The best way to get rid of midges in the house

The best way to get rid of midges in the house
The best way to get rid of midges in the house

Not many people like the appearance of midges in the apartment. These annoying insects can circle around a person for a long time and get on your nerves. In addition, they can be carriers of many types of bacteria. After sitting on a bucket of garbage, the midge sits on bread or sugar, runs around the table. Therefore, you should not turn a blind eye to the appearance of these insects.

How to get rid of midges?

how to get rid of midges
how to get rid of midges

The first thing to do is find their nest. Most often, the appearance of midges is provoked by rotting organic products: vegetables, fruits, half-eaten food. Start looking at your cereal cabinets and other food storage areas. Look in bags and containers with products, check the bathroom. The midge survives well in a humid environment, likes to hide in the sink filter, where everything that gets there after washing the dishes accumulates and rots. How to get rid of midges in the kitchen? Clean the pipes with chemicals using a plunger. Don't forget to clean out the trash can too.disinfect.

Another method to get rid of midges: you can treat the apartment with an anti-flying insecticide. However, this must be done with care so as not to harm yourself. If an insect has chosen a children's room, then, of course, it is impossible to use chemicals. It's better to make your own trap. Take a glass jar and place the bait inside. Wrap the neck of the jar with cling film and poke a few holes in the cling film. When there are a lot of midges in the jar, they just throw it away.

midges in the apartment how to get rid of
midges in the apartment how to get rid of

A few more tips on how to get rid of midges in the house: hang sticky tape everywhere. You can use "Raid" or "Dichlorvos". Place a plate of vinegar on the kitchen table or lay out branches and walnut skins. There are folk remedies on how to get rid of midges. Some housewives use borax to kill these insects, spread dried wormwood sprigs.

midges in the kitchen how to get rid of
midges in the kitchen how to get rid of

Blackflies in the apartment - how to get rid of these annoying insects? The best remedy is prevention. Cleanliness in the house, timely removal of garbage, cleaning the table and washing dirty dishes will save the apartment not only from the appearance of midges, but also other pests.


The midges love to live in flowers. Especially if the soil in pots is constantly waterlogged.

A few tips:

  1. Try not to flood the plants.
  2. Heavily damaged and affected flowers still have to be thrown away.
  3. You can fill the top of the flowerspebbles or small shells.
  4. Watering should be done with water with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate.
  5. Such a popular way of fighting as match heads stuck in the ground also helps.
  6. If there is no dampness in the house, then watering the plant with strong tea will also work.
  7. It does not hurt to transplant a flower into a new pot and fresh soil.
  8. The midge is afraid of the orange peel in the ground.
  9. You can water the plant with a garlic solution or just stick its heads into the soil.

Smoking midges

Pour camphor into a hot frying pan and wait until steam begins to pour. Then you need to go through the rooms with this red-hot container. Such a smell simply kills insects, but it is not capable of causing any harm to a person. Good luck!
