How to get rid of midges on the street

How to get rid of midges on the street
How to get rid of midges on the street

Often the joy of the coming summer overshadows the invasion of various insects. They can ruin the walk and disturb the peace of the house. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of midges on the street. Many people consider them harmless creatures. But despite their small size compared to mosquitoes, their bites are more painful, take longer to heal, and often cause allergic reactions. To avoid this, read on how to get rid of midges.

How to get rid of midges on the street
How to get rid of midges on the street

First of all, the use of special tools that repel flying insects will help. They can be purchased at hardware stores. They can be in the form of a spray or ointment. Choose the form that is convenient for you. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before use. These remedies only last for a limited time and should be used with caution.

If you like to grow flowers at home, then you need to know how to get rid of indoor midges. They harm plants, damage their roots. Therefore, if you notice midges, immediately deal with their destruction. To do this, you can use special chemicals. But they are not suitable if you have small children and animals at home, as they can get poisoned. How to quickly get rid ofmidges? Use folk remedies that have already been tested by time.

How to get rid of house flies
How to get rid of house flies

For example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate works well. It should be pink. Or you can use laundry soap, a small amount of which must be diluted in water. The resulting mixture should be poured over the soil.

Sometimes the question arises not only of how to get rid of midges on the street and on indoor plants, but also of how to remove them from the kitchen. There, most often they appear as a result of rotting vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to carry out a general cleaning. And it is better to choose a trash can with a tight lid. Often insects settle in cereals, sugar, nuts, dried fruits. Therefore, it is best to throw out spoiled products. In the future, make it a habit to store everything in an airtight container - different containers are suitable for this.

How to quickly get rid of midges
How to quickly get rid of midges

There are other folk ways to solve the problem. How to get rid of midges on the street? To do this, use a sprig of wormwood. It must be plucked and fanned with it. The strong smell will repel insects. Another simple trick is to wear pants and a long sleeve sweater. Then midges will not be so annoying. You can dilute vanilla powder in water and wipe the exposed skin with the resulting mixture. Just don't confuse it with vanilla. Some people use the long-known Golden Star balm. They are also treated with leather.

Not everyone thinks about how to get rid of midges on the street. But such small insects can be harmful to he alth, so everyone should know how to protect themselves from them. Use the listed folk remedies or special ones that can be found in pharmacies. To prevent annoying insects from appearing at home, keep it clean. Throw away spoiled foods in a timely manner, store cereals in containers. Do wet cleaning frequently. This is the only way you will protect yourself from the appearance of midges in the kitchen and throughout the apartment. Special grids on the windows will also help.
