Fences for a modern personal plot are no longer just a means of physical protection of the territory, as was customary in the very recent past. This is also part of the decoration, which in one way or another should emphasize the individuality and style created by the owners of the estate. For the average person, when he hears about fences for summer cottages, the image of a blank wall no longer appears in his head, blocking any possibility of penetration into the controlled territory. Such views are gradually disappearing, giving way to the decorative component of ennobling the site.

Today, any person, based on their own desires and capabilities, can build a fence of a site of arbitrary shape, from various materials and different strengths, focusing purely on their own taste and own capabilities. And among all this diversity there is a simple but elegant solution - a wicker fence. This type of fencing has several obvious advantages, but, unfortunately, it is not without its drawbacks.
The advantages of such a solution
Among them are:
- Low cost. Forthe construction of such a structure does not require large financial investments. But it should be borne in mind that a lot also depends on the choice of the base material. For example, when using branches of shrubs, money may not be needed at all, but when making a fence from metal rods, you cannot do without financial costs.
- Decorative component. A wicker fence is a beautiful and elegant fence, which is an indisputable element of decorating a personal plot.
- Easy to make. At first glance, the creation of such a decorative fence looks like a laborious and complicated process. But this is far from true. The main thing is to understand the technology, then the erection of the fence structure will not cause serious difficulties on the part of the contractor.

Disadvantages of the considered design
The following stand out:
- Short service life. This statement is true to a greater extent for fences made of tree branches. And the thinner the branches used in construction, the shorter their lifespan.
- Low mechanical resistance. Again, this problem only occurs when using shrubs and trees as the main building material, and also depends on their thickness.
- The complexity of the repair. In the event of any defect, in order to replace the damaged element, it is necessary to disassemble part of the weaving, and sometimes even the whole section of the fence.
Similar fences inmost cases are classified according to two parameters:
- High. The height of this species reaches 2 meters. Such a fence is a capital structure. For its stability and durability, reliable fixation of the poles to which the fence will be mounted is required.
- Medium. Their size is about 1 meter in height, and the main purpose is the zoning of the site in landscape design.
- Low. This species is used for fencing flower beds, flower beds and is purely decorative. The height of the section varies from 50 to 70 centimeters.
By weaving method:
- Horizontal. The most common type. They are quite simple to arrange and more durable than the next type of wicker fences.
- Vertical. A more complex version of a wicker fence in terms of manufacturing.
- Mixed. The most complex type of fencing, but at the same time allows you to get a more attractive look of the finished structure. The main disadvantage of this weaving is high labor intensity. But the result is worth the effort.
What a wicker fence is made of
In general, the choice of material depends on many factors. These are its reliability, cost, ease of processing, availability. But speaking generally, any flexible material can be used to equip this type of fence. These can be shrub branches, boards, PVC pipes and even metal rods. There are no restrictions. The main thing is that the material succumbs to even the slightest bend.
Option from boards
Thistype of fence combines both decorative and protective functions. Most often, this type of wicker fence is erected as the main fence for the site. Much less often - for zoning.
Wicker board fence is a capital structure, so you need to pay close attention to the process of installing sectional poles. At the very least, they should be concreted. Otherwise, it is likely that the fence will begin to collapse over time.

Planed boards are most often used as the main building material for a wicker board fence, although raw lumber is also often used. The structure of the fence is held together by the tension created by the wicker boards. This is enough to securely fix the elements of the fence. But often the boards are additionally attached to the supporting pillars with nails or screws to achieve maximum strength of the fence.
From the vine
Vine refers to flexible long branches of shrubs and trees. They are often used in the construction of fences and even residential premises. And the main factor that determined the popularity of the vine was its elasticity. And the final result pleases with its naturalness and beautiful image of antiquity.

Due to the properties of the vine, making a fence from it is a fairly simple event. But still, one significant drawback should be taken into account: the material itself is short-lived. Therefore, when erecting a wicker fence from a vine, you should performseveral preparatory measures that can improve the performance of the fence, such as durability and reliability, as well as simplify the manufacturing process itself.
- First of all, you should pay attention to the size of the rods that will be used to build the fence. If this is a small fence for fencing flower beds, flower beds or zoning a site, then branches with a diameter of 1-2 cm are suitable for its construction. If it is planned to equip a massive fence, then it is preferable to use branches with a diameter of more than 2 cm.
- The vine collected for the fence should be cleaned of bark.
- Rods should be soaked in hot water before weaving or laid out in a melted bath. This step will give the branches more flexibility, which will greatly simplify the process of installing the fence.
From willow
This option can be called the classic and most popular. This is due to the wide prevalence of willow and the operational properties of its branches - they are flexible and durable.
The construction of the fence in this case is carried out by analogy with the above. That is, the branches are cleaned of bark, soaked in water and fixed in place. Since willow branches are very pliable, vertical, horizontal and complex mixed knitting can be made from them with minimal effort. A wicker fence made of willow will turn out to be unusually beautiful.

Iron is a very durable material. There are no complaints about its operational properties. Therefore, many fences for giving are made ofmetal structures. Such fences will last for many years, reliably performing protective functions.
Usually, when they talk about a metal fence, they immediately imagine a fence made of corrugated board, and then forged. In the first case, we get a relatively inexpensive, but already familiar option for everyone. In the second case, the price scares off, despite the high aesthetics of the finished structure. But there is another not very expensive, but at the same time nice option - a wicker fence made of metal rods. Let's take a closer look at it.
The construction of a wicker metal fence is carried out by analogy with a wicker fence made of boards, only in this case the installation of pillars deserves even more attention. This design will be much heavier, so the guides must be tightly fixed. In this case, you need a solid foundation.
For high-quality fastening of weaving, they often resort to the services of welders. With the help of an inverter, metal rods are fixed to the poles. Although there is an alternative - the rods can be fastened with wire. But this option is less reliable.
From ropes
Very interesting solution! It is usually used as a decorative fence for flower beds, flower beds or for zoning the territory. Such fences will be a real decoration for any site.
To create a fence, posts are installed, usually at a short distance, so that if the rope is stretched, the overall appearance of the structure does not suffer much. And then a fence is woven between them.
Important! Do not use too thin rope,otherwise, creating a fence can turn into a long and tedious job. The best option is to use a rope with a diameter of 1-2 cm.
PVC pipe construction
Unusual, but interesting solution for fencing the land. This material has a number of advantages, thanks to which its use for the construction of a wicker fence looks very attractive:
- Durability. Polyvinyl chloride pipes are distinguished by a long service life, which means that the fence made from them will last for many years. In addition, such pipes do not fade in the sun and do not undergo changes under the influence of the environment.
- Easy installation. This material is lightweight and easy to bend. Working with it does not require special tools and skills from the performer.
- Accessibility. PVC pipes can be found in any hardware store, and these can be products of very different diameters. And their cost is low, which undoubtedly makes them even more attractive building material for the construction of a reliable and durable fence.
How to make a wicker fence with your own hands? Generalized instruction
There is nothing complicated in self-assembly of such a design. Consider the two most common options:
Horizontal weave:
- Preparation of material. At this stage, the main building material is being prepared for further work.
- Installation of poles.
- Weaving. In the horizontal direction, the weaving of the fence is carried out. Branches, boardsor other flexible material goes around each subsequent post from a different side.

Vertical weaving. When building such a fence, all steps are almost identical to the previous version. There are only two differences. The first - after installing the pillars, the crossbars are mounted. The second - branches, boards, pipes or other building material from which the fence is mounted are installed not in a horizontal direction, but in a vertical one, bending around the crossbars
How to increase the service life
The durability of a building is one of the most important issues in any construction. And for some materials from which wicker fences are made, this issue is particularly relevant, which cannot be ignored.
Wicker fence made of branches or boards should be treated with a suitable antiseptic. This will significantly increase its performance, and such a fence will last a much longer period. You can paint or varnish such a fence. It will also reduce environmental impact, making the wood last longer.
Metal fence must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent. It can be painted or varnished for metal. Such measures will help to avoid premature rust on the structure.
How to decorate the resulting design

In itself, such a fence is already a decoration for the site, which will attract the eye anddelight the owners with their beauty. But there can always be a desire to make it even more original. And to achieve a similar effect, you can offer a few tips:
- Large stones can be laid along the fence.
- Create an image of antiquity. To do this, you can hang a cartwheel, clay pots, sandals and even a birch broom on the fence.
- You can hang pots of fresh flowers on the fence. This will add some color to the overall look of the hedge.
- Another interesting option is to hang dried vegetables or their artificial copies on the fence.
- Plant climbing plants. In the summer, such a fence will look very impressive.