Antifreeze for the heating system: price, reviews

Antifreeze for the heating system: price, reviews
Antifreeze for the heating system: price, reviews

As a working fluid in heating systems, water is the most widely used due to its availability and low cost, as well as special physical and chemical properties. However, its use as a working fluid has a number of tangible drawbacks, in connection with this, a new type of coolant has recently appeared, called "antifreeze for the heating system".

antifreeze for heating system
antifreeze for heating system

Advantages of antifreeze fluid

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the problems that may arise when using water in the heating system. The main disadvantage of this coolant is such a moment - if the heating system is not turned on in time in winter, water can freeze and, as a result, pipelines break, which threatens with expensive repairs. This problem is especially relevant for premises in which residence is seasonal.
  • The use of water in the heating system as a working fluid over time can lead to the formation of scale in pipelines, radiators and the boiler, which impairs heat exchange processes, after which the efficiency of the system can decrease by 30%.
  • When efficiency decreases, fuel consumption increases, which significantly increases heating costs.
  • Antifreeze coolant for a heating system is much better suited, as it has no such drawbacks, because it contains various additives that reduce the crystallization temperature to about 15-40 °C.
  • antifreeze for heating system price
    antifreeze for heating system price

Recommendations for use

These substances can be sold both ready-to-use and concentrated. Antifreeze for the heating system in the form of a concentrate contains only the main component - propylene glycol or ethylene glycol. For our climate, the standard proportion of dilution of concentrates will be: one volume of concentrate is taken for two volume parts of water.

  • Ready-to-use antifreeze contains water and is a 45% solution of a concentrated base substance. Such antifreeze for the home heating system is designed for use at temperatures up to -30 ° C.
  • Before filling the heating system with non-freezing liquid, it is preferable to dilute the concentrate with settled, filtered or distilled water.
  • A safe concentration of ethylene glycol in water is considered to be up to 1 g/l. ATat such a concentration, it is not capable of harming the environment.
  • You should also pay attention to the aspect that the antifreeze for the heating system, compared with water, is characterized by a lower surface tension coefficient. This leads to the fact that the anti-freeze liquid penetrates into cracks and pores more easily, and also has a greater fluidity.
  • Rubber swells more slowly in ethylene glycol. Therefore, if water is replaced with antifreeze in old networks, leaks may occur.
  • antifreeze for home heating system
    antifreeze for home heating system

Overview of manufacturers and prices

Let's consider as an example some modern antifreezes for heating systems, which are based on various chemicals.

  • DIXIS -65.
  • "Defreeze".
  • Hot Blood-65 Eco.
  • "Stugna-N".
  • coolant antifreeze for heating system
    coolant antifreeze for heating system


This heating system antifreeze is a monoethylene glycol based solution. In addition, it contains a wide range of additives, among which it is worth noting anti-corrosion, heat-stabilizing and anti-foaming.

This brand has a crystallization temperature of -68 °C, which allows it to be diluted with plain water.

The anti-freeze liquid of this brand is supplied in containers from 10 to 50 liters, you can also find barrels of 200 liters on sale. The retail price of this mixture for 1 liter will be from 70 to 90 rubles.


Based on non-freezingliquid "Defris" is the substance bischofite. It also contains a package of additives that reliably protects pipelines from scale buildup.

This mixture is sold in containers of 10 and 50 liters. The cost of antifreeze per 1 liter is on average 55-100 rubles.

Hot Blood-65 Eco

This antifreeze is a non-freezing fluid for heating systems, based on propylene glycol. The concentration of propylene glycol is a kind of guarantee that the crystallization temperature does not exceed -65 ° C, which makes it possible in practice to dilute it with plain water by half.

This is a non-flammable and non-toxic antifreeze for heating systems. Its price for 1 liter will be 75-90 rubles. It is sold in containers of 10, 20 or 50 liters, it is also possible to package in a buyer's container.


This version of anti-freeze liquid is made on the basis of glycerin and is considered environmentally friendly. The freezing point of this mixture is approximately -17 °C.

A special package of additives reliably protects the heating system from s alt deposits and corrosion. In 50-liter cans or 10-liter containers, you can purchase this antifreeze for the heating system. Its price for 1 liter ranges from 70 to 150 rubles.

antifreeze for heating system reviews
antifreeze for heating system reviews

Expert reviews

So, antifreeze for the heating system reviews of experts has the following:

  • This coolant is perfect for the unpredictable everyday life of our country. If you pour it into the heatingsystem, then in your absence you can be sure of its safety.
  • Purchase anti-freeze fluid should only be in specialized stores to prevent the possibility of buying a low-quality product or a fake.
  • In order to establish ideal heating using this coolant, you just need to choose powerful pumping equipment and radiators.
  • The anti-freeze liquid is safe for human he alth and life, it can be used not only in private households, but also in medical and educational institutions.
  • With proper use of this type of coolant, it can serve you for at least five years.
  • It makes sense to use anti-freeze liquid for the heating system only in cases where there is really a possibility that water may freeze inside the network.
