The best remedy for cockroaches in the apartment: reviews, name, description

The best remedy for cockroaches in the apartment: reviews, name, description
The best remedy for cockroaches in the apartment: reviews, name, description

According to reviews, the best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment is hard to find. It is almost impossible to get rid of such a neighborhood if you use only one drug. Pests will again and again enter the apartment through cracks.

How to choose a product

Many are interested in the question of how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment (the means will be described in the article), while doing everything correctly and efficiently. The stores offer drugs that will help to cope with such a problem. They are easy to use and quite effective. This applies to both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Before choosing the best cockroach remedies in the apartment, reviews of which are contradictory, you need to consider different factors:

  1. Price. Until now, many have a stereotype that the more expensive the drug, the more effective it will be. But even cheap options are no less quality. For example, the price of domestic funds is 2-3 times less than that of imported ones.
  2. Recommended to read reviews about the remedy for cockroaches in the apartment. So you can learn about efficiency.
  3. How to use. It must be remembered that when choosing a remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, the simplest to use will make it easier to handle the treatment of the room.
  4. Safety. It is necessary to choose a drug that is non-toxic to humans and animals.
  5. Duration of exposure. Some work immediately (like sprays), while others take several days (traps and gels).

Cockroach spray

Aerosols are the best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, which customer reviews only confirm. The drugs work as follows: the spray sprays the active compounds, and the insects then inhale them, as a result of which they die.

Sprays work immediately and are easy to use. As for the aroma, some do not have it, while others can be strong.

For humans and pets, sprays are both safe and toxic. In the latter case, it will take several hours after treatment to ventilate the room.

Aerosols are best used in areas where there are a lot of pests. They will act instantly. After processing, be sure to do a general cleaning.

The best means of fighting cockroaches in an apartment, which are sold in the form of aerosols, are Raptor, Raid, Tetrix, Combat, Get.


According to reviews, gels are also among the best remedies for cockroaches in an apartment. They have insecticidalproperties. They are inexpensive, and the amount of the drug is enough to deal with cockroaches in the entire apartment.

Another advantage is that it is convenient and easy to use. It is enough just to apply the substance on the surface where cockroaches most often run. Such drugs are considered effective, since there is a high probability of active compounds entering the digestive tract of individuals.

The action of the drugs is long. Although after a couple of months it is best to repeat the processing of the apartment again. In addition, the gels are practically non-toxic to humans and do not have pungent odors.

The only negative is that the effect of the drug does not come immediately, you have to wait a few hours until the cockroaches get poisoned and die. Usually on the second day, most of the individuals die.

Gels are best used when infestation is low and insects are present in low numbers.

Also, these preparations are great for prophylactic treatment to prevent the spread of parasites. The gel must be left in hard-to-reach places where cockroaches can walk around.

Popular drugs that have this form of release are Combat, Fa, Dohlox, Globol.

Dusts and crayons

A safe and good remedy for cockroaches in an apartment is dusty. They are in powder form. These are the most popular drugs because of their cheapness, ease of use.

Usually powders are used if you need to get rid of cockroaches in sewers and other areas -it is enough just to scatter the substance. But powders are considered less effective than gels.

As for crayons (pencils), they are a hard kind of dust. It is convenient to use them - it is enough to apply horizontal continuous lines indoors on various surfaces. The principle of action is similar to the gel: individuals are poisoned and die.

The most famous drug is the "Mashenka" pencil.

The most popular store-bought cockroach remedies

It is difficult to choose the best remedy for cockroaches in the apartment. Below is a list of the most popular, proven and effective options (some of them are mentioned above). These are the most popular cockroach remedies you can find in stores.


Preparation Global
Preparation Global

It has a pasty form. The manufacturer is a German company. The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. This substance differs in that it poisons a large colony of individuals, but at the same time they do not develop addiction. It is enough just to leave balls from this paste in places where there are most insects. The action will begin in a few hours, and the nest can be completely destroyed in a week.


Regent from cockroaches
Regent from cockroaches

Initially, the tool was used to combat Colorado potato beetles, but it also had a detrimental effect on cockroaches. The main active ingredient is finpronil. This is a contact and food poison of the second type. The substance is toxic. You can buy "Regent" in the form of powder, capsules and ampoules. All these forms of release differ only in the concentration of the active ingredient. Another advantage is that there is no smell at all.


Means Get
Means Get

The main component is also chlorpyrifos. The drug has a barrier effect, so that after the destruction of the colony, new individuals will not appear in the room. There is no aroma, the effect on parasites is contact. It is enough for the specimen to walk on the surface where the solution is located.


Dohlox from cockroaches
Dohlox from cockroaches

The main active ingredient is finpronil. The substance is toxic and belongs to the fourth group of toxic compounds. It is forbidden to use it in rooms with food, but otherwise it is safe for humans and animals. The action of "Dohloks" occurs quickly. The only negative is that individuals gradually develop addiction.


Chalk Mashenka
Chalk Mashenka

This drug is popular due to its cheapness and ease of use. But it doesn't have a strong effect. The active ingredients are zetacypermethrin and deltamethrin. Sold in chalk. You will have to draw lines for them every day for 10 days. For humans, the product is non-toxic.


Dichlorvos from parasites
Dichlorvos from parasites

Belongs to the third group of toxic compounds. The active ingredients are permethrin and tetramethrin. It is necessary to spray the drug over individuals. Valid notonly against cockroaches, but also their larvae. The downside of this tool is a pungent aroma, but it quickly disappears. Another disadvantage is that parasites are gradually becoming addicted to Dichlorvos.


Reid drug
Reid drug

The main active ingredients are piperol nibutoxide and tetramethrin. Individuals die almost instantly, and this effect persists for a long time. But animals and humans must not breathe the fumes.


Spray Raptor
Spray Raptor

A powerful remedy for cockroaches in the apartment. Identical to the previous preparation. Fast acting.

Cockroach Traps

A safe and good remedy for cockroaches in an apartment is traps. They can be purchased at any store. If there are too many parasites in the house, then it is best to put several of these boxes in the room. Periodically, when they fill up, you need to replace them. Traps are also used for prevention purposes to prevent cockroaches from settling in the house.

Products have different operating principles. Some can infect individuals, and then they can spread the poison to other brethren. The second act due to the sticky base. That is, individuals are lured by the contents of the box with a pleasant aroma, and then they simply stick to the base of the trap. They die there.

For humans and animals, the traps are completely safe, as they are closed. The device is long lasting. The most popular options are Combat, Raptor, Dohlox, Clean House. Usually inthere are several pieces in the package.

How to make your own cockroach trap

Traps can be built with your own hands, and not bought in a store. For example, use this simple model:

  1. Take a cardboard box.
  2. Glue double-sided tape on the bottom or apply glue that will dry for a long time.
  3. Place products on top of the sticky base. They will be bait. You need to choose those that smell bright. It is recommended to add to food in toxic compounds.
  4. Attach tape to the back wall to fix the base in one place.

When the trap is full, it must be disposed of and a new one placed. By the way, as an adhesive base, you can use the drug "Kapkan". This is a universal tool that will also be a bait.

The second simple model of a makeshift trap is as follows:

  1. Take the jar. It is best to use a glass container with a volume of 3 liters.
  2. Pour beer on the bottom and put pieces of bread soaked in kefir.
  3. Spread the inside of the jar with Vaseline or oil.
  4. Close the outside with paper.

At the end, when the jar is filled with insects, all that remains is to fill it with boiling water and flush the contents down the drain.

How to make homemade trap bait

For homemade traps, you need to prepare baits. For example, the following options are suitable:

  1. Boric acid. Boil the egg and grind the yolk. Mix with powder from 1 package of boric acid. Roll up balls. Instead of eggs, you canuse bread pulp, minced meat.
  2. Bura. It is a white powder. It must be mixed in equal parts with powdered sugar. Then add thinned mashed potatoes and add vanilla. Then mix thoroughly.

Such baits are the best folk remedy for cockroaches in an apartment. They are used both individually and in traps.

Handy tools

In addition to store-bought means for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment are used:

  1. Boric acid. It is enough to sprinkle the powder in places where insects run.
  2. Citric acid. It works in the same way as boric.
  3. Ammonia. Has a pungent odor. Cockroaches do not tolerate it, so they just leave the room. To prepare a repellent solution, it is enough to take 1 tbsp. ammonia in 1 liter of clean water. This tool should be rubbed the floor and other surfaces. Perform the procedure daily for a couple of weeks.

Additionally, you can use citrus fruits. They also repel cockroaches. It is necessary to spread the peel under furniture, in cabinets, on shelves. Change as it dries.

Herbs for cockroaches

Cockroaches can be repelled by plants with a pungent aroma. For example, you can use wormwood, chamomile, celandine, calendula and tansy. They need to be collected in small bouquets and arranged in rooms. You can also dry and grind the powder, which is then sprinkled around the perimeter of the rooms.

Additionally prepare decoctions and infusions:

  1. Take 4 tbsp. herbs per 1 liter of water.
  2. Compositionboil for 10 minutes.
  3. Infuse and strain.

Solutions are sprayed on the room several times a day. By the way, essential oils can also be added.

Helpful tips

It is not enough just to treat the room with even the best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment (see reviews below). The following rules must be followed:

  1. Find the place where the cockroaches got into the apartment. Close such gaps, cracks, holes.
  2. Remove anything that could be food for parasites. Do not leave food or crumbs on the table.
  3. Wash dishes thoroughly.
  4. Take out the trash in a timely manner.

In addition, you need to do spring cleaning regularly.


According to reviews, in order to fix the problem once and for all, you need to act comprehensively. It is necessary not only to maintain cleanliness in the house, but also to use various store and folk remedies at the same time, including different forms of release - gels, sprays, powders and traps. People who adhered to this tactic managed to get rid of insects. In order to prevent after the destruction of cockroaches, reviews recommend periodically using gels, scattering boric acid.