Interior of beautiful apartments: photo. Beautiful interiors. Beautiful interiors of small apartments

Interior of beautiful apartments: photo. Beautiful interiors. Beautiful interiors of small apartments
Interior of beautiful apartments: photo. Beautiful interiors. Beautiful interiors of small apartments

Beautiful interior is a very subjective concept. Each person has his own idea of how his dream apartment should look like. Someone prefers functionality and minimalism in the interior, but for someone the main thing is luxurious carved furniture, pictures in a fancy frame and many accessories. At the same time, creating the ideal look of the apartment, you need to decide on a few common points.

General direction

interior of beautiful apartments
interior of beautiful apartments

The interior of beautiful apartments can be made in a variety of styles: minimalist, ethnic, classic, art deco, pop art and others. Each of them has its own characteristics. These include a certain color scheme, type of furniture, the presence and appearance of accessories. For each person, depending on his temperament, lifestyle and preferences, a style of one direction or another is suitable. The interior of beautiful apartments forenergetic people with a frantic pace of life - this is the decoration of the pop art direction. Restrained people with constant habits and good income can afford one of the directions of the classical style. Travel lovers will give their preference to ethnic style. At the same time, it is quite possible to allow a mixture of styles, especially those close to each other. It is enough just to stick to one direction in the design of all interior details. A huge crystal chandelier with many details will look out of place in a minimalist interior with plain furniture of strict forms, functional blinds instead of heavy curtains and paintings in simple frames.

Playing with space

beautiful apartment interiors
beautiful apartment interiors

Beautiful apartment interiors are built on the proper use of their space. Regardless of the chosen style, the room should not have an excessive amount of furniture and accessories. If there is such a need, it is possible to create several different zones within the same room. For example, in the living room, you can select both a recreation area and a children's corner. This is achieved through the correct arrangement of furniture, the construction of plasterboard partitions, and the color separation of space. With the skillful distribution of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, very beautiful apartment interiors are obtained. A photo of the kitchen, for example, demonstrates the correct combination in one space of a cooking area with a large work surface and a place to relax.

Choice of furniture

beautiful apartments interior photos
beautiful apartments interior photos

When choosing furniture, you needremember not only the style of the interior to which it must correspond, but also its functionality. This rule is especially true when designing a kitchen and a children's room. In the living room, you can sometimes sacrifice a very comfortable easy chair in favor of an exquisite chair with golden carved legs, which will perfectly match the antique style. In any case, a beautiful interior will help to recreate not a huge number of cabinets, bedside tables and chairs, but items made of good materials that are really necessary for a comfortable life.


Beautiful apartments, whose interior photos attract attention, are also distinguished by well-designed lighting. Currently, spotlights are increasingly being used. With their help, it is easy to fill every corner of the room with light. If necessary, you can dose the degree of illumination, creating twilight in the room. Spotlights fit into many interior styles. However, the interior of beautiful apartments in antique style, for example, involves the use of an exquisite chandelier with a lot of decorations. A good option for lighting the apartment are also wall sconces, which can be purchased now in a variety of designs.

beautiful interiors of small apartments
beautiful interiors of small apartments


Beautiful apartment interiors are well-chosen color schemes. With the help of different shades, you can not only create a special mood in the room, but also change the boundaries of space. Light shades make the room seem bigger than it is.really. In this case, the ceiling should be a tone lighter than the walls. Dark colors visually reduce the volume of the room. The choice of suitable shades also depends on the purpose of the space. In the kitchen, yellow or orange tones will be appropriate. They have a positive effect on the mood of a person, increase appetite, energize. In the bedroom, green color will contribute to the appeasement. But rich shades of red can make a person irritated and aggressive. If it is impossible to recreate the interior of beautiful apartments without this color, it is better to use it in doses. Various red accessories will look very impressive: decorative pillows, vases, lamps. They will greatly enliven the look of the room. Romantic people have their own view on the beautiful interiors of small apartments. The photo of such premises reflects the use of pastel shades of pink, yellow, brown. It is very important that the color schemes in the apartment correspond to the chosen style in its design. Minimalism in the interior suggests simple and pure colors of cold tones: white, black, brown. The sophistication and luxury of classicism will be emphasized by deep and rich shades of brown, burgundy, blue.

Important little things

beautiful interiors of apartments photos of kitchens
beautiful interiors of apartments photos of kitchens

Beautiful apartments simply cannot do without a variety of accessories. Photos of interiors easily prove this. In whatever style the room is decorated, it seems empty without paintings, figurines, vases and other details of decoration. Accessories should, like the color schemeapartments, correspond to the general style in which the space is decorated. Black and white paintings in inexpensive frames made of simple material will perfectly fit into the interior of a minimalist or high-tech style. The decoration of the apartment of an antique or classical orientation should be complemented by expensive luxurious details. Reproductions of famous artists in expensive carved frames, magnificent crystal vases, porcelain figurines - all this is an indispensable attribute of these styles.

Beautiful interiors of small apartments

beautiful interiors of apartments photos of kitchens
beautiful interiors of apartments photos of kitchens

In the process of decorating the interior of a small apartment, one has to solve a rather difficult task. The interior should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Places for comfortable rest, storage, cooking and eating should be provided. In many ways, this task can be solved by built-in household appliances and transformable furniture. For example, from a compact wardrobe located along one of the walls, a table, chairs and even a bed can appear in a matter of seconds. Do not forget about the right color schemes. Without light colors that visually increase the space, it is almost impossible to create beautiful interiors for small apartments, photos usually confirm this. In a small room, you do not need to get carried away with accessories. Shelves filled with all sorts of trinkets will create a feeling of chaos in the apartment. Another way to increase the space is to use lightweight and compact blinds instead of bulky curtains made of heavy materials. This is especially true if outside the windowthe view is beautiful.
