Strawberry Elsanta: variety features

Strawberry Elsanta: variety features
Strawberry Elsanta: variety features

Elsanta has become the benchmark for strawberries. It was bred in 1981 as a result of crossing the Holiday and Gorella varieties. Meanwhile, this crossing exceeded all the breeders' expectations, Elsanta turned out much better than they expected. Since then, attempts to identify new varieties or find something better have not ended with the same success, because this variety has a number of advantages.

Strawberry Elsanta: variety description

Maturing term - medium early. The bush is not remontant, has an average height, erect, well leafy. The tendrils of the plant are quite thick. The leaves are quite large, green in color, have a concave shape, slightly wrinkled and ribbed. The flowers are also medium in size, bisexual. Peduncles are thick, located on the same level with the leaves. Inflorescence many-flowered, semi-spreading.

The berries of this variety have the correct size and shape: medium, round-conical. They don't have a neck. The berries are red, they have a lot of slightly sunken seeds of a yellowish tint. Juicy, dense pulp, fragrant, sweet-sour taste. Strawberry Elsanta attracts not only with its appetizing appearance, but alsoincredible taste qualities that were appreciated.

strawberry Elsanta
strawberry Elsanta

Characteristics of the variety

Elsanta has earned everyone's love. Undoubtedly, every gardener who has tasted strawberries will find a place to plant. This variety is characterized by "correct" berries, and in all respects. They have an attractive shape, good size, unsurpassed taste, in other words, strawberries of this variety are tasty and beautiful. Such a strawberry will weigh on average 30-35 grams, and if she likes how you care for her, the weight can reach 45 grams (one berry).

The main advantages include excellent taste characteristics, beautiful fruit shape, increased resistance of the plant to diseases. The Elsanta strawberry, which has a very positive description, has a high yield, which explains its incredible popularity.

Elsanta strawberry reviews
Elsanta strawberry reviews

Distinctive features of the Elsanta variety

When choosing strawberries, what do you pay attention to first of all? Perhaps, on its type and size? After all, a small strawberry mixed with berries of other sizes does not look so appetizing. The Elsanta strawberry is surprisingly different, the description of the variety of these berries speaks for itself. Here is the first feature - the berries are almost all the same size, which makes this strawberry variety the most attractive for growing on an industrial scale. This variety is stored for a long time and tolerates transportation well, the berries are dense and able to lie for some time without being crushed whenthis, like other, more fragile varieties. At room temperature, such strawberries can be stored for three days.

Elsanta is a variety of strawberries that can be grown both in open ground and under film. It is not susceptible to gray rot, white spot and brown spot, however, it is not resistant to root rot and is susceptible to powdery mildew.

Elsanta strawberry is a high-yielding variety. From one bush you can collect up to one and a half kilograms. In winter, it requires protection, as its frost resistance is weak. Another feature of the variety is unpretentiousness. This means that it will not cause any inconvenience to the gardener, it does not need to be constantly fertilized.

Elsanta strawberry variety
Elsanta strawberry variety

Planting and growing Elsanta

Let's start with the timing - mid-autumn. In September, this should not be done, because there may still be heat, and frequent watering will harm the young plant. In the spring, you should not plant for the reason that the berries will be small.

The ground must be wet. The distance between the seedlings is 40 cm. Having planted a bush in the ground, it should be well tamped around the seedling so that the roots do not crawl out and freeze. After planting, water thoroughly. Also, do not fertilize the plant when planting. So the yield will not decrease and the form will not worsen, which can happen when fertilizing. For the winter, before the first frosts, take care of it by covering it with a film. Otherwise, your seedlings will die.

During cultivation, it is important to remember that Elsanta strawberries are moisture-loving. In the southern regions of Russia, when sultry heat prevails in summer, savea variety from it can be done with the help of drip irrigation, and nothing else, because it will need to be watered constantly. At other times of the year, it also needs constant watering to keep the soil always moist.

Strawberry Elsanta variety description
Strawberry Elsanta variety description

Strawberry care

In the first year after planting, only watering will be important. She is unpretentious, therefore, it is not necessary to feed her. What's more, Elsanta is a strawberry variety that is not used to feeding, it will develop its ability to survive on its own, become stronger and produce a better harvest.


The first 10 days after disembarkation - often, but not abundantly. The second ten days - not often, plentifully. By about mid-November, the plant will be ready for wintering, its roots will deepen, the bush will become more stable. If it doesn't rain too much during this time, make sure to water it abundantly until frost sets in.

In the spring it is necessary to remove weeds and resume abundant watering. The fact that she does not have many antennae makes it much easier to care for the beds. When the fruiting period begins, it is no longer necessary to water frequently and abundantly. However, you need to make sure that the soil is sufficiently moist, this is one of the prerequisites for the Elsanta variety. Strawberries, reviews of which are extremely laudatory, have won the recognition and love of gardeners thanks to not only simple care, but also excellent taste.

strawberry Elsanta description
strawberry Elsanta description

Elsanta Strawberry is a variety that is grateful for mulching - this increases the yield percentage. So if you did not use the film in the winter, do mulching. To do this, you can take humus or peat, as well as dry grass, straw, sawdust, and so on. Elsanta is a strawberry whose reviews fully describe not only its impeccable taste and perfectly proportional appearance, but also its ease of care and cultivation.
