What is a running meter of a kitchen and how to calculate it?

What is a running meter of a kitchen and how to calculate it?
What is a running meter of a kitchen and how to calculate it?

Buying new furniture is a rather complicated process. And if at the same time there are not entirely clear formulations, then this generally becomes a huge problem. Especially often, buyers get confused when choosing a kitchen set. As a rule, such products are sold in running meters. What is it?

What is included in the standard set
What is included in the standard set

Why measure kitchen units in running meters?

Many of the buyers do not quite understand what linear meters of the kitchen are and why you need to use them. For example, with a wardrobe, sofa, armchair or table, everything is much simpler, and the cost is set unambiguously. The introduction of such a measure for kitchens can be explained by the fact that there may be a different price for individual elements of the headset if they are sold separately. In this case, buyers would be even more confused.

how to calculate the running meter of the kitchen
how to calculate the running meter of the kitchen

What is a linear kitchen meter

This is the estimated cost of one meter of a regular kitchen set in length with a minimum set of elements. Height and depthlockers - standard, equipment - the most minimal, finishing - as simple as possible.

If a decision is made to purchase a ready-made kitchen, the price will be fixed, which allows you to immediately plan budget funds for repairs. If the headset is made to order, no manufacturer will be able to name the final cost of the model they like without calculation.

The price per linear meter helps to estimate the preliminary cost of the future kitchen. But there are some caveats here.

how to calculate the running meter of the kitchen
how to calculate the running meter of the kitchen

What is included in the standard headset

Considering what a running meter of a kitchen is, you need to know what elements are included in the calculation.

  • Tabletop.
  • Lower and upper cabinets with opening doors.
  • Plinth.
  • Wall collar.
  • Hinges and handles.

What does a running meter of a kitchen mean? This concept is understood as the average cost of one meter in length. This value is used not only when selling a headset, but also for calculating the cost of ordering a product.

what does running meter mean
what does running meter mean

What is not included in the price of a running meter

Never included in calculation:

  • panel;
  • backlight;
  • household appliances (oven, etc.);
  • wash;
  • cornices;
  • mixer;
  • wall plinth and more.

It must be borne in mind that each manufacturer has its own set of materials, modules and components for calculating a running meter. Some do not take into account the countertop. Others do not take into account the baseboard or plinth. Others do not count handles and hinges, etc.

The purchase price of materials and fittings from different manufacturers is also different. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to consider the manufacturer cheap only at the price of one meter of kitchen furniture.

When buying, ask the seller what exactly is included in the standard running meter. What is the depth and height of the modules. If you have visited the salon, you can ask to see a sketch of the furniture design project, on the basis of which the calculation was made.

how is running meter calculated
how is running meter calculated

How to calculate the running meter of a kitchen

As already mentioned, for the calculation, manufacturers take a kitchen with a simple layout as a basis. At the same time, the set of modules is the most budgetary, and the layout is as simple as possible. The size is only standard. The cost of all elements is summed up, resulting in the cost of the entire headset. It is divided by the length of the furniture and the conditional price of 1 linear meter is obtained. The layout in this case can be not only straight, but also angular. How to calculate the running meter of the kitchen? You can do this using a calculator.

what is a running meter of a kitchen
what is a running meter of a kitchen

Let's do the calculations using an example

Let's look at an example of how to count a running meter of a kitchen. Let's take a standard headset with a minimum set of elements. The length is 2.5 m. The total cost of the kitchen is 51,000 rubles.

How is a running meter calculated? We divide 51,000 by 2.5, we get 20,400 rubles. This is the cost of one linear meter headset.

ButAs experience shows, customers most often want to change something in the proposed version of the kitchen, as a result of which its final cost also changes. That is why the base price of this furniture is very conditional. Such calculations were relevant at the beginning of the development of furniture production, when the choice was not so extensive and limited to a dozen models.

Today, there is a wide range of models of kitchen sets from various manufacturers, so the calculation of the cost of 1 meter of running furniture is no longer relevant. Especially when making an individual order. In this case, even two identical, at first glance, kitchens can differ significantly in price only because of the use of expensive exclusive fittings or decorative elements.

Then how to determine the price of one meter of running kitchen made of plastic, chipboard, wood or other material? The real price of a headset can be determined when there is a project on hand that accurately describes the equipment and all the necessary parameters. It can be compiled independently, but it is best to involve a specialist designer in this matter, who will competently be able to answer any question about the kitchen equipment. After that, in the company that sells furniture, after providing them with a finished project, you will be able to ask questions about delivery, production time, insertion of built-in appliances, installation of accessories, etc., which may affect the final cost of furniture.

running meter plastic kitchen
running meter plastic kitchen

What is taken into account in the calculation

Whenprice calculation take into account:

  • The height of cabinets. Standard: top - 700-720 mm, bottom - 850 mm with plinth. 16mm thick case.
  • The depth of cabinets. It is also standard. For hanging modules, the depth is 300 mm, for floor pedestals 560 mm. The tabletop has a standard depth of 600mm.

Facades are taken into account simple - smooth and deaf, without milling and glass showcases.

Should I focus on the price of one linear meter when choosing a headset?

If you plan to order custom-sized furniture with convenient filling, drawers and thoughtful layout of modules, then don't.

If you decide to purchase the most inexpensive kitchen with basic equipment, with hinged doors, without glass showcases and drawers, then it's worth it. But you still need to be prepared for the fact that the final cost of the finished order will still be a little higher than originally planned.

After carrying out detailed calculations for a specific project, the cost of a finished kitchen can be one and a half to two times higher. Especially if unscrupulous manufacturers use the low price per meter as advertising bait.

Why does a kitchen set cost more in the end

In the furniture showroom, the designer offers customers different price components. If you have to pay a little more, the headset will be more comfortable and of better quality.

Kitchen of the same size and layout can be assembled from different modules. In this case, the cost of the headset will be different. For example, a cabinet withone hinged door, costs one and a half to two times cheaper than a cabinet of the same size, but with five drawers.

Headset modules of non-standard sizes will also cost a little more. It is necessary to keep this in mind when creating a design project and preliminary calculations. It is almost impossible to arrange the most comfortable furniture only from standard elements. But non-standard can be reduced to a minimum. Then you get the best value for money.

If you want to know the exact cost of the kitchen, you first need to draw at least a preliminary draft. After that, decide on the material of the countertops, facades, apron trim and fittings. You can use the convenient free online calculation offered by many companies. This will allow you to find out the approximate price of a kitchen set without leaving your home.

The cost of any furniture can be increased by adding something, or reduced by removing the excess.


So, we have looked at what a running meter of a kitchen is and how to calculate it. When choosing a headset, you need to carefully consider it and ask the seller what it consists of. In addition, you must personally make sure that the equipment is comfortable enough. And you should not forget that buying a kitchen set without a hostess is a big mistake for the owner.