Grapes "black pearl" - variety description, taste, reviews, photos

Grapes "black pearl" - variety description, taste, reviews, photos
Grapes "black pearl" - variety description, taste, reviews, photos

Almost every person has tasted grapes in their life. Someone grows such a plant on their site, someone buys bunches of grapes in the market or in a store. The range of such a plant is huge. Each consumer can find a type of grape that will combine the entire palette of taste and will be to his liking. Its berries contain substances that benefit the human body. Fiber, vitamins A, B6, C, calcium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, etc. This article describes the black pearl grape variety.

The story of the "black pearl"

Such a delicacy as grapes, to the taste of every person. Many consider grapes "black pearls" to be a jewel of gardens. This type of plant was bred at the Potapenko Institute. Breeders crossed two hybrids - "August" and"Amur", as well as "Magarach centaur" and "Left Kum". Thanks to a labor-intensive process, a new grape variety "black pearl" was eventually bred. And in 2005, this variety was officially entered into the State Register.

Grape plantation
Grape plantation

Variety description

The black pearl grape is a mid-early variety. Harvest "pearls" can be harvested at the end of summer. By itself, the plant is vigorous, and if grown in your own area, grapes can be an excellent shelter from the sun. If you look at the description of grapes "black pearl", then the structure of the leaf of the plant attracts attention. The leaves on the vine are medium in size, the outer side of the leaf plate is bubbly, the edges are wrapped up, and the inner side is, as it were, pubescent. Young shoots have five lobes. And older plants are endowed with rectangular leaves with distinctly deep cuts. A distinctive feature of the grape "black pearl", or as it is also called "black pearl", is that the length of the petiole almost coincides with the length of the central vein of the leaf.

bunches of grapes
bunches of grapes

Cluster characteristics

From the description of the Black Pearl grape variety, we already know that the plant is of medium ripening. In the middle lane, the clusters ripen already in the first days of September, and in the southern regions - even earlier. The grape has a fleshy texture and is very juicy. If you squeeze the juice, then it is mostlycolorless or slightly yellowish.

Clusters weigh an average of 300 grams, the brush is formed from medium-sized berries and forms a conical shape. The grape is round and dark blue in color. The aroma contains pronounced notes of nutmeg. The sugar content in a grape is 23-24%. Acid is 6-7 g / l. Thanks to the positive qualities of the berry, winemakers gave excellent reviews about the black pearl grape. This variety is mainly intended for the production of wines, but it can also be consumed fresh and made into all kinds of preparations.

bunch of grapes pearl
bunch of grapes pearl


With the right approach to growing grapes and good care for them, he will thank you with a high level of yield. After all, "black pearl" grapes have an above-average yield:

  • The optimal load on the bush is within 16-18 eyes.
  • One grape weighs 3-5 grams.
  • One bush can produce up to 7 kg of crop.
  • One brush weighs 300-350g
  • Up to 130 kg of berries can be harvested from one hundred square meters of vineyard.
  • The yield ratio is 1.7.

Already two years after planting, the plant bears its first fruits.

Grape Black Pearl
Grape Black Pearl

Variety resistance

Black pearl grapes showed good endurance to many factors:

  1. "Pearl" is not afraid of spring frosts. When flowering, the plant can withstand frosts down to -5 degrees, and at the same time there will be noconsequences in fruiting.
  2. Good frost resistance of the vine. It tolerates frosts down to -26 degrees without much loss. But if the frosts are above -26 degrees and without proper warming of the plant, then you can suffer losses in yields up to 78%.
  3. Grapes are not afraid of fungal diseases. But still, for prevention, the plant should be treated regularly.
  4. Less resistant grapes to diseases such as bacteriosis and bacterial cancer.
  5. The variety is susceptible to attack by mites such as red, common and hornbeam parasite. Also afraid of phylloxera, but rarely attacked by wild wasps.

Pros and cons of the "black pearl"

Since this variety is mainly grown for making wines, we will evaluate from this point of view.


  • Can be grown in temperate climates.
  • High yield and endurance of grapes.
  • Wine made from this variety, during long-term storage, retains all its taste and intense nutmeg aftertaste.
  • Pearl fruits are also very popular in cooking.
  • High survival rate of a young plant or cutting.
  • Good compatibility with rootstocks.
  • High appreciation of the taste of wine from this variety.
  • black grapes
    black grapes

The only downside is that when grown at home, the yield is not very high. Since this variety is mainly cultivated in areas where industrial winemaking is established. But foramateur cultivation has a large yield and is not needed.

Agricultural technology varieties

Reviews of the grape variety "black pearl" received very positive not only for productivity, but also for easy reproduction. And grapes can bear fruit up to 22 years. Planting a plant can be done both in spring and autumn, as the cuttings take root perfectly. There are no specific requirements for the landing site, it is necessary that the place be sunny, not windy and without stagnant water.

Grapes also do not require special care. We need a standard set of care techniques, in particular, pruning the plant. Feed in time, warm the bushes for the winter, weed, water the plants. Timely prevent diseases and pests.

Some grape care features:

  • You need to form a bush in two shoulders and up to one meter high.
  • Cut the shoots at the level of 3-4 buds.
  • There should be no more than 18 young shoots on a bush.
Vine with bunch of grapes
Vine with bunch of grapes

Don't forget that the plant needs to be watered weekly and as needed. Inspect grape bushes to prevent diseases and take the necessary measures to remove diseased plants. There is no need to carry out normalization, since the "black pearl" variety gives a good and high-quality harvest even with a heavy vine load.

Prevention and protection of the "pearl"

Like many plants in the garden, grapes are also subject to attack by diseases and pests. If timely preventivemeasures, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

If a spider mite attacks, the grape leaves will not be able to photosynthesize. As a result, the plant is deformed, the leaves curl and completely fall off. The carriers of this parasite are weeds and dry weather. To avoid this, weeding and weeding of grapes should be carried out. During the drought period, carry out abundant watering of the grapes. You can also launch biological enemies of ticks into the vineyard. These are flower bugs and ladybugs.

To protect against root aphids, many gardeners advise grafting the vine onto varieties that are immune to it.

For the prevention of phylloxera, it is necessary to treat the bushes with systemic insecticides. Processing should be done twice with a break of two weeks.

By treating the grapes with herbicides before the greens appear, you can fight the pillow.

A photo of "black pearl" grapes is presented below in the article.

Grape pearl
Grape pearl

What do people say about the variety? Reviews about grapes "black pearls" are very different, but mostly positive. For example, people say that, having grown a “pearl” for several years, they have never encountered mildew on a plant. Grapes tolerate wintering well if covered with foil.

"Black Pearl" will be a great acquisition for your vineyard. It will not only decorate your garden, but also give clusters of excellent raw materials for making an amazing drink. Grapes will be a great addition to your tableand add vitamins and minerals to your body. The fruits will be a wonderful and he althy treat for children and your guests.

Grapes are also good for older people. Eating it will increase the nitric oxide content in the blood - this prevents blood clots.

Grapes increase appetite, so if you are watching your weight, you need to control the consumption of these berries. Eating grapes in moderation will not harm your figure.
