Many owners of private real estate sooner or later begin to think about the arrangement of communication and other life support systems. At the same time, an important role is given to sewer wells, because it is an integral part of any sewage disposal system. Their characteristics will determine how often cleaning will have to be done, what problems may arise during the maintenance period, and much more. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult to understand in the construction of sewer wells. However, this is not the case. What are these elements?

Sewer wells should be present at each site, and therefore it would be useful to study how they work and a number of features inherent in them.
General information
BAny drainage system must have at least one well or reservoir. Many owners of suburban real estate prefer an autonomous type of sewerage. But keep in mind that this is a rather complex typical engineering project that requires certain knowledge and skills.
The key element of such a system is sewer wells, which can have any shape - round, square, rectangular. They can be made from different materials, be it concrete rings, bricks, or ready-made plastic containers.
From a constructive point of view, the device of sewer wells is represented by several components:
- base;
- tray;
- working chamber;
- neck;
- manhole.
Now you should get acquainted with the main types of sewer wells, which are most often installed by many owners of the private sector.
Varieties of wells
Such structures are divided into several types:
- Observation.
- Rotary.
- Variable.
- Overflow.
- Cumulative.
- Filtration.
At the same time, each of these wells performs its duties. If a simple sewerage system is located on the site, then only one storage well is enough. At the same time, with a more complex scheme, it will be necessary to study the device and installation features of each of all the above types.
Observation structure
Under the sewer inspection devicewell should be understood as a shaft located above the main outlet line. Such facilities allow visual inspection of sewer pipes and, if necessary, perform repair work or mechanical cleaning, flushing during operation.
Such shafts are located in a straight line of the drainage system at a certain distance from each other. Usually it is 30 m, but the distance may vary depending on the diameter of the pipes. At the same time, the definition of "manhole" may include mines that are installed on turns or on the path of crossing communications.
Rotating shafts
They are installed in those places where sharp turns of the channel are necessary. That is more than 90°. The presence of such structures is mainly due to the fact that it is in these areas that the system is actively clogged. In addition, this design can be used as an inspection shaft, which makes it easy to clean a specific section of the pipe.

In the course of arranging a well system, it is often necessary to place a septic tank or reservoir away from several sources of wastewater. And this inevitably leads to the appearance of turns.
Floating structures
Such tanks are relevant in the case of arranging a complex system on a site with a slope. The device of a differential sewer well is also necessary in the following cases:
- when the depth of the diversion ditch decreases;
- there is a need forbypassing other underground utilities or pipes;
- prevent high speed water movement.
If effluent enters the well at high speed, the insulation or the structure itself may be damaged due to washout or shock loading. In turn, this construction is also divided into several subspecies:
- Typical mine with water inlet at the top and outlet at the bottom.
- Design with a baffle-drain wall that slows down the flow rate.
- Short channels with a large degree of slope, in order to, on the contrary, increase the speed of the flow.
- Mine that includes multi-stage drops.
In this regard, slowing down the flow rate is the main purpose of the differential mine.
Overflow type of wells
Devices of an overflow sewer well are otherwise called overflow septic tanks. In fact, these are several storage tanks that are connected to each other by means of bypass-type pipes at the top.
The main purpose of such a structure is the collection of sewage. In this case, insoluble impurities accumulate at the bottom of the first tank. After that, the purified liquid is sent through inclined pipes to the next storage tank.
The system provides for the separation of solid and liquid phases of sewage. And the main feature of overflow wells is that they do not require auxiliary equipment andelectricity.
Cumulative type
Such structures, in fact, are containers for collecting and storing drained water. Subsequently, it is pumped out by pumps or special vacuum trucks can be involved in the work.
Among other types and devices of sewer wells, this option is more preferable for private suburban areas. This is a particularly advantageous solution when the central system is located too far away or is not available at all. Based on the volume, such structures can be made of different materials. But most often these are reinforced concrete rings, large plastic containers, or it can just be a monolithic concrete structure.

If the amount of wastewater is small, then this option with the installation of a plastic container is fully justified. The cost of the tank is not very high, and its installation can be done independently. In addition, there is no need to involve a professional team with specialized equipment. It is enough to enlist the support of acquaintances, which will greatly simplify the task, since it will be difficult to cope alone.
Filter variety
Another type and device of a sewer well, which is worthy of attention. Filtration facilities or mines can be either open or closed. At the same time, both options are intended for the separation of wastewater, and they also allow you to separate large debris and heavy substances from the water itself.
Open mine –This is a structure for the manufacture of which perforated concrete blocks are used. Meanwhile, the liquid goes into the ground through special holes. As for heavy substances, they remain in such a facility and are then raked out using special equipment and sent for recycling or disposal.
List of rules and requirements
The planning and construction of sewerage systems is regulated by special rules and regulations, as well as regulations (SNiP). In this case, the most important point is the distance between the sewer wells. The dimensions of the pipeline depend on this parameter.
In other words, if the pipe has a diameter of 150 mm, then the step between the wells should be 35 meters. With a diameter of 200 mm, the step is already, respectively, another - 50 meters. Similar requirements are given in another, no less important document - a technological map for the installation of sewer wells.
In fact, the requirements of SNiP for the arrangement of sewer wells are a kind of instruction that spells out the rules for installing sewer lines. Also, such a document contains technical requirements that apply to various designs of wells, taking into account sanitary and technical safety standards.

The fundamental requirements of SNiP can be considered:
- Wells should be located away from sources of drinking water and other plumbing systems.
- Shafts should be at a certain distance from residential buildings and neighboringplots.
- The volume of the well should be regulated by the number of people living, as well as the average volume of wastewater over a certain period of time.
- The depth of the pit for installing the tank should be within 2.5 meters, no more. As for its diameter, it should exceed the dimensions of the structure itself by no more than 0.5 meters.
- If a high level of groundwater lies on the site, then according to SNiP, the construction of a sewer well should include waterproofing.
- The bottom of the pit should be covered with a sand cushion at least 100 mm thick.
- There should be a gap of 600 mm directly between the bottom of the tank and the bottom of the pipe.
Installation of a sewer well made of concrete is regulated by GOST. While the reference to TU is responsible for the installation of communications made of plastic and polymers. Concrete or stone structures can be prefabricated or monolithic. Filtering structures are erected mainly from rubble stone. As for polymeric materials, in relation to sewer systems, the use of polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, dense polyethylene is acceptable.
Modern communications, which are mounted in urban construction or the private sector, can combine elements from different materials. Such decisions do not contradict building regulations.
Features of different types of wells
In accordance with the same rules and regulations (SNiP), the sewer well device must take into account the installation features of each type,based on their purpose and the materials used. The filter well is designed to clean wastewater from harmful impurities. To do this, the bottom of the collector must be covered with crushed stone, and the layer thickness is at least 1000 mm. After that, only its perimeter should be filled with concrete mortar. This will avoid the destruction of the base and the withdrawal of water through the center of the circle, where, in fact, drainage and cleaning takes place.

The manhole is usually built from a pipe with a diameter of 460 mm. This size will allow you to clean the tank from the hose. If there is a need to descend into the internal cavity of the structure, then the diameter of the pipe must be at least 925 mm. If a viewing collector is being erected in an area where there is no road surface, a blind area is required to drain wastewater. With a good road surface, installation can be carried out 70 mm above the soil surface.
According to SNiP, a storage type sewer well device should be equipped in the bottom of the site to facilitate the flow of water into the tank. The structure is located at a depth of 3000 to 6500 mm, and the number of rings is no more than 7. Special recesses are made at the bottom of the tank, which are then filled with sand or gravel. Water from such a facility is quite suitable for domestic needs.
Plastic wells - a modern and profitable solution
In relation to a private suburban area, plastic wells are most suitable for arranging a well system. This choice is due to certaindesign features, which are also advantages. In particular, we are talking about the following:
- Replacement of the lower tray.
- Connection of branch pipes with the structure of the well is performed by a seamless method. Due to this, a high degree of tightness is achieved. In this regard, the scope of work on sealing seams is significantly reduced.
- The construction of a sewer well in a private house made of plastic is more than justified, since the advantages of such structures in comparison with metal, concrete and ceramic counterparts are quite obvious. They are most often used in the course of creating urban communications.
- Manufacturers of plastic wells create all the necessary and favorable conditions. Branch pipes are created in such a way that the time for connecting pipes is noticeably reduced. In addition, such structures already initially have rubber seals at the pipe connection points. When used with waterproofing materials, a reliable connection is provided that can last for several decades without leakage.
- The design of the well itself is made seamless, thereby increasing its tightness, as well as reducing the cost of installation work. In fact, this is a pipe with a large size, having a bottom, which has one or more inlets.
- Well, and, in fact, without the sewer manhole device, precipitation or foreign objects would get inside. In this regard, the lid is also sealed.
In other words, the plastic construction of the well is economical andan environmentally friendly option in the process of installing a sewer system. With this product, you can control and maintain sewer networks of household waste.
Features of choosing a plastic well
We have already familiarized ourselves with the features of plastic wells (they are also advantages), now it is necessary to consider the important main factors that will make it possible to make the right choice of the desired design.

In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to some parameters.
- Diameter and height - the design of the well can be deep or wide. In this case, it is worth considering the features of the sewer system itself, including the location of the future structure in accordance with the rules for constructing sewer wells.
- Shape - most wells are usually cylindrical, but there may be other options. At the same time, the only type that is better not to use for a storage structure is square tanks. In such wells there are ribs, which is due to a feature. In such places, sediment is deposited, and removing it is quite problematic, if not almost impossible.
- Displacement - this indicator also deserves attention. Taking into account the average amount of sewage during the day, as well as the volume of the storage tank, you can determine how often they will have to be pumped out by a sewage machine.
- Surface type - smooth or corrugated. And atboth have their advantages and disadvantages. As an example, the corrugated type of surface has greater elasticity and is able to withstand more pressure than the conventional type. At the same time, dirt often accumulates in existing small depressions, and it is very difficult to remove it from there.
- Wall thickness - this parameter is important in the construction of a concrete tray in a sewer well. It can vary over a fairly wide range. But the thicker the walls of the well, the higher its strength characteristics. But there is also the other side of the coin - an increase in thickness inevitably leads to an increase in the mass and cost of the structure.
In addition, you can take a closer look at what type of plastic is used in the production of a particular well. This point is not so significant, but certain operational properties depend on it.
Wells made of reinforced concrete rings
Such structures are in great demand among most utilities involved in the maintenance and laying of underground pipelines. In addition, they are used in the arrangement of drainage and storm sewer systems, collectors. Is it worth mentioning that this is ideal for a home sewer system in your private suburban area? In addition, this material has no analogues in its field.
Due to its high performance, the technology of constructing a sewer well made of concrete rings is suitable for implementation in any climatic zone. A wide range of applications for reinforced concreterings, including their huge popularity, is due to a rather impressive list of virtues:
- Affordable price.
- Installation can be completed in a short amount of time.
- Waterproofing is light.
- High strength characteristics.
- Design durability.
- Shapes have regular geometry.
Besides this, reinforced concrete rings are quite close to each other, and the resulting gaps are eliminated easily and quickly. This achieves a high degree of sealing.

At the same time the device w. b. sewer wells are not without drawbacks, although, fortunately, there are not so many of them:
- reinforced concrete rings have low splitting resistance;
- in addition, rings are prone to cracking;
- installation without the use of specialized equipment is simply impossible;
- due to the large weight of the rings, the cost of delivery and installation increases.
At the same time, if we analyze all the pros and cons of such a structure, it becomes clear that this option justifies itself in many ways.
Technology for building a well from reinforced concrete rings
Establishing a structure on your site is a rather serious undertaking and therefore requires some preparation. The entire technology of constructing a sewer well from concrete rings can be conditionally divided into several steps.
- First you need to make a drawing of the circuitsewer system, where the entire layout should be indicated, including the location of the collector itself.
- The construction site is cleared of debris and foreign objects.
- It is necessary to organize a temporary road for the involved equipment at the construction site.
- Digging a pit and a trench.
- The bottom of the pit is cleaned and leveled.
After that, you can proceed directly to the arrangement of the well. To do this, you should arm yourself with the following algorithm, which is also divided into several important stages.
Step 1. It is necessary to remove the soil from the inner contour so that the structure can be leveled horizontally. To avoid errors, it is worth connecting a level to this process.
Step 2. Mount the first ring, after which it is necessary to make holes in its walls that will be designed for pipes. At the same time, they should be inserted into the ring itself at a distance of no more than 100 mm. Around the circumference of the pipes, the hole must be sealed with mortar.
Step 3. At this stage, a tray is being installed in the sewer well (SNiP is allowed and even recommended). Otherwise, it is called a gutter, which will be located from the pipe inlet to the outlet. Its cross section must correspond to the diameter of the pipes. The gutter can be made from a piece of sewer pipe.
Step 4. Now another ring is being installed, while making sure that the locks on its inside are at the same level. All other reinforced concrete elements are mounted in the same order.

Step 5. After installing the last ring, the bottom of the structure is concreted, and the junctions of the rings are sealed with a sand-cement mixture. The arrangement of the filtering septic tank at this stage looks a little different - instead of pouring the bottom with concrete mortar, it is covered with rubble or crushed brick. The thickness of such a layer must be at least 500 mm.
Step 6. Now the whole structure is covered with a concrete slab with a hatch. Or, alternatively, install a frame with a hole and fill it with concrete mix.
Step 7. Upon completion of the installation of the structure, the technology for the installation of sewer wells provides for the laying of a pipeline. This is done at a depth of 600-700 mm with a slope of 20 mm and a meter step.
Step 8. At this stage, the structure is being tested throughout the day. This is done as follows - the collector is filled with water, and the ends of the pipes are closed with plugs.
Step 9. After successful testing, the outer walls of the concrete tank are covered with earth and carefully compacted.
Step 10. We can say that this is the final stage at which the concrete pavement around the neck is performed. Its width is 1500 mm.
Tray in the sewer well
Trays in the design of wells are made to perform important tasks. They serve to ensure the control of the operability of the sewer network and connected objects. In this case, this part can be formed before installing the first reinforced concrete ring, if forthis material was chosen for the well design.
In accordance with SNiP, the arrangement of trays in sewer wells, as a rule, is made of M-100 grade concrete with the use of formwork and subsequent mandatory reinforcement with steel mesh. Usually, it takes about 2-3 days to strengthen it, and after this time, you can proceed directly to the installation of the rings. Subsequently, it will be possible to finish the tray with plaster, followed by ironing.
Prevention measures
The effective performance of the sewer system largely depends on the conditions of its operation, including prevention. This means pumping out and cleaning all elements, and this must be done regularly. The frequency of such procedures, in turn, is directly dependent on the type of structure, as well as the capacity of the reservoir.
If the cleaning is carried out irregularly or completely ignored, then after a while the accumulation of debris in the sewer system will inevitably lead to the formation of a blockage. This can eventually cause a bad smell in the well.
Even if a drainage pump is provided in the sewer well, this does not save it from regular cleaning, as silt and other debris collect at the bottom. This should normally be done at least every 2 or 3 years.

And how, in fact, this procedure is carried out? There are several ways to do this:
- Specialsludge collection equipment.
- Vacuum pumping.
- Hydrodynamic technique, in other words, washing is done with water, which is supplied under strong pressure.
- Using chemicals.
- The thermal method is practically the same as the hydrodynamic method, only in this case hot water is supplied.
To implement the first two methods, you need to contact the sewer service.
The rest of the techniques can be easily done on your own. Upon completion of the cleaning of the well, manual processing is necessary. Only in this case can we talk about full and effective prevention.
Helpful tips
Finally, we can give some useful tips from people who can tell a lot about the construction of sewer wells.
Don't make the trench too deep. In this case, it will be necessary to add soil, and over time it tends to subside. For this reason, the highway may change the angle of the slope, which is undesirable.
To avoid damage to the pipeline, do not put hard objects under it during installation.
When choosing a site where a filtration or storage collector will be installed, it is necessary to provide for the access of equipment with which it will be cleaned.
Despite the fact that the well, in fact, is a wet structure, it is necessary to ensure its tightness. This measure is due to the fact that it allows to exclude the penetrationwastewater into the environment. Waterproofing of sections connecting reinforced concrete rings can be performed using special waterproof compounds.

As we know, the construction of a sewer well includes a waterproofing step. And while a layer of the appropriate material is being formed, it is necessary to exclude any effect of low temperatures or mechanical stress on its surface for 72 hours. During this time, these areas must be moistened regularly with a conventional spray. In addition, it is recommended to cover the surface with a film, which will reduce the evaporation of moisture.