DIY garden furniture: interesting ideas and recommendations

DIY garden furniture: interesting ideas and recommendations
DIY garden furniture: interesting ideas and recommendations

If your garden is empty and boring, you need to liven it up with your creative crafts. You can create recreation areas in it by decorating with garden furniture made by yourself. You can make a playground for children from improvised materials, decorate flower beds and flower beds with crafts. We will talk about how to do this and what materials are needed in our article.

And you need to start creating garden furniture with your own hands with good ideas that will breathe something unique into the image of your garden, distinguishing it from the gardens of your neighbors. Furniture can be fun and easy to make. The main thing is that you do not need to spend money on your outdoor furniture. All you need is to find a few old pallets, unnecessary tires, plastic bottles, old utensils lying around in the pantry. From all this, you can create something functional by turning on your imagination.

What can be done with plastic bottles?

Plastic packaging appeared more than 60 years ago, and it is in every home. Such success evenjeans can't brag. Drinks, household chemicals and other liquids and oils are usually poured into such containers. Throw it away after use. But in vain! An empty bottle is a cheap and eternal building material, since plastic does not decompose in nature for hundreds of years.

The well-known experiment - a baby bottle raft - has stood the test, and now what began as a child's toy has grown into an independent direction in interior design. Plastic containers are a convenient material for implementing ideas for creating garden furniture with your own hands. Drawings and diagrams in this case are not needed. The main thing is that plastic bottles should be the same. Furniture options can vary from simple pouffes to sofas and beds. A plastic bottle is a lightweight building material, so it will be easy to carry such furniture.

Sofa made of plastic bottles
Sofa made of plastic bottles

Even the media wrote that Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher once ordered a sofa made of plastic bottles for his Italian restaurant Dolch. At design exhibitions, you can see not only sofas, tables, chairs and armchairs, but even houses and greenhouses for garden plots.

Garden pouf

Pouffe made of plastic bottles is another opportunity to use what is usually thrown away on the farm. This is a practical and inexpensive element of garden furniture, and it is very easy to make it with your own hands. To do this, you need plastic bottles, adhesive tape or electrical tape, interlining, foam rubber and decorating pouffe material.

To make a pouffe, seven plastic bottles are taken and moreseven bottles are cut in half. Only the bottom will be needed. The second halves, where the lid is twisted, will go to other products. In order for the bottles to be strong, you need to do certain manipulations with them.

How to make a bottle tight?

Bottles without caps are placed in the freezer for 15 minutes. After this time, the cap is screwed right in the freezer (to avoid getting warm air inside). The chilled bottle is placed on a warm battery for 10 minutes. The air expanded inside makes it solid. A part from a cut bottle is tightly put on the edge of a bottle with a neck. The material prepared in this way is fastened with adhesive tape. Sometimes it is replaced with electrical tape so that the rustling is not heard.

The base of the pouffe is ready. Further work will be related to the decoration of this element of garden furniture, and a pattern of non-woven fabric and decorative fabric will be made according to the drawings. A circle for seating should be cut out of foam rubber. Further assembly will turn this product into a design masterpiece for the garden.

Wooden garden furniture material

The most profitable and not expensive material for the manufacture of garden furniture are pallets (pallets). Why did they pay attention? The pallet is a packaging material, and is made of strong and durable untreated wood. It is an excellent basis for modeling and creating elements of the exterior of the cottage and garden plot.

DIY drawer table
DIY drawer table

Currently pallet furnitureoccupies a leading position in the popularity rating, and is a designer find in the manufacture of furniture for gardens and cottages.

In order to make wooden garden furniture with your own hands, you need to purchase wooden pallets. It is recommended not to take the first encountered, especially those used in grocery stores. They may contain bacteria that have settled in porous wood. That is, you should make sure that the wood is in decent shape: clean, free of oil stains and mold.

Where can I get pallets?

Used pallets can be purchased from businesses that do not sell this wooden crate. The price of a pallet ranges from 30 to 100 rubles, and depends on the quality and appearance. We have to agree that the prices are low, because from one pallet you can easily make a full-fledged bench in the garden or many shelves in the kitchen.

Pallet kitchen shelf
Pallet kitchen shelf

You can also find companies that constantly receive goods on pallets, but they are not returnable containers. At such an enterprise, they are ready to give away pallets for free, so as not to deal with their disposal.

Pallet handling

Mostly pallets are made of coniferous wood - pine, larch, yew. They have high moisture resistance. Experts who have experience in making furniture from pallets advise purchasing only euro pallets, as they do not require too much sanding.

Before you assemble garden furniture made of wood according to the drawings with your own hands, it must be cleaned of dirt. Sand the surfaces that will come into contact with your hands to avoid splinters. In order for the pallet wood to acquire water-repellent properties, it must be impregnated with an oil primer, if the furniture is outdoors, acrylic is better. The finished product from the pallet can be painted or varnished.

Table and chairs from pallets for giving
Table and chairs from pallets for giving

What can be made from a pallet?

Inventive people strive to create in their garden and in the house such an interior that would compare favorably with others. Many are looking for new ideas, reviewing a lot of magazines, looking for tips on social networks in order to create coziness and comfort at home. Alternatively, garden furniture can be made from pallets. Chairs, sofas, sunbeds, beds are made from wood with their own hands according to the assembly schemes. Usually a rigid frame is assembled, and then soft linings or pillows are sewn. It all depends on the skills, desires and preferences.

Transforming a pallet into designer furniture

To create a design version of garden furniture, you need to think outside the box, then a fresh solution will not keep you waiting. Original furniture will be born from ordinary pallets. For example, putting a couple of pallets one on one, and screwing four wheels, we got an original garden table that can be stained and varnished.

Pallet wood is good because in its new use, for the manufacture of garden furniture, traces remain that define its former life. These little pieces of history mean that every table, bench or shelfare unique. A good example of how to make garden furniture with your own hands is a video with a detailed master class for making benches from pallets.


About tire furniture

Probably in the garages of zealous owners there are several unnecessary tires. Once they were necessary, serving as "shoes" for the car, and now they only take up space in the garage. But hands do not rise just to take it and throw it away … But there is no need to throw it away. The design world of Europe and America is filled with tire products: tables, chairs, shelves, washbasins, garden sculptures. What prevents you from finding a good idea for garden furniture for yourself, and making it happen with your own hands?

It turns out that such furniture is very budgetary and functional. It can be placed in the yard and in the house, and there is no need to be afraid that her cat will scratch her or she will get wet in the rain. Tire furniture is durable! It actually turns out to be of high quality.

Comfortable furniture from tires
Comfortable furniture from tires

If we compare the cost of furniture consisting of a table and two pouffes in the distribution network, then this will be an option from 18,000 rubles and more. Self-made furniture from old tires is a kind of design work that differs from the factory version in its individuality and creativity. By the way, the cost of such furniture at European design exhibitions starts from $150/9,000 rubles.

A set of necessary materials

In order to make a set of garden furniture with your own hands, consisting of two pouffes and a table, you need to stock up:

  • six tires;
  • plywood at least 15 mm thick, you will need 4 cut circles equal to the diameter of the tires and 2 circles equal to the diameter of the inner hole of the tire;
  • foam rubber 80-100 mm thick for seating on poufs, 2 circles of the same diameter as plywood;
  • thick glass for table cover;
  • fabric of various textures: jacquard, denim, any curtain or thick burlap;
  • wheels for pouffes and table, 4 pcs. for each and pseudo-legs;
  • screws, self-tapping screws, screwdriver.

By the way, if you don't have tires, you can just get them for nothing by driving to a tire shop. They have not yet mastered the technique of making garden furniture from this material, so they distribute tires to everyone.

Making the base of the pouffe

Garden furniture will consist of two poufs and a table. The progress of work on the manufacture of the table and poufs is identical.

Making a puff from tires
Making a puff from tires

Therefore, let's look at how to make a pouffe included in the garden furniture set with your own hands:

  1. You need to take 2 tires, connect them with four bolts with wing nuts. They are easy to use as no additional screwing tool is required.
  2. For the bottom of the pouffe, a pre-cut plywood circle is used. It must be pre-painted to protect against corrosion and adverse weather conditions.
  3. Four wheels on a metal base are screwed onto the plywood. They can withstand loads up to 100 kilograms. Fastening is carried out closer to the center, since there will bepseudopods are also installed. In fact, you can use simple wooden rounded handles, the cost of which is low, about 30 rubles. There will be no load on these legs, they actually just create the effect of legs, covering the wheels.
  4. The wheels and legs are screwed on with a screwdriver and small screws, the size of which is 5 mm shorter than the thickness of the plywood, therefore, having a length of 10 mm. Each wheel is attached with four screws.
  5. The pseudo-leg is attached so that the wheel can scroll around its axis. The next step is to drill the place where the legs are attached. This must be done so that when screwing the screws into the leg, the plywood does not exfoliate. Do not pay attention to the hole in the handle. It is screwed to the plywood with two self-tapping screws.
  6. The plywood bottom is also connected to the tires using self-tapping screws. The plywood is pre-drilled to prevent splitting. To screw the bottom to the tire, you will need 16 screws.

Drapery pouffe, main part

So, the main part of the pouffe is done. Consider further the features of the assembly of garden furniture. With your own hands, from the selected fabric, for draping the tire, a pipe is sewn, the diameter of which in finished form is 5-7 cm larger than the diameter of the pouffe. The length of the pipe is equal to two heights of the pouffe. Both of its edges are turned up and stitched, and a lace is threaded through them. The pipe is put on the already prepared pouffe and the lower drawstring is tightened. The upper part of the pipe with a tightened drawstring falls inside the pouffe.

So that the bottom, where the upper part of the pipe sank, hadfinished look, you need to put a prepared, cloth-draped, smaller plywood circle on it. You can simply “shoot” the fabric to the plywood circle with a furniture stapler.

Tire garden furniture
Tire garden furniture

Draping the top of the pouffe

The top of the pouffe is made as follows: plywood is placed on the fabric and a circle is cut out of it, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters larger than the plywood, a rectangle is sewn along its length, the width of which is 20 cm. The edge of the rectangle is hemmed and a cord is pulled into it. By the way, you can put a "stop" on such a cord, which is used in jackets and backpacks. It is convenient in that it can be used to adjust the tension, and not to knit knots and bows. Foam rubber is placed in such a case, then plywood and everything is pulled together with a cord. The top of the pouffe is ready.

The second pouf and table are made identically. Only the top of the table is framed with thick glass. In the middle, under the glass, you can put any decorative crafts

This is one of the successful homemade garden furniture. With your own hands according to the drawings or without them, you can create simply unique products.
