Getting a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries was considered almost impossible, equated with miracles. However, Rudolf Boysen in 1923 managed to carry out this successful experiment. At that moment, the experimenter did not attach much importance to this, but W alter Knott and his wife came to grips with the distribution and cultivation of amazing berries.
Variety Benefits
Boysenberry has a number of positive characteristics that give it significant advantages over other berries. Compared to blackberries, it has larger, softer and sweeter fruits. Unlike raspberries, it has a richer flavor. The dark cherry color and incomparable raspberry-blackberry aroma attracts attention. Boysenberry, the photo of which can be seen in this article, has the properties of rejuvenating berries.
Features of care and cultivation
Boysenberry is grown in the same way as its predecessors - raspberries and blackberries. However, there are some features. For example, it has a very high drought tolerance.
In our countryit is unlikely to meet this plant, and in California, which is its homeland, it is not often found. This is primarily explained by the fact that the boysenberry, a hybrid, is very inconvenient for picking berries. Not only is the shrub densely leafy, it is also very prickly. The harvest ripens very unevenly, this period can last from August until the first frosts.

Boysenberry is highly resistant to frost and has a high yield. One adult bush can produce about eight kilograms of fruit per season.
He alth Benefits of Boysenberry
Still, this amazing plant has a lot of useful properties, thanks to which it is still worth settling on your site. The calorie content in berries is not that high, but they contain a large amount of vitamins and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.).

Due to its high fiber content, boysenberry has a very beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. With its help, you can carry out the prevention of constipation, improve vision, increase immunity. Also, when eating berries, hair, nails and bones are strengthened.
Boysenberry helps keep you young
As you know, our body ages due to the oxidative processes occurring in it. With age, there is less oxygen in the body, and more free radicals, because of this, immunity decreases, and the bodygradually aging. Antioxidants help prevent this process. Almost every fruit has these properties, but scientists gave the advantage to blackcurrant and boysenberry.
With regular use of these fruits, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, Alzheimer's disease is significantly reduced.
The seeds of these berries have a high content of oil, rich in vitamin E, C and amino acids, ellagic acid. It is vitamin E that is considered to be the vitamin of youth.

Boysenberry oil has found wide application in cosmetology. It can be found in creams, creams, lotions. It helps to moisturize the skin, restore its elasticity, and prevent premature aging. In addition, such a tool will have antioxidant properties, will increase skin elasticity.
Berries officially have no contraindications for use, but some people may have an individual intolerance to this product. If a person suffers from a food allergy, it is better to consult in advance if he has a reaction to this berry as well.

Boysenberry is now widely used in cooking. Not only excellent jams, juices are prepared from it, but even the most aromatic wine is made. It is also suitable for making cocktails, compotes or just for freezing. By the way, if you freeze the berries, you can serve them as a natural dessert at any time of the year. This is especially good in winter and spring, when the body lacks vitamins, and the immune system is weakened. A delicious treat will help make this period easier.