Gas heating: types, methods, advantages and disadvantages

Gas heating: types, methods, advantages and disadvantages
Gas heating: types, methods, advantages and disadvantages

Gas is currently the cheapest type of fuel used for heating country houses. In most cases, boilers are installed as the main heating equipment when it is used in private residential buildings. Also, gas heating of the premises of a country house can be carried out using a convector. This technique, among other things, is also economical.

Arrangement methods

In most cases, country houses are heated using, of course, natural gas (methane). This type of fuel is supplied to low-rise private buildings through centralized highways. At the same time, the latter can be laid both on the surface - along the racks, and underground.

Gas heating boiler
Gas heating boiler

In those suburban settlements where such communications are not carried out, houses can be heated with liquefied gas (propane-butane). In this case, boilers of a special design are also most often used as the main equipment. The gas itself for heating, for example, small country houses can be stored in cylinders. Residential buildings of a large area are usually heated by fuel supplied from a gas tank. Such structures are placed underground.

For heating country houses, convectors are usually used, running on natural gas. It is allowed to use such equipment for heating with a liquefied form of gas. But due to some inconvenience in operation, owners of country houses install such systems when using propane-butane as a fuel, but it is still quite rare.

Organization of a heating system on main gas

In this case, the following types of equipment are usually mounted in country houses:

  • gas boiler;
  • pipes for the circulation of coolant through the premises;
  • expansion tank;
  • circulation pump;
  • radiators.

At the same time as the natural gas heating system, hot water is usually installed.

Gas boiler: selection and installation

When buying equipment of this variety, first of all, pay attention to such a parameter as power. This indicator can be calculated taking into account a variety of factors. These can be, for example, the climatic features of the area in which the house was built, the methods used to insulate the building, the number of windows and doors in it, etc.

It is quite difficult to calculate the boiler power necessary for heating the house with gas on your own. To do such calculations is usually trusted to specialists. But for the little oneshouses, the power of boilers, their owners often calculate using a simplified technology.

Equipment for gas heating
Equipment for gas heating

It is believed that for heating 10 m2 meters of room area with a standard ceiling height of 2.5 m, 1 kW of boiler power is required. That is, for example, to create a pleasant microclimate in winter in a house of 100 m22, you will have to install equipment of at least 10 kW.

Where to post

Quiet operation - this is what usually distinguishes boilers used for heating houses with gas. Therefore, equipment of this type in most cases is installed directly in the residential building itself. At the same time, for the installation of the boiler, it is necessary to choose only a room in the house that meets the following fire safety requirements:

  • volume - not less than 15 m3;
  • the presence of a window with a window.

The room in which the boiler is installed must be finished with non-combustible materials.

Installation of highways

Wiring the heating system when using natural gas is done in the usual way. In suburban private houses, depending on their size, heating systems can be installed:

  • single-circuit;
  • double-circuit;
  • collector.

In the first case, there is only one line in the building, through which the coolant leaves the boiler and returns to it. The advantage of this wiring method is ease of installation and low cost. By consSuch wiring is primarily attributed to uneven heating of radiators. In order for the air temperature to be the same in all rooms of the house in winter, when using such a scheme for laying highways, it is additionally necessary to use special shut-off and control valves. Single-pipe networks are suitable only for installation in very small suburban buildings.

Gas boiler and boiler
Gas boiler and boiler

In two-pipe gas heating systems, two lines are installed at once - supply and return. The assembly of such networks is quite expensive and is considered relatively time-consuming. But on the other hand, dual-circuit systems are much more convenient in operation. Radiators when using such schemes warm up evenly in the house.

Collector networks are mounted mainly only in suburban buildings of a large area with a significant number of consumers. Most often they are collected in buildings with several floors with many rooms for various purposes. In this case, the supply and discharge pipes are pre-attached to the collector. Further, from this comb, the mains are routed into groups of premises.

Circulation pump

Sometimes home heating with gas is done using systems with a natural coolant current. Water moves through pipes in such networks under the influence of gravitational forces. Such systems are convenient in the sense that they can function effectively even during power outages.

But still, in most cases, the owners of country houses install networks with forced circulationcoolant. This is the most convenient way of heating with gas. Water in this case moves along the mains, thanks to the operation of the circulation pump. When using such equipment in the house, it is possible to lay pipes of a much smaller diameter than in gravity networks, which, of course, has the most positive effect on the appearance of the premises.

How to heat a house with gas
How to heat a house with gas

Heating radiators

Batteries in country houses can be installed aluminum, steel, cast iron or bimetallic. In this case, most often in such buildings the last type of radiators is mounted. Such batteries are reliable in terms of leaks and have a long service life. At the same time, they are relatively inexpensive. Radiators of any kind can be connected to the mains in the following ways:

  • bottom;
  • diagonal;
  • lateral.

The most effective is the diagonal tie-in method. When using this technology, the efficiency of the heating system is significantly increased. The bottom tie-in is used when it is possible to hide the pipes inside the floor. Side connection is used for radiators located next to risers.

Home heating with liquefied gas: boilers

In this case, this type of units is also used in most cases as the main heating equipment. The design of boilers for liquefied gas is almost the same as that of models operating on natural gas.

The only difference between such equipment forpropane-butane is a special burner configuration. Liquefied gas, in comparison with natural gas, has a higher density. In some cases, conventional boilers can also be used for heating with propane-butane. But in such equipment, the burner must first be changed without fail.

Cylinders for liquefied gas
Cylinders for liquefied gas


In small suburban buildings, propane-butane is often supplied to the boiler from cylinders. To save themselves from the need for frequent refilling of such containers, the owners of private houses combine them into several batteries. Installation of such structures, consisting of no more than 3 cylinders, can be carried out without preliminary drafting by specialists.

In large private houses, liquefied fuel is supplied to boilers from gas tanks. Such containers have a very large volume and they need to be filled no more than 1-2 times during the heating season. Connection of gas tanks to the heating system of the house can only be carried out by specialists according to the rules.

Heating networks for natural and liquefied gas differ only in the design of the burners of the boilers used and the presence / absence of storage facilities. The contours of highways and other equipment are mounted on them using the same technology.

Convector heating

This method of heating country houses with gas cannot be called too common. But sometimes convectors, including gas ones, are still used to heat private residential buildings. Such systems work on the basis of a simple law of physics. Warm air is known torises up, and cooled down - falls down.

The advantages of convector heating in the first place should include:

  • no negative impact on the air (oxygen is not burned out);
  • no impact on air humidity;
  • economical, easy installation.

The disadvantages of this type of heating are:

  • feeling of "overheating" of the air;
  • high temperature difference at the bottom and top of the room;
  • low efficiency in high rooms.

The main heating equipment in such systems used for heating private houses with gas is a convector that runs on blue fuel. The air is heated by passing through the heat exchanger of this unit and enters the premises.

Formulas for calculating gas heating

Of course, the owners of country houses who want to conduct gas are interested, among other things, in how much the operation of such networks will cost. When installing heating systems of this type of funds, you usually have to spend more than when assembling most others. But in the future, such networks quickly pay off due to the cheapness of blue fuel.

Gas tank for heating
Gas tank for heating

It will be relatively easy to independently calculate future expenses when using gas to heat a house. The basic formula used in these calculations is as follows:

V=W/(H×n) - fuel volume forproduce a certain amount of heat.

Here W is the thermal power required to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house, H is the heat of combustion of gas, n is the efficiency factor (indicated in the boiler specifications).

Parameter H is determined by special tables. Thermal power W is determined as follows:

W=S × Wy / 10 where:

  • S - heated area of the house.
  • Wy - specific power required to heat 10 m2 in a particular climatic zone.

For a building in central Russia with an area of 100 m22 this figure will be:

100 × 1.1 kW / 10=11 kW.

Heating lines
Heating lines

The calorific value of natural gas (1 m3) is typically 9.455 kWh/m3. Having looked at the value of n in the boiler passport, it will not be difficult to calculate the amount of fuel needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house. Based on the cost of 1 m3 of gas in this particular region, then it will be possible to determine the upcoming costs.
