The concept of conservation is usually associated with food, which is understandable. The ordinary consumer encounters this form of preservation of the original characteristics much more often. In other areas, such an approach to the maintenance of objects can be considered as one of the inventory tools. This is how the conservation of equipment at enterprises is characterized, which provides not only for the implementation of the technical side of the matter, but also for compliance with the relevant legal standards.

What is the preservation of production equipment?
It is quite common for production facilities to remain idle for a while. This may be part of the technical equipment at the enterprise, or the entire infrastructure with equipment. In any case, leaving the equipment for a long time is possible only with the appropriate preparation, which is conservation. This is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of equipment characteristics for a certain period. That is, it is assumed that, for example, machines and units at this time will not be operated and will be subject to repair and maintenance activities.
It is important to take into account that the conservation of equipment is not a means of passive protection from external influences. Depending on the storage conditions, special treatment of metal surfaces, rubber elements and other parts of the equipment may be required. From this point of view, conservation is also a preventive means of maintaining the good condition of an object.

Legal registration of the procedure
Preparation for the conservation process begins with formal procedures. In particular, the preparation of documentation is necessary so that in the future it remains possible to recognize all the costs of the activity. The conservation initiator may be a representative of the service personnel who submits an appropriate application addressed to the head. Next, an order is drawn up to allocate funds for the procedure and an instruction is given to develop a project that will indicate the conservation requirements from the technical services. As for legal requirements, representatives of the administration, the management of the department responsible for facilities, economic services, etc. should control the process of transferring equipment to a state of storage. the feasibility of the project and make an estimate for the maintenance of objects.
Technical execution of conservation

The whole procedure consists ofthree stages. At the first stage, all kinds of contaminants, as well as traces of corrosion, are removed from the surfaces of the equipment. If necessary and technically feasible, repair operations can also be carried out. This stage is completed by measures for degreasing surfaces, passivation and drying. The next stage involves processing with protective agents, which are selected on the basis of the individual requirements for the operation of the technical facility. For example, the conservation of boilers may include treatment with heat-resistant compounds, which in the future will provide structures with optimal resistance to high temperatures. Anti-corrosion powders and a liquid inhibitor can be attributed to universal treatment agents. The final step is to pack the equipment.
Performing represervation

During storage, responsible services periodically inspect equipment, assessing its condition. If traces of corrosion or other defects are found on the surfaces of the equipment, re-preservation is carried out. This event also involves the implementation of primary surface treatment in order to remove traces of damage to metal or other materials. In some cases, repeated conservation also takes place - this is the same set of preventive measures, but in this case it has a planned implementation. For example, if a protective composition is applied with a certain service life, then after this period the technical service mustupdate the product within the same re-preservation.
What is reopening?
When the time allotted for conservation expires, the equipment is subjected to the reverse process, which involves preparation for operation. This means that preserved parts must be freed from temporary protective compounds and, if necessary, treated with other means designed for use on working equipment. It is worth noting the need for precautionary measures. As well as technical preservation, depreservation must be carried out under conditions that meet the requirements for the use of degreasing, anticorrosive and other compositions that are sensitive to temperature and humidity. Also, when performing such procedures, special ventilation standards are usually observed, but this depends on the specifics of the particular equipment.

The conservation procedure undoubtedly has many advantages, and its implementation is mandatory in many cases. Nevertheless, it does not always justify itself from a financial point of view, which leads to the involvement of accounting in the preparation of the corresponding project. Nevertheless, conservation is a set of measures aimed at maintaining the operability of equipment in order to obtain benefits for the enterprise. But if we are talking about unused or unprofitable objects, then there is no point in carrying out such activities. For this reason, the stage of preparation and development of a project for transferring equipment to a canned stateis to some extent even more responsible than the practical implementation of the procedure.