Felt sheet is a material that has low thermal conductivity, excellent air permeability and low weight. The use of this material is carried out in the field of instrumentation, in the manufacture of machines as gaskets, seals and filters, which are located between metal surfaces. If we are talking about the latter case, then the sheets are protected from pollution and abrasion, they are not subjected to shocks and shocks. If we are talking about environmental friendliness, then it should be noted that sheet felt is harmless, so it can be used in the field of private construction for insulation of residential and industrial premises. This material is made from natural washed sheep wool.
Varieties of material and their purpose

Coarse-wool technical felt is used for oil seals, filters and gaskets, as well as soundproofing material. If we consider the varieties of felt, we can distinguish plantar andshoe, which are used for the manufacture of platforms, insoles, shoes and soles. Podkomutovy and potnikovy felt is used in harness and saddlery. For the manufacture of yurts, felt of the same name is used, but builders use it as a sound and heat insulating material. Sheet felt can also be needle-punched, in which case it is actively used in furniture production. But if the material has the form of a substrate, then it is laid under the linoleum. Another variety is felt. It is a felt made from the down of rabbits and goats, the material is used for the production of hats, outerwear, decor items and bags.
Key Features

Sheet felt, as mentioned above, has found its wide distribution today, this is due to the many positive characteristics that are characteristic of this material. Among them are:
- sustainable;
- thermal conductivity;
- antibacterial;
- lightness;
- wear resistance.
Environmental friendliness lies in the fact that among the constituent elements of the material does not contain toxic substances. Among other things, the material absorbs during operation, and then neutralizes formaldehyde vapors, which makes it simply indispensable as an insulating material in private construction. Coarse wool felt is an excellent heat insulator. Sheep wool does not conduct heat well, and with an impressive volume of wool fibers tightly linked togetherthe material is transformed into a unique thermal insulation. It absorbs moisture, bringing it outside the house, which is why buildings where this material is used will never be damp indoors.
Felt boots are the warmest winter shoes for a reason. Feet in them will never freeze, they will not get wet from the snow. Natural felt also has antibacterial properties. Fungi and microorganisms do not start in the material, mold does not appear on the surface and inside. It should be noted also the lightness, which complements the rest of the technical characteristics. The material is highly wear-resistant, it is not afraid of abrasion, so the felt does not lose its characteristics for a long time.
Polishing wheels

Felt wheel is the most popular polishing material. It is made from high quality wool, which is pressed during the production process. Circles can be semi-coarse, fine-haired and coarse-haired. Quite often, in the manufacture of felt circles, dense grades of raw materials are used, since others wear out quickly. But fine-wooled circles are used for processing critical parts of instruments and machines. The semi-coarse felt wheel is used for polishing medical instruments, parts of precision measuring instruments and other things. In other cases, coarse wool products are used. Polishing of non-ferrous metals is preferably carried out using soft felt wheels. Such materials work most efficiently at lowspeeds. Recommended parameters vary from 5 to 10 m per second. If the speed is too high, then the surface will be harder, and the felt circle will simply fall off it and be wasted.
More information about felt circles

It is worth remembering that all grades of felt get dirty pretty quickly, so you should take precautions. Wheels should be kept away from dust and dirt. The idle circle should be closed if it is removed from the drive. It is usually wrapped in blank paper. On the felt wheel, mixing of powders or pastes should be avoided, but if you want to work with the dioxide series, then you should not use another polishing powder on the felt wheel.
Specialist recommendations

The felt wheel for polishing can be made from thin plates that are cut from the tops of old boots. The diameter of such a circle can vary from 5 to 25 cm, everything will depend on the drive used and the purpose of the circle.
Insulation of doors with felt

Technical felt is used today for door insulation. The material breathes, so it can be used even in baths with high humidity and temperatures. The material should be rolled up, and on the side where the edge is visible, the roll is laid around the perimeter of the box. Fixation is carried out with a stapler or nails. Additional protection is not required. Technicalfelt can be used to insulate the entire door leaf; for this, sheets are used that should be strengthened on the outside. Furniture nails with beautiful hats should be used to fix the insulation by covering it with a leather substitute or any other material. The latter must be weather resistant.
Alternative options for using felt insulation
With the help of felt, not only the doors are insulated, but also the walls, the floor, and the floor of the ceiling. However, it is rather problematic to use this material for wall insulation, and the cost can be high. The price is indicated per kilogram, in this case you will have to pay 200 rubles, the final cost will depend on the density.
Insulation of doors, like any other structures in the house, can be carried out using technical sheet felt. This material has many advantages, you can use them in everyday life when insulating the floor and ceiling. However, sometimes the material needs protection.