The configuration and wiring of circuits in a heating system determines its efficiency and performance. The economic feasibility of using the equipment will also depend on the location of pipes and heaters relative to the sources of coolant. Today, the horizontal heating system is becoming more and more popular, which is valued for its functionality and wide control options, but it is not without its drawbacks.
System device

The main components of this type of heating infrastructure include pipes, a heater, a riser, and a source of hot water. The pipes are laid in such a way that the minimum difference in altitude with the heating equipment is maintained. This is a fundamental difference from vertical wiring, in which the riserconnects all levels of consumers, without leaving the horizontal plane on the floors. Does this mean that the horizontal distribution of the heating system in an apartment building should not have its own vertical riser? Theoretically, this is possible, but only for a few floors. The emphasis is not on the rise of the coolant, but on the rational organization of the heat distribution circuits at each height level separately. As for the sources of thermal energy, water is heated using boilers and boilers. To maintain sufficient circulation force, an appropriate pump may also be included in the circuit.
Where does it apply?
It is logical to assume that the horizontal distribution of thermal circuits is more suitable for private houses with individual heating. But in practice, such wiring is successfully used for apartment services in apartment buildings. Each apartment receives its own branch of the distributing thermal circuit with its own account, however, no regulation is expected without a special jumper.

But there is another argument in favor of using such systems exclusively in private engineering - premium materials. Indeed, if vertical systems are usually based on metal pipes, then horizontal ones are mounted from polymeric materials with a heat-resistant coating. Obviously, PEX cross-linked polyethylene significantly increases the cost of the technical implementation of such a scheme. But it is the durability and reliability of thismaterial allows the use of horizontal heating systems in low-class apartment buildings. The cost of both installation and maintenance of the system is reduced. For example, if for welding with metal pipes in vertical risers it is necessary to connect a highly qualified welder, then the technology for assembling circuits from plastic pipes is within the power of a home master. With the help of permanent joints, it is easy to assemble the structure, and only in extreme cases, cross-linked propylene is welded with special soldering stations at the joints.
Installation of the system
Installation of heating system components and even laying of pipelines is possible after construction is completed, however, it is recommended to carry out technical operations with commissioning measures as the house is built. This allows, if necessary, to make adjustments in design decisions at the stages of finishing work. The most time-consuming process of organizing a horizontal heating system for floor water heating. In this case, a concrete screed device will be required already on top of pipes or heating mats. Conversely, wall-mounted convectors and radiators require virtually no “dirty” work and are mounted to surfaces using brackets.

Means of regulation
In systems organized in multi-apartment buildings, the simplest mechanical thermostats are more often used, through which the heating mode is adjusted. Disable these controls duringthe absence of people for energy saving purposes is recommended only in single-family houses. Since the heat-shielding performance of floor and interior wall materials is lower than that of the outer surfaces, after the horizontal heating system is turned off, housing will be heated at the expense of neighboring apartments. For this reason, thermostats are used in residential apartment buildings, limiting the ability to adjust the temperature regime both at maximum and at minimum values.
Single-pipe horizontal systems
Schematic diagram of a horizontal heating complex of any type provides for the provision of water supply and drainage processes. In the zone of direct supply, in any case, the connection of two circuits should be organized, however, at a distance from the device, water can be supplied and drained through one pipe. It is on this principle that a horizontal single-pipe heating system works, which allows saving free space and consumables in the technical organization of infrastructure. But the reduction of working circuits also gives tangible disadvantages associated with the rapid cooling of the coolant, a decrease in the controllability and dynamism of the system. The single-pipe scheme is mainly used in private homes, where it is possible to provide more flexible regulation, if necessary, compensating for the shortcomings of such wiring.
Two-pipe horizontal systems

If in the above model only one pipe works for supply and return, then in this casethese processes are provided by separated circuits. That is, both the direct consuming device and the boiler equipment will work with channels without their connection to each other. Of course, a two-pipe horizontal heating system has a number of advantages over a single-pipe one. They are expressed as follows:
- Each circuit operates at its own temperature, so it takes less time and energy to warm them up.
- It becomes possible to regulate the temperature depending on weather conditions.
- Improve the reliability of the pipeline.
If we talk about the shortcomings, then they include the complexity of installation and an increase in the cost of materials.
Beam horizontal systems with two pipes
An even more technologically complex heating system, in which the advantages of a two-pipe scheme increase. If the horizontal wiring as such is the concept of arranging an individual branch with heating for a separate apartment, then the beam scheme assumes a partial isolation of the circuits already inside this branch. Supply and return pipes are provided for each heater. What does this mean in practice of operating a horizontal heating system? Firstly, more precise, convenient and efficient control with zonal climate control. Secondly, it becomes possible to organize circuits with their own shutoff valves, an automatic control system, etc. On the other hand, for the full functioning of the beam model, the installation of circulation pumps and distributioncollector with the ability to cover all consuming circuits on the branch.
Advantages of horizontal wiring

The idea of split heating in itself provides many operational advantages, which are expressed in ease of maintenance, more accurate accounting of water consumption data, etc. with a specific node, without affecting the operation of the general circuits. The independence of horizontal wiring in the heating systems of an apartment building allows, if necessary, to replace damaged pipes in individual sections. The possibility of hidden laying of communications is also preserved, which is not always allowed when installing vertical systems.
Disadvantages of horizontal wiring

The system is quite complex, therefore it requires the initial development of a detailed project with many conditions. It is desirable that the technical solution be drawn up together with the project of the house, which will make it possible to meet the requirements for the engineering system without changing the design of the building itself after its construction. There are many complaints about horizontal heating systems due to their airing. The presence of excess air in the circuits reduces heat transfer, and also adversely affects circulation. You can deal with this problem in different ways. Usually, contours are balanced, and structuralsolutions include installing a Majewski faucet, an automatic air vent or an air separator.
Comparison with vertical heating system
To find the optimal solution in choosing a heating system, a comparison of the considered option with the traditional vertical wiring model will allow. One of the main differences can be called power, that is, the amount of heat transfer, which can also be expressed as efficiency. According to this indicator, vertical heating systems win. The horizontal model, due to the more rigid separation of the branches, does not allow them to fully transfer thermal energy to each other, while the risers themselves help to retain heat in the circuit. There is also a difference in systems management. Vertical wiring is more focused on external control by service providers, however, on the part of user regulation, it has less developed tools.

Delivery and distribution of coolant to apartments in multi-storey buildings are the basic tasks that a central heating system must solve. Engineers and designers are trying to optimize them by improving equipment, piping materials and plumbing fittings, but the circuit layouts themselves do not fundamentally change. Both horizontal and vertical wiring in heating systems justify themselves in apartment buildings according to certain performance characteristics. If we talk about the future development of these systems, thena more promising solution is the horizontal model. This is explained precisely by its bias towards increasing the independence of heating circuits, albeit within the framework of the general engineering infrastructure.