The underground part of the structure, that is, the foundation, takes on the main load, transferring it to the base. Installation of the foundation today can be carried out using one of the many technologies, and you can do it yourself. One of them allows you to build a strip base, which is very popular in private housing construction, as it requires minimal labor costs. Its formation is accompanied by reasonable investments, and the execution technique is not too complicated. The device of this design is a fairly simple process; to implement the plan, it is only necessary to study the technology of work. This kind of foundation is laid on dry, non-heaving soils, and if the soil is deep, the construction will cost more because earthworks will be large. Therefore, it is worth considering the possibility of renting heavy equipment.
Preparation for the construction of the strip foundation

Installation of the foundation begins with cleaning the area and marking the site. On the groundit is necessary to designate the axes of the future house and fix the stakes between which the cord will be located. It is important to check the angles, which should be equal to 90 degrees. When preparing the site, it should be made larger in each direction by 2 meters. You can check the correct markup by comparing the diagonals.
Trench preparation and formwork arrangement

The installation of the strip foundation at the next stage involves digging a trench, these works can be done manually or using an excavator. In the latter case, the bottom must be cleaned and leveled with a shovel. At the next stage, you can start laying the pillow, the thickness of which should be 200 millimeters. It is made of fine gravel or sand. The layer is shed with water, compacted, and a polyethylene film is laid on top, which will become a waterproofing material. An alternative solution may be to fill with cement mortar so that water does not go into the ground, because this can worsen the strength characteristics of the pillow.
Installation of the foundation of the house at the next stage involves the arrangement of formwork, which consists of boards planed on one side. Their thickness should be equal to the limit of 40 to 50 millimeters. A shield collapsible formwork made of iron can be used. The elements are securely fixed to the walls of the trench. It is important to check the verticality of the walls with a plumb line, since the period of operation of the future structure will depend on the accuracy of these indicators. It is necessary to provide forholes for laying water supply and sewerage systems.
Reinforcing and pouring concrete

The foundation installation technology almost always involves the installation of reinforcement, which will become the load-bearing element of the structure. The rods are assembled into a frame, and the number, their location, as well as the diameter must be specified in the project. The frame should have two strips of vertical reinforcement, which are fastened with horizontal bars. It is important to consider that when pouring a concrete mixture, which will have a height of more than 1.5 meters, the mortar will delaminate. Therefore, it is recommended to use a portable chute. At this stage, the mixture is poured into the formwork, the thickness of the layers should be approximately 20 centimeters. Each layer is compacted, which eliminates the formation of voids. To do this, the walls of the formwork are tapped. The solution should not be liquid.

Installation of the foundation is accompanied by waterproofing work, which is carried out 10 days after pouring. To do this, you can use bituminous mastic applied to the outer walls. A waterproofing material is glued to this composition, in the role of which roofing material can act. After some time, the quality of fixation of the material can be checked.
Final works

After completing all the above manipulations, backfilling can be carried out, during which medium fractional sand is used. Hiscompacted in layers and filled with water, while it is necessary to monitor the condition of the waterproofing, it should not be damaged.
Construction of a pile-screw foundation

The advantages of such a foundation are obvious, among them it is necessary to highlight the speed of work, reliability, low cost, durability and the possibility of installation during spring heaving of the soil. At the first stage, it is necessary to mark the corners of the future building with pegs, a rope is pulled between them and other planned pegs are installed. In their place, pits are dug out, where it is planned to screw the piles in the future. The depth of the pits should be approximately 20 centimeters. To screw the piles manually, you should use a lever, it can be done as follows: reinforcement should be installed in the technological holes at the upper end of the piles, putting pieces of a square pipe on the scrap on both sides. They act as a lever. The longer the parts of the lever, the less effort will be required. The optimal size of such sleeves will be 3 meters. Each pile must be twisted around its axis. You can carry out these works with the help of another person, while the third worker will control the verticality of the elements using a level.
If you decide to use manual screwing, then the vertical deviation should not be more than 2 degrees, otherwise the load distribution will be uneven, and the piles will be deformed. Installation of the pile-screw foundation is carried out in such a way that the lower edgeelement was below the freezing level of the soil. Therefore, it is important to know what this characteristic is for a particular area. If we are talking about the middle zone of Russia, then it is 1.5 meters. Once the piles have overcome the frost level, it is important that they reach hard ground. You can understand this when the element ceases to easily enter the soil. If you come across stones, then you need to remove the support from the ground and screw it in again, slightly at an angle. After the pile is installed vertically to the required level.
Foundation leveling

Installation of a screw-pile foundation is accompanied by trimming elements to a certain level. To control the horizontal, it is more convenient to use a hydraulic level, which is sometimes replaced by a level. Above-ground parts should be equal to 60 centimeters. With the help of a grinder, metal can be cut to a certain level.
Concreting and strapping
The internal space of the piles must not be left empty, as this can cause surface corrosion and reduce the service life. Inside, the elements are filled with cement mortar, about 1.5 buckets of the mixture should go to each pile. If the house is heavy enough, then the grillage can be made of metal, while for light construction it can be abandoned. In this case, its functions will be performed by a wooden strapping or metal heads. For this, heads are put on the piles, to which a strapping made of a square-section beam with a side is screwed with 150 millimeters. The resulting strapping joints should be treated with bitumen. At the next stage, you can start building the walls of the house. It is noteworthy that after the completion of construction, the pile-screw foundation will be able to withstand design loads, it is completely ready for operation. Installation of a pile-screw foundation is used in cases where construction must be completed as soon as possible.
Building a screw foundation
When the screw foundation is being installed, it is important to insulate it, the only way the house will have a warm floor. First you need to make a base pipe for the elements that will connect all freestanding supports. Insulation is laid on the waterproofing. In this case, you can use polystyrene foam boards or mineral wool. After that, you should proceed to the finishing work of the facade part.
Construction of a glass-type foundation
Such foundations are used when the foundation must have high strength. The device is manufactured using a reinforced reinforcement scheme. Thanks to this, the design will be ready to listen even longer. Such bases are not intended for individual construction. They are not installed on subsidence and heaving soils, the technology provides for the installation of the column. The foundation is made on the basis of M-200 concrete, the water resistance characteristics of which correspond to the designation B2. Before starting work, the surface is prepared, which is leveled and compacted. At the next stageholes are dug and compacted with gravel. Then you can start installing blocks. The gravel pad can be replaced by a sand preparation, on which the base and column are installed. To carry out this work, you will need special lifting equipment. Installation is carried out according to the location of the axes, indicated by risks along the edges of the glass. They are applied before the start of indelible paint. The center axes must be marked with strings and a plumb line, and during the installation of the so-called shoe, it is necessary to ensure that the axes on the sole and the glass coincide with the center axes. Without additional assistance, it will not be possible to install the equipment. A foundation of this type is also not common in private construction for these reasons.