Sliced timber is a building material widely used in construction. It is used for fastening a block house, lining, imitation of timber, for lathing walls and ceilings, a log for the floor. From the bars of certain tree species, interior partitions, doors and furniture are produced. The thickness of the bar is at least 10 cm, if it is less, then this is already a bar.
Sliced timber cannot be attributed to durable building materials, but still, with proper care, it can stand for up to a hundred years. This type of timber is planed from a single log, all four sides of it are processed with special tools. It can be both square and rectangular, while its width should not exceed the thickness by more than two times. The timber is planed to a first class finish.

In construction, one cannot do without beams, but not only planed ones are used. Profiled timber is also very popular. Although it costs more than a planed timber, it is not subject to deformation, does not shrink, and cracks do not appear on it. barplaned has natural moisture, so that it dries, the boards need to age for about a year. In addition, the beam can present a rather unpleasant surprise, twisting and forming gaps.

After natural drying, the timber must be caulked. It can only be painted with breathable paints. A profiled beam does not need a caulk. But be that as it may, it still requires some attention in the assembly, because it is not so easy to build sealed walls from profiled timber.
Sliced and profiled - these bars are completely different, but they also have a lot in common. Both one and the second are quite flammable, so they need to be treated with special means. It must be remembered that this is, first of all, a tree that is subject to decay and destruction under the influence of fungi, atmospheric phenomena, and insects. To extend the service life, the planed beam must be treated with an antiseptic, and from time to time the impregnation must be renewed.
In construction, bars are used, both of natural moisture and dried in a special chamber. Dry planed timber has a moisture content of only 8 - 12%, while naturally dried planed timber has a moisture content of about 18%. In construction, both the first and second types of wood can be used, which is preferable - this already completely depends on the type of work.
Beam is used in the construction of any structures, because it has established itself as a light, strong and durable material with a lowthermal expansion coefficient. The price for it is quite acceptable, since the timber is made very simply, and the raw materials are not so valuable.

Dry timber is widely used for the construction of residential premises, it is good for creating eurolining. This material has the least moisture, because it is dried in a special chamber. At the same time, it does not lose its properties and remains a completely ecological material.
Beams should be stored in a well-ventilated area with little humidity. They are stacked in piles, while the air should circulate normally. For safety, the boards are covered with roofing material.