Facing work: technology and purpose. Facing materials

Facing work: technology and purpose. Facing materials
Facing work: technology and purpose. Facing materials

During the repair, quite often people are faced with the need for facing work. What are they like? What are the features of their implementation? Let's consider all this further in more detail.

Facing tiles for exterior decoration
Facing tiles for exterior decoration

General characteristics

Facing works are all those actions that are performed to equip a certain finishing layer from specific materials. These actions can be performed both indoors and outdoors. As practice shows, most often the platforms for their implementation are walls, ceilings, facades. Other building structures may also be subjected to this type of work.

As for the cladding itself, it is a certain layer created from a building material obtained both artificially and naturally. Properly selected facing material is able to give the structure a beautiful look, and also often acts as a protection against the negative effects of various factors.

Currently, natural and artificialmaterials, since only a few varieties are the best options for their implementation.

Let's consider further the basic rules for selecting material for performing work of a certain type, as well as some features of their implementation.


The procedure for performing work of this type has a specific purpose, and it is not only to give the structure a more beautiful look.

Speaking about the purpose of facing works, it should be noted that a properly selected material is capable of performing a number of functions, of which the following stand out especially brightly:

  • protection of structures from various types of harmful effects (chemical, mechanical, atmospheric);
  • soundproofing;
  • decrease in thermal conductivity;
  • hygienic protection.

Types of facings

Special attention should be paid to the types of facings. From can be divided into several categories, depending on certain factors. Consider them further.

Depending on the location of the structure being created, the facings are vertical and horizontal. The former include pilasters, walls, partitions, columns, etc., while the latter include ceilings and floors.

Depending on the condition of execution, facings are divided into internal and facade. As for the former, they are produced in structures and buildings. Speaking of facades, it is worth noting that a number of them include those that are performed outside.

Facingplinth stone
Facingplinth stone

General information about facing material

Today, the building infrastructure offers the possibility of using a wide variety of materials for interior cladding. All of them differ in texture, color, style and areas of possible application.

Currently, tiles are considered the most popular facing material. Such a high prevalence of its use is due to the fact that masonry from it is appropriate for both interior and exterior decoration.

Along with tiles, other materials are quite often used:

  • special cladding panels;
  • brick;
  • siding;
  • ceramosiding;
  • artificial stone;
  • natural stone;
  • profiled wall sheet;
  • decorative plasters;
  • thermopanels.
Facing works
Facing works

For the processing of the interior of the premises, materials such as flagstone, lining and some rolled facing materials are also very often used.

Let's consider further the features of the use of some materials intended for cladding rooms and facades.


Considering the list of materials suitable for facing work, it is worth paying attention to tiles. It should be noted that the modern building materials market offers a large selection of types of such material for decoration. Of the total number of types of tiles, the most popular are:

  • ceramic;
  • linoleum;
  • from rocks;
  • cork;
  • with mineral canvas backing;
  • terracotta;
  • gypsum tiles;
  • stone;
  • rubber;
  • carpet;
  • vinyl.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that with such a wide variety of types of material, it can fit into any kind of interior. So, stone tiles are often used to create decor in rooms furnished in a classic style, with the effect of antiquity.

For flooring, it is best to use ceramic, linoleum, carpet and cork tiles. As for the material made on the basis of mineral canvas, it has excellent soundproofing properties, due to which it is often used to decorate the ceiling and walls.

Carpet and rubber flooring options are widely used for finishing office premises, which is primarily due to their low cost, versatility in use, and ease of cleaning. Gypsum tiles are often chosen for cladding walls and ceilings.

Features of working with tiles

In the process of decorating squares with tiles, builders are required to perform a number of tasks, including:

  • carrying out preliminary preparation of products;
  • slab sorting;
  • preparation of mortars, mastics and adhesives;
  • preparation of fasteners;
  • slinging;
  • surface markings;
  • drilling holes needed to fix the elements;
  • installation of plates and individual parts.

Working with exterior wall tiles often involves creating an additional protective layer for the entire finish that will be able to prevent cracking. As practice shows, special transparent varnishes are often used for this purpose.


Currently, the widespread material for facing the facade of buildings is brick. This material is considered quite durable and allows you to create different designs and patterns.

Brick is an excellent facing material for the house, which performs thermoregulatory, protective and soundproofing functions. It is worth noting that the technology for applying masonry from it directly depends on the characteristics of the base, its strength, as well as the material from which it is made.

Bricklaying has certain advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the beauty of design, wear resistance, as well as a high level of protection that can be provided if the work is done correctly. Moreover, a significant advantage of this cladding format is that the brick provides a greater degree of protection of the building from the effects of fire.

As for the negative qualities of this type of cladding, they include the cost of work and the material itself, as well as the fact that under the influence of certain natural factors, certain types of material begin to acquire whitish stripes, significantly worsening the appearance of the coating.

Facing materials for the house
Facing materials for the house

Decorative plaster

This is another material that is currently widely used for interior and exterior decoration. Such plaster is a combination of materials that ensure its strength, as well as coloring pigments, mica, various fibers, etc.

Currently, in the construction industry, there are several types of decorative plaster, of which the most popular were and remain:

  • silicone;
  • polymer;
  • mineral;
  • flock;
  • Venetian;
  • textured;
  • structural.

With the help of plaster, builders can create both smooth and corrugated coatings that perfectly protect walls from fungus, dampness and other negative factors that can affect both external and internal walls.

Performing facing works with decorative plaster, as a rule, does not require a large number of skills in the field of construction. The coating created from the material in question does not need special care, which is also an advantage of plaster.

Appointment of facing works
Appointment of facing works

Natural and artificial stone

As for the process of processing coatings with artificial and natural stone, the purpose of this material is no different from brick. It should be noted that stone decoration is quite often used for both facade and interior decoration. Very often such elements are laid outfireplaces, walls and stairs. Very often used facing stone for the plinth.

The advantages of this type of material include:

  • durability of operation (at least 50 years);
  • easy to care for coating;
  • reliable protection against mechanical, chemical and other types of impact;
  • possibility of combination with other materials;
  • beauty of the view.

Among the disadvantages of such a coating, builders include the complexity of laying, the high cost of the material and its heavy weight. In addition, facing with natural stone takes a long time, which is primarily due to the complexity of its calculation.

Gypsum tiles
Gypsum tiles


Currently, a fairly common practice is to finish facades with thermal panels. The material in question has a number of advantages, which include:

  • naturalness and environmental friendliness of the composition;
  • presence of a warming layer;
  • presence of a beautiful finish on the front surface.

By their nature, thermal panels are a composite material of a modular type, which is created on a rigid base, which is OSB board.

The use of thermal panels is appropriate to give a beautiful look to the facades of private houses. Moreover, this type of material often acts as a heater, which is its advantage.

Facing work with natural stone
Facing work with natural stone

Why is choosing the right facing material so important?

It should be noted that before carrying out the facing work, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the choice of material for finishing. Why is this so important?

First of all, it is worth noting that the wrong material can damage the treated surface, and in some cases even the he alth of the person living in this place. Vivid examples of such situations are tiled floors, which tend to slip when wet.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the wrong type of facing material can violate certain standards. Moreover, when choosing a material, it is worth considering its resistance to certain degrees of loads characteristic of certain types of premises.

In addition to all of the above, you should also pay attention to the fact that the appropriately selected facing material will last much longer.

Of particular importance is also the correct selection of tools for facing work, as well as fasteners.
