How to get rid of midges: methods of struggle

How to get rid of midges: methods of struggle
How to get rid of midges: methods of struggle

With the onset of summer, we often encounter midges in the kitchen. They appear suddenly and are very annoying. But besides the banal inconvenience, insects cause significant harm to humans. The invasion of midges does not seem to be a global problem at all until these insects occupy your kitchen. Here everyone is already starting to look for ways to get rid of midges.

how to get rid of midges
how to get rid of midges

How harmful they are

At first glance, these are just annoying insects that are circling around the kitchen. But they can cause significant harm to a person. They actively spoil food, and some may even bite. Therefore, the question "how to get rid of midges" will be especially acute. These tiny creatures are turned on in sweets and fruits, in indoor flowers. Wet ground is an excellent breeding ground for them.

Today we'll talk about how to get rid of midges. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You just need to find a place to breed. After that, get rid of the flyingindividuals will be pretty easy.

Where do they come from

To effectively deal with the enemy, you need to know well where he comes from. Therefore, starting a conversation about how to get rid of midges, it is necessary first of all to point out the need to search for a source, so to speak, the location of the enemy. Midges can start in the apartment even if the doors and windows are tightly closed.

The answer to this question is quite easy. The most common reason for the appearance of tiny creatures in the house is rotten or simply contaminated fruit. They can be bought from the market or grown in your garden. It doesn't matter.

midges in pots how to get rid of
midges in pots how to get rid of

Reproduction of midges

Often their appearance is perceived with great surprise. After all, when you brought the purchases home, insects did not circle over them. They were not at home either. Where did they come from then? Everything is pretty simple here. Even before the fruits hit your table, eggs were laid in many of them. If you immediately washed and cooked the food, then the midges will no longer have a chance to hatch.

But when stored at home, vegetables and fruits can begin to deteriorate. This becomes the signal to hatch. It will take a very short period of time for the larvae to turn into adult house midges. How to get rid of these creatures? Let's figure it out together.

how to get rid of midges in the apartment
how to get rid of midges in the apartment


Very small. They live only about 20 hours. But if there isabundance of nutrient medium, then during this time the midge manages to lay many eggs. A new generation will hatch very soon. The result is a multitude of flying insects. What to do and how to get rid of indoor midges? An effective solution would be to promptly eliminate the source of their appearance.

There are a number of reasons for the appearance, in addition to spoiled fruit. You need to analyze them all in order to find exactly the one with which to work.

  • Insufficient trash can hygiene. Sometimes food remains are scattered around the bucket, which attracts insects and becomes their permanent habitat. If the bucket is not taken out regularly, the insects may have time to breed before you take the garbage to the container.
  • Since you can get rid of midges in an apartment only by neutralizing all breeding sites, special attention should be paid to the living corner. The midge loves to live on the lid of aquariums, in the cages of rodents and birds. It is easy to calculate, because adults hover over the nest. It is necessary to clean up after the animals more often and change the water in the aquarium.
house midges how to get rid of
house midges how to get rid of

The midge loves damp places

It is for this reason that midges breed in flowers. How to get rid of this scourge, we'll talk a little lower. Indoor plants are a secluded corner and constant humidity. An ideal place to lay eggs. The reproduction process is often stimulated by watering flowers with tea leaves. These insects love her very much. And, of course, excessive humidity is the basis for the life of an insect.

But sometimes there are no rotting fruits or flowers in the room, and the midge is constantly hovering. See where it flies from. Most likely, it will be a sewer. Food particles get stuck in folds or siphons, continuing to decompose. They become a food source for midges and a medium for their larvae.

midges in flowers how to get rid of
midges in flowers how to get rid of

Start the fight

So, the first step is to establish where the insects come from. Suppose we have established that midges live in indoor flowers. How to get rid of them? Reduce the amount of watering and move the pots to a brighter room. For example, in the summer they can move to the balcony. It's light, warm and dry. And the midge doesn't like it very much.

Flying insects do not harm the flowers, but the larva feeds on their roots with great appetite. To destroy them, you need to stick matches into the ground with their heads down. To prevent the reappearance of a swarm, it is recommended to sprinkle the ground with ground black pepper.

midges in indoor flowers how to get rid of
midges in indoor flowers how to get rid of

Check the room

You will not be limited to working with flowers if midges appear in pots. How to get rid of them forever? Prevent the appearance of another place where insects can lay eggs and breed. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

  • Check every fruit and vegetable you can find at home. If any of them are damaged, they should be thrown away immediately. Pack the rest and refrigerate.
  • Check the cereal. If they have diaper rash, then boldlythrow away.
  • Vacuum the walls, ceiling and floors where insects have been seen.
  • Sticky tapes can be hung in the kitchen. Usually in 2-3 days the insects become much smaller.

If you grow moisture-loving, tropical plants, then it is even more likely that midges will appear in flower pots. How to get rid of annoying creatures in this case? Simple tricks will help. To do this, jars with a small amount of alcohol must be placed around the perimeter of the room. In the morning, there will be a large number of insects inside each of them.

midges in flower pots how to get rid of
midges in flower pots how to get rid of

Room disinfection

If a midge hatched in a flower pot, then pretty soon it will begin to lay eggs in all corners of the apartment, which will seem attractive to it. Therefore, it is very important to reduce their number to a minimum. Let's look at a list of preventive measures that are quite effective.

  • Treat your washbasin and sink with a modern clog remover. An alternative way is to treat the sink with a solution of vinegar and soda.
  • The fight against midges can be carried out with the help of special aerosols against flying insects. Do not forget that you can use them only in ventilated areas.
  • Works very well against midges and a regular fumigator. Turn on the device at night - and the insects will disappear. Of course, he is powerless against eggs.

Folk remedies

Before applying them, you need to make sure that you have accurately checked all the corners. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of a new source of reproduction. Now your task is to catch all flying insects. This is pretty easy to do.

  1. Moshka loves rotten bananas. Let's use this against her. Leave a bag of rotten banana peels in the kitchen. During the night you will collect all the parasites in one place. In the morning, just fold the bag and take it to the trash.
  2. The apple cider vinegar trap works great. To do this, you only need to fill the jar with water, add a little vinegar and detergent. The smell of vinegar attracts midges, and the detergent base does not allow insects to get out. It remains only to update the tool once a week.
  3. Mosquitoes really don't like horseradish. Therefore, cut it into pieces and spread it around the kitchen. Insects usually try to get out of the apartment as soon as possible.
  4. You can also use any sweet compositions as a trap. Water with jam or honey, pieces of fruit, sweet tea - all this can be poured into jars and placed around the room. Insects drown in this syrup, after which they can be poured down the toilet.
how to get rid of house flies
how to get rid of house flies


It is easier to prevent this attack than to deal with it later. Performing simple manipulations, you can forget what midges are in flowerpots. And the most important event is ventilation. Midges will never start up where there is an influx of fresh air.

It is necessary to control the humidity of flowerpots. You need to water only when the earth ball is completely dry, anddrain excess liquid from pans in time. An excellent way of prevention is the drainage of the flowerpot. Small pebbles or coarse sand are scattered on the surface of the earth. You can choose colored stones to make them look more decorative. In such conditions, midges will not be able to lay eggs. Chalk from cockroaches also helps well. To exclude the possibility of the appearance of small midges in flower pots, the place where they stand is treated with a cockroach remedy.
