One of the unique creations of nature is a flower with blue flowers. In different nations, such plants were regarded as a piece of heaven that descended to earth, so even the most unpretentious and common of them were revered and protected. Blue flowers are a great decoration for any garden. They harmoniously fit into the flower bed, look beautiful among the trees, and some varieties are even a natural fence. Therefore, let's take a closer look at some varieties of these celestial representatives of the flora.

The most famous flower with blue flowers is the cornflower. This field plant is completely unpretentious, as it is used to living in the wild. You can plant this miracle on your site, but keep in mind that the cornflower is prone to overgrowth. Therefore, it is best for him to take a separate flower bed, which will be all, like a heavenly carpet, covered with these lovely flowers.
A climbing plant that is used to close a fence, lattice or wall - twisted panych (Ipomoea). It immediately climbsup and with its dense foliage tightly closes any surface. Panych in most cases has blue and blue flowers, but there are also varieties that are characterized by lilac, purple and even hot pink shades.

Forest bells will look innocent and charming on your flower bed. Their flowers, like small blue stars, stick around dark green stems and intertwine with the same rich leaves. This plant, like the field cornflower, grows rapidly throughout the site, so it is recommended to plant bluebells in a separate flower bed. A good alternative to such a design would be a garden, such forest stars will perfectly replace the green grass that most often grows among trees.
The legume family also has flowers with blue flowers, and they are called lupins. Small flowers cling to green stems, as a result of which the field or flower bed sown with them has a rich blue color with a slight lilac tint. If you want to plant such plants on your site, then properly fertilize the soil. Water your lupines twice a day and they are otherwise undemanding.

Forget-me-not is the cutest and most touching blue flower. His photographs are pleasing to the eye, improve mood and create a feeling of lightness. Forget-me-nots grow in shady places, love moisture. If you feed the soil in which they live a little, then the flowers themselves will become larger, their heavenly radiance will increase. Forget-me-not is a must-have plant in every garden.
The celestial nemophila migrated from distant Japan to our latitudes. It is a five-petalled flower with blue flowers that are round in shape. Nemophila is fixed on a stalk, reaching a length of no more than 50 centimeters. It blooms mainly in May-June and has a great tendency to grow.
The Russian analogue of this wonderful oriental plant is flax, a wild flower with blue flowers. Its sky-blue stars, although small, create an atmosphere of weightlessness and perfectly fill the empty space. Flax will get along with your garden trees, the main thing is to remember to water it and not plant it where there is no sunlight at all.