It happens that the use of water as a heat carrier is not possible. In such situations, an "anti-freeze" for heating comes to the rescue. This fluid has some requirements for operating conditions. It has characteristics different from water, which must also be taken into account when designing a heating system.

It is far from a secret that one of the most important components of a private house is the heating system. After all, only with the help of it can one endure severe frosts, from which no one is safe in our country, and indeed, in winter this is far from a rare occurrence. But, despite the readiness of the consumer for frost, it is necessary to foresee some surprises in advance. And, perhaps, the most dangerous of them can be a frozen heating system - it is not for nothing that this condition is considered an emergency.
Forheating system emergency does not bode well. It is important to note that this can occur not only in the central boiler room, but also in an individual boiler. For this reason, when designing any system, it is necessary to consider the conditions for providing additional security.

According to experts, the most common problem in a private house is the failure of boilers, and, as a rule, this always happens unexpectedly. To prevent such unexpected surprises, as well as to prevent the failure of the heating system and its subsequent cooling, experts advise using an antifreeze fluid.
"Antifreeze" for heating - this is the same antifreeze or antifreeze. The main property of this coolant is not to turn into ice when the temperature drops. In this case, the thickening of the cooled composition occurs. Any antifreeze liquid for heating systems is made according to the same principle. It contains the following:
- substances (additives) responsible for the characteristics of the composition;
- substances (inhibitors) that prevent corrosion;
- main active ingredient;
- alcohol (glycol) base.

Active ingredient
Thus, "non-freezing" and for heating is an alcohol substance. Glycol itself is not dangerous, but some additives can be harmful to he alth. as activecomponent in the antifreeze liquid can protrude:
- Glycerin.
- Propylene glycol.
- Ethylene glycol.
Ethylene glycol
Ethylene glycol-based coolant is strictly forbidden to use in houses with permanent residence of people. The restrictions are due to the fact that this "anti-freeze" for heating is very toxic and, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause a burn. And the ingress of liquid or gas into the body can lead to serious consequences, up to death.
The well-known low-quality antifreeze - machine antifreeze, which is sometimes also poured into the heating system - is made on an ethylene basis. However, if there is the slightest possibility of human contact with ethylene glycol, then its use should be avoided for a number of reasons:
- In double-circuit boilers, a mixture is added to the hot water circuit.
- Possible leak.
- Possible evaporation from expansion tank open type.
Ethylene glycol anti-freeze fluids are not allowed for systems where a double-circuit boiler is used as a heater.

Propylene Glycol
Propylene glycol-based coolant is completely non-toxic. Of course, this does not mean that you can drink it, but if you accidentally get it in minimal doses on the skin or even inside, there will be no he alth problems.
Glycerin "anti-freeze" for heating (lower price)has been poured since the middle of the twentieth century and has been successfully used to this day. Glycerin is a universal remedy, and unlike the previous two, it does not dry rubber, but rather restores it. In other words, the glycerine liquid acts as a regenerating lubricant on the rubber, so you don't have to worry about the condition of the rubber seals.
Overview of manufacturers
Among Russian consumers, the most popular "non-freeze" for home heating brands such as:
- Hot Blood-65Eco.
- "Stugna-N"
- Warm Home.

When choosing antifreeze, it is important to remember that the content of propylene glycol in it indicates that the liquid crystallization process occurs at temperatures from -60 ° C.
Antifreeze for heating: price and technical data
Features | Distilled water | XNT-40 | "Hot Blood 30 Eco" | "Hot Stream 30 Eco" | "Dixis Top" | "Warm House 30 Eco" |
Color | Transparent | Red fluorescent | Red fl-ny | Green fl-ny | Yellow green fl-ny | Green fl-ny |
Heat capacity | 4, 19 kJ(kg×K) | 3, 57 kJ(kg×K) | 3, 56 kJ(kg×K) | 3, 55 kJ(kg×K) | 3, 6 kJ(kg×K) | 3, 62 kJ(kg×K) |
Viscosity | 1 mm 2/C | 7, 1mm 2/S | 6, 1mm 2/S | - | - | 5, 86mm 2/C |
Boiling point | 100°C | 106°C | 108°C | 106°C | 104°C | 106°C |
Freezing start temperature | 0°C | -40°C | -30°C | -30°C | -30°C | -30°C |
Density | 1 g/cm3 | 1.075g/cm3 | 1.05g/cm3 | 1.045-1.05g/cm3 | 1.05g/cm3 | 1.04 g/cm3 |
pH | 7 | 8-10 | 8, 0-9, 5 | 8, 0-9, 5 | 8, 7 | 7, 5-9, 0 |
Price per liter | 20 rub. | 180 RUB | 130 RUB | 80 RUB | 115 RUB | 80 RUB |
Advice and feedback from experts
Of course, the "non-freezing" liquid for heating has different properties, characteristics and reviews on the application, but the main condition is the absence of a tendency to freeze. The composition of antifreeze is determined by the temperature regime at which crystallization occurs. Naturally, you should choose a lower temperature, which is typical for your climate zone.
The type of heating system determines what kind of "anti-freeze" in the home heating system will be the most optimal. As mentioned above, all antifreezes are created using various substances. The composition may contain ethylene glycol, this is a toxic substance, so itit is allowed to use only in heating systems of the closed type. Antifreeze based on propylene glycol, according to experts, is less toxic.

Antifreezes help extend the life of the entire heating system, including radiators. And most importantly, such a coolant prevents the appearance of gas formation.
Anti-freeze liquid is a mixture of propylene glycol with the addition of various inhibitory components. The average service life of antifreeze is 4-5 years.
A high-quality "anti-freeze" for heating systems should ensure uninterrupted operation of the system, even in emergency situations. Therefore, saving on the purchase of antifreeze is completely impractical. You can only save on diluting it with distilled water, but only if you do not plan to operate the heating system in extreme conditions, for example, in the northern regions of the country.