Natural gas consumers who do not have an individual gas consumption meter often face a dilemma: to install a meter or not. The choice is not easy. The fact is that if you do not install a meter, you can spend natural gas in unlimited quantities, but pay "like everyone else." Based on the fact that when cooking you use not only a gas stove, but also all kinds of electrical appliances (slow cooker, double boiler, microwave, toaster), you definitely overpay. In order not to pay more, it is necessary to install a gas meter. Residents who have equipped their apartments with individual meters pay utility bills at lower rates than those who do not.

Purpose of the gas meter
The appearance of gas meters is very similar to the water meter. But everythingthey are different and perform different functions. A gas meter is a special device that determines the amount of gas consumed by a specific user. Installation of a gas meter in an apartment should be carried out only by qualified specialists, as this equipment is labeled "especially dangerous".

If you decide to equip your home in this way, you must apply in writing to MOSGAZ. Within the specified time, specialists will contact you and go to the place. Having studied the technical condition of the gas pipeline, the technical feasibility of installation, following the project of the external gas pipeline, specialists, if necessary, will perform a sketch of the internal gas pipeline. It should be remembered that the installation of a gas meter is at the expense of the customer; specialists perform a sketch of an intra-house gas pipeline for free. After analyzing the amount of equipment required for installation, gas service workers will draw up design and estimate documentation, provide a current account to which money should be transferred. Only after that you will find out how much it costs to install a gas meter. Next, you need to conclude a contract on the basis of which the installation will be performed. After payment through a bank branch, within ten days, a gas meter will be installed. You do not need to buy a gas meter and additional devices. The installers will have all the necessary equipment available, based on the project documentation.
How the gas meter is installed
Before installing thisthe installers check the tightness of the device, be sure to blow the meter with a special device (to avoid an explosion), take a gas sample and seal it. Next, an act is drawn up in which the specialist enters data: the type of the meter, its identification number, takes a reading on the device (it is not equal to zero, because the meter has been purged). When the installation of the gas meter is completed, you will be issued a warranty card.

If over time you find a gas leak or other breakdown, you need to contact the gas service. Replacement of equipment is possible only by a qualified specialist. He is responsible for his work, up to criminal responsibility. After the breakdown is repaired, the specialist must mark the date of the breakdown in the passport and indicate the date of the next check.
Having installed a gas meter once, after the first month of payment, you will notice a noticeable difference. You will not overpay, but save money on more important purchases.