Correct lighting calculation - a beautiful yard

Correct lighting calculation - a beautiful yard
Correct lighting calculation - a beautiful yard

Properly arranged lighting of a private courtyard is the key to its beauty and versatility at any time of the day. Often, modern sites are equipped not only with flower beds, shrubs and other plantings of cultivated plants, but also with all kinds of sculptures, structures and outdoor furniture. That is why it is important to think in advance and make a rational and correct calculation of lighting in the yard, which will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the garden both in the daytime and at night. Perhaps it is also worth noting that the lighting system of a private area should be built taking into account the time of year, possible precipitation and other weather conditions.

Lighting calculation
Lighting calculation

Each yard is certainly divided into different zones. Among these can be called a garden, flower beds, paths, all kinds of plantings and a recreation area. Often these areas are separated from each other by small fences or fences, which can bring some discomfort. And in order to get rid of this feeling, it is enough just to make a lighting calculation that will allow you to visually divide the yard intosimilar zones.

Calculation of street lighting is divided into two categories: decorative light and functional. Lamps of the first plan can be located among trees, bushes, flowers. They are located on the site in order to create various visual effects, emphasize the beauty of plants and garden accessories, give the atmosphere an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Functional lamps are spotlights that illuminate paths, a recreation area, a tennis court (if any), doors and gates, and so on. It is important to ensure that such street lamps are always in good condition, their light should always be as bright as possible, as they are responsible for the safety of people in the yard.

Calculation of natural light
Calculation of natural light

When calculating the lighting in your courtyard, it is also worth remembering that all lamps, no matter what function they perform, must be kept in the same color spectrum. You can focus on the exterior of the house itself and on the design of the garden plot. Lamps can imitate daylight, be designed in blue colors or slightly yellowish. In order for the yard to look as bright and attractive as possible at night, designers advise using white lamps.

When installing a lighting system in your garden, you should not forget to calculate the natural lighting, which is created at night with the help of moonlight, and during the day, respectively, with the help of daylight or sunlight. It is necessary to correctly combine various plants with each other, complementing them with garden accessories, and only afterdo lighting calculations in such a way that all this is emphasized in the most beneficial way.

Calculation of street lighting
Calculation of street lighting

It is worth noting that the garden light itself can be a highlight. Especially for this, various street lamps have been created that have a wide variety of shapes and textures. With their help, you can make your yard more attractive, emphasize all its beauty and dignity.
