Laminated doors are the most popular among Russian buyers. Among their main advantages are low weight, reliability and affordable cost. Economy class laminated doors are perfect for both home and office space. For the production of such doors, wood-fiber and MDF boards are used. From above they are covered with a laminate, which is a synthetic material. Manufacturing companies produce such a film in the widest range of colors. This means that it will not be difficult to choose laminated interior doors for the kitchen, bedroom and office.

The obvious advantage of doors covered with a special film is their increased resistance to mechanical stress. They are not afraid of excessive moisture and deformation. Laminated doors can be safely installed in rooms with a high level of humidity, as well as in dry rooms. Unlike veneered doors, they are more resistant to abrasion. Even the sharp claws of pets cannot harm them. This cannot but rejoice. Such doors do not require special care. It is enough to wipe them with a dampcloth or sponge, no cleaning products.

Laminated doors are considered environmentally friendly. Therefore, they are often installed in hospitals, maternity hospitals and kindergartens. They do not emit toxic substances into the air. Of course, synthetic resins are used in their production, but ongoing studies have shown that they are completely safe for human he alth.
Despite the numerous advantages, laminated doors also have certain disadvantages. They will be discussed below.
1) All models of these doors are standard and typical. Since laminate is available as a smooth film, all doors upholstered with it are very similar in texture and pattern.

2) It is impossible to call the appearance of such doors presentable. Veneered and wooden models look much more solid and richer. And laminate doors have a simple design without any frills and unnecessary decorative elements.
3) Aesthetic disadvantages include the surface of the laminated door, which is too smooth to the touch.
4)Despite the fact that such doors are able to withstand mechanical stress, any strong blow can greatly spoil their appearance. Chips and cracks are quite difficult to repair. Therefore, an urgent replacement of the doors will be required, which implies repeated financial costs.
5) Laminated film has poor adhesion to the substrate. So in time she might startflake off. This means that laminated doors are not durable and practical.
6) If you do not expect any frills from the interior of an apartment or office, then these doors will be the right option for you. They are easy to install and easy to use. In addition, you do not buy them "for centuries", which means that at any time you can replace laminate doors with more solid and presentable ones.
We hope that the information we have provided will help you make the right choice.