The money tree is a popular houseplant. It can be found not only in homes, but also in shopping centers, offices, shops. It is believed that it improves the financial situation. However, in order for the plant to grow well, to have large sheets of rich green color, it needs to be properly cared for. The main thing is not only to plant it and water it, but also to feed it. Only in such conditions the plant will be truly beautiful. This article will tell you when, how and how to feed the money tree. We will also consider other equally important points: recommendations from experts on growing, transplanting, and watering.
Short description
Crassula is a plant of the succulent family with a tree-like trunk and a branched crown. Her homeland is Africa. The leaves can be both large and small, depending on the variety. They are fleshy and quite dense. Some people compare them to coins, sohow they are rounded. An adult plant grows up to 50 cm in height. There are instances and more than this mark.
In total, there are more than 300 types of money tree. Care instructions will be given a little later. The most common variety is considered to be a tree-like fat woman. There are also other varieties:
- Crosby Compact. A distinctive feature is the reddish leaves of a small size (1 × 1.5 cm).
- Crassula ovata var. obliqua. This variety combines two varieties. They differ in leaves. In the first - white streaks, in the second - yellow. The shape of the leaves is triangular with a sharp tip.
- Gollum and the Hobbit. The flowers of this variety have tubular leaves of an interesting shape.

Features of care
Those who decide to grow a fat woman at home need to choose the right place where she will stand. The fact is that the flower loves light very much, but does not tolerate direct sunlight at all. They are detrimental to the plant. It is recommended to put the pot next to the window if it is the south side. The southeastern part of the apartment is considered optimal. If there is not enough light, then the leaves will begin to stretch, growth will slow down, the crown will be uneven.
Even with proper care at home, a money tree almost never pleases with flowering. In order to see flowers, it is necessary to create a natural habitat for the plant. And this is impossible in the latitudes of Russia. Crassula inflorescences are small. Can be of different shades: pink, white, yellow.

Why does the fat woman grow poorly?
Many novice flower growers are faced with the fact that the money tree (fat woman) does not grow well. How to care? In the reviews of specialists, the following reasons are highlighted that slow down growth:
- Violation of watering rules. The plant needs a different amount of water depending on the season. More on this later.
- Pests and diseases. A sick flower cannot fully develop. Because of this, its growth is suspended. Leaves may be sluggish. The most dangerous for the fat woman are the mealybug, scale insect, spider mite. Also, the plant may be affected by a fungal infection.
- Wrong temperature regime. During the growth period, the room should be + 20-30 ° С. And when the plant is at rest, the temperature must be reduced to +16 ° С.
- Dust. If the leaves are covered with dust, then this negatively affects the development of the flower. Therefore, you should regularly wipe their surface with a damp cloth or cotton wool soaked in water.
Fertilizer and top dressing
Often in reviews, people are interested in what and when to feed the money tree? This moment is very important. Without fertilizer, it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow a beautiful flower. During the period of rest and active growth, it must be fed differently. Fertilizers are applied once a month, starting in April. Since October, its number has been cut in half. The frequency also decreases. It is important to water the plant abundantly before feeding. This will protect the roots from burns. Nextday you need to arrange a shower in the morning and evening.
How to feed the money tree? To do this, experts recommend the use of universal means for indoor plants. There are also special ones on sale that are designed for cacti and succulents.
Feeding rules:
- Dry fertilizers are diluted with either boiled water or rainwater.
- Supplements are not allowed while the plant is rooting.
- The best time to fertilize the soil is evening.
In order for the money tree to fully develop, it needs nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. It is important to remember that both their deficiency and excess negatively affect.

Calcium based nutrition
Of course, every grower can go to a specialized store and buy ready-made fertilizer. However, you can enrich the soil with calcium at home. As you know, this element is contained in the eggshell. There are three ways to prepare fertilizer for a fat woman.
- The first is to use the shell as a drainage layer. It is poured on the bottom of the pot with a thickness of 2-3 cm.
- Second - to make flour from the shell. Some growers use a blender for this. But you can grind it with a rolling pin. However, the shell must be well dried before this.
- Third - tincture. It is done very simply. The shell from five eggs is poured with boiling water (0.5 l). Insist 7-10 days in a dark place. After that, they are used for watering instead of simplewater.

Fertilizers from the store
If you are interested in how to feed the money tree, then you can buy Gileya fertilizer. Its composition is great for succulents. Popular among flower growers. It is diluted with boiled water at the rate of two caps and one liter of liquid. Top dressing is carried out only during the period of active growth. Pokon, Effekton DC, Lignogumat, Uniflor Cactus have also proven themselves well.
Very carefully it is necessary to select fertilizers for fat women. It is not recommended to use mineral additives with a large amount of nitrogen. Its excess will lead to the death of the flower.

Organic fertilizers
And what else to feed the money tree? Wood ash! This fertilizer is considered the best for a fat woman. It just has relatively little nitrogen, but the rest of the substances are in excess. Organics can be applied in two ways:
- Mix the ash with the soil or dig in about 2 cm.
- Make a solution and water. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of ash, fill it with water and leave for 7 days.

Irrigation features
How to water the money tree at home? There are many nuances in this matter. The fact is that stagnant water will inevitably lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, watering must be extremely careful. The professionals thinkthat a fat woman is better off with less water than more. But it is undesirable to overdry the soil. If the flower does not have enough moisture, then this will be displayed on the leaves. At first they will become wrinkled, then they will completely dry out.
So, how to water the money tree? Everything will depend on the season. In the summer, in the heat, you need to do this every day, but little by little. It is important to wipe the crown regularly. But in winter it is necessary to reduce watering to once every 2 weeks. If the room has an increased level of moisture, then do it even less often.
In order to check if the soil is dry, you need to deepen your finger by about 2-3 cm. If it is dry, then it's time to water.
How to plant and grow a money tree? Let's find out what the experts recommend.
In order to plant a fat woman, nothing special needs to be done. Even a novice florist will cope with this. You need to prepare a pot. It is best to choose clay or ceramic, but in the absence of such, plastic is also suitable. Particular attention should be paid to the size of the container. In a very large pot, the tree will be uncomfortable. Its growth and development will slow down. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the size of the pot should be proportional to the height of the flower.

Having de alt with the container, you can start choosing the substrate. The money tree grows best in soil designed for cacti. If it is not possible to purchase ready-made soil, then it is done independently. To do this, you need to mix four parts of leafy or soddy soil withpeat and sand. The latter are taken in a ratio of 4:1. Don't forget about drainage. It is made from expanded clay, broken bricks or ceramics, shells. This will prevent root rot in case of overflow.
It is easy to propagate a fat woman. For this, cuttings, shoots and even leaves are suitable. As for the latter, the plant sheds them when a new shoot appears from the bud. This leaf can be deepened into a bud, and in time it will give roots. Do the same with cuttings. However, it is better to put them in a glass of water, so the roots will appear faster.
How to transplant a plant?
A large or small money tree needs to be replanted. In the first case, it is recommended to do this no more than once every three years. But with young shoots you have to tinker. They are transplanted regularly, as the fat woman "grows" out of the pot. How to do it correctly so as not to harm the flower?
- Carefully remove the tree from the container. It is important not to forget that the fat woman has superficial roots.
- Clean up all the old soil. Can be washed under water.
- Inspect the roots for damage. If there are putrefactive processes, they must be removed, and the plant should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.
- Prepare a new pot. Make a drainage layer. Pour the substrate. Moisturize it a little.
- Make a small indentation in the center. Gently place the plant in it.
- Fill up the soil and lightly compact it.
- The last step is watering.
That's it, the money tree has been transplanted. Now it will grow beautiful and he althy. Just don'tforget that you can fertilize it no earlier than two weeks after transplantation. But how to feed the money tree is described in detail above.