Pinova's apple tree: description with photo, taste, care and reviews of gardeners

Pinova's apple tree: description with photo, taste, care and reviews of gardeners
Pinova's apple tree: description with photo, taste, care and reviews of gardeners

Breeders have bred many successful varieties of apple trees, and in all this diversity, the Pinov apple tree stands apart. After all, this culture is distinguished by its unpretentious nature, high productivity and resistance to most diseases and pests. In addition, its fruits retain juiciness and taste for a long time, so they can be enjoyed all winter. Description and photo of the Pinova apple tree, reviews and growing rules - this and much more you will find in our material.

pinova apple tree description
pinova apple tree description

Description of culture

Pinova's apple tree is a hybrid bred by breeders from Germany in 1986. The "parents" of the variety were the varieties Clivia and Golden Delicious. As a result of crossing, a medium-sized culture was obtained, up to 3.5 m high. The tree has a sprawling and lush, but at the same time sparse crown, shaped like a pyramid. Shoots are quite rare, but they are densely covered with fruits. The yield of mature treesso high that the shoots can break under the weight of the apples. Therefore, you need to get rid of unnecessary ovaries.

Oblong and small leaves of the culture - ovoid, painted in dark green. The tips of the plates are sharp, sometimes they can wrap clockwise.

Apple blossoms in mid-early May. Small flower stalks of the apple tree have a rounded shape, resembling a saucer in appearance. Their petals are painted in soft pink or white.

Fruits ripen by the end of September - beginning of October, depending on the region of growth. Apples of this variety are quite large, with an average weight of 170-190 grams. They have a round-conical or flat-round shape. The color of the peel is yellow-green, but about 70-90% of the surface is covered with a pronounced reddish blush.

pinova apple variety
pinova apple variety

The skin of the fruit is smooth, thin, with a glossy sheen. Juicy and crispy flesh is white. She has a sweet and sour pleasant aftertaste, which is estimated on a tasting scale of 4.6-4.9 points. The aroma of the pulp is pronounced apple.

Fruits are distinguished by high keeping quality. And with refrigeration, they can keep their freshness for 9 months.

This variety is not self-pollinating, so pollinators should be planted next to Pinov's apple trees. It is best to use varieties Gloucester, Golden Delicious, Champion, Idared, Elstar, Gala for these purposes.


The yield of the Pinov apple tree, the photo of which is given in the material, is quite high. With the right agricultural technology from one tree per seasoncollect up to 50 kg of fruits. In addition, the fruits hold firmly on the branches and do not crumble in sudden gusts of wind. Therefore, they do not receive dents or other damage. Such defects only occur when assembled incorrectly.

Winter hardiness

The Pinova apple variety described in the article is winter-hardy. But when grown in cold regions, where the temperature drops below -30 degrees, the culture should be prepared and insulated before the winter period. In the central part of Russia and in the south of the country, an adult tree will calmly endure frosts without additional agrotechnical measures.

pinova apple tree photo
pinova apple tree photo

Resistant to diseases and pests

The Pinova apple variety, the photo of which is given in the article, is popular with gardeners largely due to the fact that it rarely suffers from scab and powdery mildew. And this culture does not need to be treated with various chemical solutions, which not only simplifies the care of the tree, but also favorably affects the condition of the fruit. After all, they are environmentally friendly and safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pinov's apple tree, described above, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The benefits include the following properties:

  • precocity;
  • yield;
  • disease resistance;
  • long shelf life;
  • juicy and good taste.

In addition, the fruits of the Pinova apple tree perfectly tolerate transportation and storage. Therefore, this variety is often grown on an industrial scale forsales.

pinova apple tree description photo reviews
pinova apple tree description photo reviews

Seedling selection

So that the Pinov apple tree, which is described in this article, does not disappoint you, choose a seedling responsibly. It is advisable to purchase young trees in special nurseries, avoiding purchases in spontaneous markets. Give preference to two-year-old specimens with a closed root system. Such trees take root better and begin to bear fruit faster.

Be sure to inspect the seedling, paying attention to the roots. Refuse to purchase painful-looking and damaged specimens with a weak root system. Such seedlings most likely will not take root.

Choosing a seat

Pinova's apple tree prefers well-lit places with loose fertile soil. It is advisable to choose areas with loam or sandy loam. If your soil does not fit the parameters, then prepare it six months before planting. To do this, add peat, sand or clay as necessary.

Choose areas on a hill, because this variety categorically does not tolerate stagnant moisture at the roots. Therefore, lowlands and wetlands, as well as areas with a close occurrence of groundwater, will not suit him.

When choosing a place for an apple tree, keep in mind that its roots grow and can damage structures. Therefore, do not plant a crop closer than 5 meters to buildings. And it is also advisable not to plant young seedlings next to old trees.

planting an apple tree
planting an apple tree

Boarding rules

Pinov's apple tree can be planted both in spring and autumn. But anywaybefore this event, it is necessary to prepare the site. To do this, dig a planting hole 80 cm deep and 90 cm in diameter. If planting several specimens, then keep a distance of 5 meters between them. Thoroughly mix the excavated earth with fertilizers, giving preference to organic compounds.

If you plan to plant a seedling in the fall, then prepare 15-20 days before planting. If the event will be held in the spring, then it is better to carry out preparatory work in the fall.

As for planting dates, they are the same as for apple trees of other varieties. If you are holding an event in the spring, then wait until the earth warms up enough. As a rule, this happens by mid-late April. But if you wish, you can reschedule the landing to the beginning of May.

In the fall, start the event when the leaves begin to fall from the trees. But remember that planting must be completed 20-25 days before the first serious frost. So take into account the peculiarities of your region.

Planting a tree

When planting seedlings, follow this algorithm:

  1. Carefully straighten the roots of the seedling. If there is an old earthen ball on them, gently wash it off with water pressure.
  2. Slightly away from the center of the pit, stick a peg into the ground to which you will tie the seedling. Set up a tree and straighten its roots.
  3. Fill the voids with prepared soil and lightly compact the soil. Make sure that the root collar is level with the ground. If you plant a grafted specimen, then the vaccination should be higherground level by 6-8 cm.
  4. Tie the tree to a support.
  5. Create a watering circle and pour 2-3 buckets of water under each seedling.

When the water is absorbed, it is advisable to mulch the trunk circle. This will protect young trees from adverse conditions, pests and weeds. In addition, this layer will help retain moisture at the roots. Use peat moss, manure, sawdust or pine needles as mulch.


Pinov's apple tree belongs to unpretentious varieties. But if you want to achieve high yields from a tree, then you will need to pay some attention to the culture and provide it with proper care, which consists in the following agricultural activities:

  • periodic watering;
  • pruning and crown shaping;
  • preparing for winter;
  • feeding.

You will learn more about these grooming rules below.

pinova apple variety photo
pinova apple variety photo


Pinova's apple tree may well extract moisture from groundwater or rainfall. But still, it is advisable to water the tree occasionally, especially if the weather is hot. In addition, it is necessary to irrigate immediately before flowering, as well as during the formation of apples. Approximately 2-3 buckets of water should be poured onto each tree.

The next day after watering or rainfall, be sure to loosen the soil. Otherwise, a dense crust forms on the ground, blocking the access of air to the roots, which is bad for the development and productivity of the tree. Also at this time, weed weeds that are notonly slow down the growth of the seedling, but can also be sources of viral diseases.

pinova apple tree description reviews
pinova apple tree description reviews

Pruning and crown shaping

Apple seedlings must be pruned annually from the age of two. Such an event allows you to form the correct crown, which increases the productivity of the tree. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before sap flow begins. First of all, weakened and damaged shoots are cut out, as well as branches growing deep into the crown.


In the first 1-2 years, seedlings can not be fed. After all, they will have enough nutrients that you put in the planting hole. In the future, apply mineral and organic fertilizers, alternating them every other year.

pinova apple tree variety description
pinova apple tree variety description


Pinov's apple tree, which is described in the article, has earned great popularity among gardeners. Users note that the culture is unpretentious and easy to grow. In addition, the fruits have a pleasant taste and retain their freshness for a long time. Therefore, this variety is often chosen for winter storage.
