Ceramic tiles are quite popular and, most importantly, time-tested material. A variety of colors and textures in specialized stores is pleasing to the eye and at the same time makes it very difficult to choose. This article will help you understand not only the external signs of tiles, but also the main parameters and characteristics.
Definition of concept
Under the tile is most often understood as a finishing material of a certain, mostly small size. An important advantage of tiles immediately follows from this - the convenience in finishing surfaces of non-standard formats. These can be "tricky" corners, rounded walls, columns and other types of original construction solutions. The smaller the size of the product, the easier it is to perform a complex transition. A tile in the form of a mosaic, for example, may be more time-consuming, but it allows you to finish the most complex curly surfaces without losing decorative effect.
Diversity of species
The most common tile we have isceramic. What is ceramics? This is a heat treated clay. And since the clay is different in composition, and the firing processes are regulated over a wide range, ceramic tiles have a wide variety. Types of ceramic tiles can be classified. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the tile is one of the materials where, along with the physical and chemical characteristics and parameters, there are external decorative features. It often happens that when buying, it is the latter that are decisive in choosing. Therefore, the classification will first be according to external indicators. So, the types of tiles are as follows:
- glazed;
- with uneven surface (rustic);
- porous;
- no processing.

The difference in heat treatment determines the following two options. Double-fired tiles are produced by successive firing of the ceramic base first, and then together with the applied glaze. This, older method allows you to get a porous structure. A new look - single-fired ceramic tiles. To make the material of high quality, the clay mixture is dried and pressed in a special way. This is followed by glazing processes and only then, at one time, the tile is fired.
What types of tiles come in sizes? It is known that for wall options there are lines of shapes and sizes, and for floor options there are others. For example, if such dimensions as 30x30, 45x45 cm are natural for the floor, then for wall tiles the size rangecan start from 5x5 and 10x10 cm. In this case, the standard types of ceramic tiles will be 15x20, 20x20 and 20x25 cm. The larger the size of the material, the greater the surface area can be covered in the same time. Of the shortcomings, it is worth considering the increased requirements for the tile application area, and for especially large sizes (60x120 cm) - special tools.
Important parameters
In order to make the choice of tiles for wall or floor covering more conscious, it is necessary to know as many facts about the material as possible. What parameters should be taken into account when choosing? Consider the most important characteristics in sequence:
- Strength. It sounds trite, but the higher the strength, the longer the selected material will last.
- Wear resistance. The tile can be very durable, but if it quickly loses its decorative effect, you still want to change it. This is especially true for floor or paving.
- Elasticity. An important parameter regarding floor surfaces. A more elastic tile is able to recover after a deforming effect. Rigid, on the contrary, does not bend at all and can withstand significant loads.
- Porosity. Should be taken into account when designing pools, bathrooms and showers. Porous ceramic tiles are less slippery as they absorb some of the moisture.
- Thermal conductivity. Ceramic material conducts heat quite well. The tile heats up quickly, however, at the same time it cools down just as quickly. Therefore, it is successfully used in conjunction with underfloor heating.
Variety of ceramic tiles
Tiles made of ceramics have all the qualities necessary for a finishing coating. Ceramic tiles, characteristics, types and any other information about which is now in the public domain, is the most popular. To begin with, depending on the application, floor and wall tiles are distinguished. A separate group should include ceramics for bathrooms, where there is high humidity. Such tiles must have increased resistance to moisture and steam and withstand temperature fluctuations. Wear resistance is also important for decorative glazed material.

First of all, parameters such as strength, flexibility, wear resistance and non-slip are important for flooring. When washing the floor, aggressive chemicals are often used. Therefore, ceramic tiles should have maximum resistance to them. Wall cladding experiences less stress, the decorative effect and quality of the coating are more important here. Wall tiles should also be easy to clean and keep their original look.
Differences in production are the key to diversity
By production methods, the following types of tiles can be distinguished:
- ceramic granite is the most durable tile of all the others in the family. This material is even stronger than granite. Due to the complex technological process of production, it has such properties as frost resistance, low water absorption, a large margin of abrasion resistance;
- bicottour likeas the name implies, it is subjected to double firing, which is why it is quite porous. Suitable for dry surfaces. Thanks to the coating, both glossy and matte, it has a beautiful appearance;
- pressed, or extruded, obtained by molding from powder under pressure. It is possible to make all shapes and sizes;
- clinker has a high density, although the composition is quite heterogeneous and includes various types of clay and additives;
- faience - a material formed by double firing of dense, most often white clay and covered with a layer of glaze.

These types of tiles, photos of which are in the text, are the most popular.
Advantages of ceramic tiles
If you still have doubts about whether to use ceramics for cladding, consider some of the positive aspects of the material:
1. The combination of a huge variety of colors, textures and shapes with a large margin of strength and density. The production of ceramic tiles makes it possible to obtain a high-quality material at the output, even surpassing granite in strength. And the ability to mix different types of clay and use a variety of glazes gives an incredible number of types.
2. Inert qualities of the material to chemicals, which allows you to wash the tiles by any means.
3. Eco-friendly composition. Ceramic itself is a completely natural material. Therefore, tiles from it do not harm the environment and human he alth.

4. Fire safety. Despite the high thermal conductivity of the material, the tile, when heated, does not burn or even smolder.
5. Electrical insulator. Ceramic tiles are non-conductive.
Paving slabs and its features
So-called paving slabs are used to cover street surfaces. If thin decorative ceramics were enough for facing the premises, then open spaces dictate completely different conditions. The first is the thickness. That is why the name "paving stones" from the word "beam" appeared. In fact, these are such small bricks that can withstand a large load. After all, even a truck can easily drive along the sidewalks.
A large number of types of paving stones is due to the variety of shapes and sizes and production methods. What types of paving slabs can be distinguished? Available in sizes:
1. Rectangular, which, in turn, is divided:
- for large size, for example 300x300, 400x400 or even 500x500 mm;
- small size with dimensions less than 250x250 mm.
2. Indefinite form.
The second option is especially popular for the design of footpaths in the park, as well as in personal plots. Due to the special shape, any design decision can be made.

According to the production method, paving slabs, the types and sizes of which are varied, can be obtained by vibrocasting or vibrocompression. The first way allows you to get morevarious forms, but differs in less durability. Vibrocompression, on the contrary, produces very high quality and durable paving stones.
Types of tiles
Under the facing tiles understand a variety of material, made in certain geometric dimensions and designed to cover surfaces. At the same time, the use of tiles is not limited to the premises, it is widely used on the street. Facades of buildings, various fences, architectural monuments - in principle, there are no restrictions for cladding.

Types of facing tiles are very diverse. And the most common and popular option will be the ceramics discussed above. For facades, it is primarily the most durable and non-porous, with any size. It can be tiled with both small mosaic tiles and large squares with dimensions of 500x500 mm.
Other tile options
Ceramic tiles, being the most popular, sometimes give way to other materials. This applies to some types of plastic, rubber, cork, glass and even natural stone. Let's take a closer look at what types of tiles are in addition to ceramic:
- Quartz-vinyl. It is a material more than half consisting of quartz, and the rest is vinyl. Plasticizing additives, stabilizers and colorants are also present. Such a tile has a whole range of advantages: it does not conduct electricity and heat, it is easy to clean by any means and is quite plastic with good strength.
- Plastic. This includes tiles made of polyvinyl chloride and expanded polystyrene. The main advantage of the material is light, flexible and easy to clean.
- Rubber. It is mainly used for flooring in residential and office buildings. Has good friction resistance, soft and comfortable to walk in.
- Cork. Not the most common, but the most heat and sound insulating.
- Glass. The properties are close to quartz and ceramic - the same durable and waterproof. Produced from waste glass and quite economical.

As it turned out, modern facing materials have a wide variety of types. Having determined a specific place for yourself, it is quite easy to choose the optimal types of tiles with the necessary parameters. The difficulty can arise only in external data, because no one has canceled the presence of a difference in tastes. So have a nice choice!