When building any house, the roof and its covering are an important part of the structure. To protect against natural conditions: snow, rain, hail, wind - any home needs a roof. Its types are presented on the modern market in large quantities, and you can choose not only high-quality, but also an option that is suitable in color and cost. They are divided into roofs for summer cottages, cottages and urban construction. One of the most common materials in Russia remains galvanized steel - a fairly light and inexpensive material that allows you to cover the roof of any shape. This is a traditional roof, the types of which are used everywhere: sheet, mastic, piece or type-setting, roll and membrane. But the exclusive coating is quite expensive and is used extremely rarely (copper, turf, tile, reed, slate).
Types of roofing, the photo of which is presented below, have different characteristics.

Sheet roofing material, in turn, is divided into asbestos-cement sheets, metal tiles, bitumen-cardboard and steelgalvanized sheets. The very first of these materials appeared corrugated asbestos-cement sheets or, as the people call it, slate. This is a fairly durable material and can last up to 50 years. And to give a decorative look and greater strength, it is covered with a special slate paint. Corrugated bitumen-cardboard sheets, known as ondulin, euroslate or aqualin, are much lighter than slate and steel sheets. They are very flexible and easy to install. Service life is slightly shorter than slate or galvanized steel sheets (25 to 30 years).

Such roofs are good where harsh natural conditions. They consist of one or more components that are poured onto the roof surface. After the mass dries, a rubber-like monolithic surface is formed.
This is a piece roof, the types of which are presented in large quantities. Its most common variety is a flexible soft tile. It is a very reliable, aesthetically attractive and durable material. This coating does not require maintenance and is suitable for installation in difficult areas.

The most famous of the rolled roofing materials are roofing felt, roofing material and glassine. The basis for their manufacture is cardboard. They are mainly used as a waterproofing layer. This is a short-lived material that is subject to decay. At present, other roofing has begun to be made on the same basis, types of polymer-bituminous material, which increased its durability, thermal insulation and frost resistance. It is laid with mastic on a concrete or metal base.
Membrane coatings are mainly used for public and industrial buildings. This is a polymeric rubber-like material, high-strength, not afraid of punctures and stretching. It is a canvas that unfolds and fits on the roof. Such material can be mounted on an old roof. The variety and types of roofing roofs allow you to find the best solution, so do not rush to choose a roofing material, as the durability of the entire building depends on it.