a composition with a flower, remember that it is strictly forbidden to use materials treated with varnish, paint or chemicals. After all, from contact with them, the plant will quickly die. An ideal option would be a piece of natural tree bark, a fragment of a root or branch, as well as a small wicker basket. If you plan to hang the stand on the wall, then first make a hole in it, andthread the wire.

Start breeding atmospheric tillandsia when the kids grow up to 5-6 cm in diameter. How to run the event:

  1. Cut off the babies with a sharp knife from the mother plant, and be sure to treat the cuts with crushed charcoal.
  2. Press the Tillandsia against the support with the root neck, spine inward. It is advisable to place a little sphagnum moss or coconut fibers between the plant and the stand. This will make it easier for the tillandsia to cling to the support.
  3. Gently secure the plant to the stand using soft elastic string or sheathed wire. To make the composition look spectacular, match the threads to the color of the support or tropical beauty.
  4. Spray the plant with warm water from a spray bottle, then hang or set in a permanent place.

Give regular care to young crops going forward.

Growing problems

If you provide proper care for atmospheric tillandsia at home, then there will be no problems with it. But if you regularly violate the norms of agricultural technology, then the tropical guest begins to act up. Most often, flower growers face such problems:

  • The leaves of the plant are twisted, the tips have dried up and turned yellow. A lack of watering, too dry indoor air, or the use of hard water leads to a similar phenomenon. Normalize irrigation and remember to spray the crop more often and it will recover quickly.
  • Tillandsia does not release buds. The plant may refuse to bloom if it lacks light and heat. Move culture elsewherewith more suitable conditions, and if necessary, arrange additional lighting with a phytolamp.
  • The socket base is rotten. Excessive watering, or excess fertilizer, leads to a similar phenomenon. In addition, contact with contaminated material can cause rotting. To save the plant, change the support immediately. If there are children, then attach them to other coasters. In no case do not use fungicides to treat the bark, because they will be absorbed into the material and will gradually poison the flower. If you want to disinfect the support, then pour boiling water over it or dry it in the oven.

Diseases and pests

With proper care, this unpretentious plant practically does not get sick. And in rare cases, it is affected by leaf spot. This fungal disease can be recognized by the fact that blisters appear on the plant. Over time, they grow and turn into brown spots. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to cure the diseased Tillandsia, and the plant will have to be destroyed.

Of the pests, the tropical beauty is often attacked by scale insects. These waxy-shelled parasites attach themselves to the leaves of the crop and take away its juices. It is forbidden to fight pests with any insecticides, because the preparations contain a lot of substances that are poisonous to the plant. Therefore, insects will have to be destroyed mechanically. Carefully remove the parasites with a wooden spoon or spatula, then wash each leaf with soapy water.

tillandsia atmospheric species
tillandsia atmospheric species


Atmospheric tillandsia is becoming more and more popular withdomestic florists. And users leave positive feedback about it. They note that the plant is unpretentious, and does not cause much trouble. In addition, it looks very impressive and original, and becomes a living decoration of any interior. Of the shortcomings, only exactingness to high humidity is distinguished. But this problem can be solved in simple and affordable ways.

Properly care for the atmospheric tillandsia at home, and it will surely thank you for its fast growth and attractive appearance. To do this, adhere to the basic rules for growing this crop, and clearly follow the necessary agrotechnical measures.
