Optical fiber has recently been used for high-speed data transmission. Previously, not every user could afford to install a separate terminal in his apartment that worked only for him.

In this regard, Internet providers “launched” an optical cable into an apartment building and connected it to a network module, and copper wires or twisted pairs transmitting the information flow went from it to apartments. At the same time, the data transfer rate dropped significantly. But with the creation of FTTB connectors, the situation has changed dramatically.
Best Wi-Fi router for optical cable
Now every resident of the city can afford a separate fiber optic router. But at the same time, another question arose: how to transmit an Internet signal via Wi-Fi, for example, to connect a tablet, smartphone or laptop? To solve this problem, you need to buy a router with a built-in Wi-Fi module. But a wide range of products on the market can shock even an experiencedusername.
In order not to get lost in the whole variety of devices, it is necessary to determine what, in your understanding, means the best Wi-Fi router? Perhaps this is a combine that can easily provide high-speed Internet from a dozen devices? Or will it be a compact device with an optimal ratio of price, functionality and durability? To help you figure this out, let's define what parameters a fiber optic router with WiFi should have.
Ports and Bandwidth
Previously, when an optical cable first ran into an apartment building, connected to a terminal, and only then transmitted an Internet signal to apartment owners, an FTTH port was used. Not so long ago, a new format was developed - FTTB, which allows you to connect fiber to a router located in your home. To connect an optical cable directly to the router, two groups of ports are used - WAN and SFP.

The first group is the most common. Externally, the WAN port is a regular connector for connecting a telephone cable. However, before making a purchase, check with your ISP which type of WAN port is required for connection. A fiber optic router equipped with an SFP connector will fit any cable as it is a standard format.
When choosing a router with a WAN port, you need to make sure that the throughput is not lower than the signal speed that your operator guarantees you. Otherwiseyou risk overpaying for the Internet. SFP connectors provide data reception at speeds up to 1 Gb / s and provide optimal throughput for any connection.
Wi-Fi Standards
When choosing a router with a high bandwidth, you need to decide on its data transfer interface, otherwise a situation will arise when the router can receive a high-speed signal, but it cannot distribute it to mobile devices via a Wi-Fi network.

Therefore, when purchasing a fiber optic router, make sure that the wireless interface standard matches one of the following:
- IEEE 802.11b - create a Wi-Fi network with data transfer rates up to 11 Mbps;
- IEEE 802.11g is a higher speed protocol providing speeds up to 54Mbps;
- IEEE 802.11n is the most advanced standard in existence, transmitting at speeds up to 300 Mbps.
When choosing a router in a store, you need to make sure that the Wi-Fi speed guaranteed by the device is not lower than the Internet speed provided by the operator. Now let's look at the most popular router models among customers.
D-Link-615 Router Series
D-Link is one of the leading suppliers to the domestic market of Internet equipment. Its products are recognized by users for the best value for money.
When choosing a fiber optic router for the first time, take a closer look at the DIR-615 model. A simple and intuitive interface simplifies setup. The radius of "distribution" of a Wi-Fi signal with a speed of up to 300 Mbps with two antennas will be enough to cover the entire area of the apartment. There is a built-in IPTV function for watching interactive TV.

Another prominent representative of the series is D-Link DIR-615/FB. The router is equipped with a WAN port and two antennas that provide signal distribution over a fairly large area at speeds up to 300 Mbps, has a LAN connector for connecting cable Internet.
D-Link routers for high speed internet
The D-Link DVG-N5402GF fiber optic router is one of the best, adapted for high-speed data transfer. It is equipped with 4 ports that provide signal reception at speeds up to 1 Gb / s, a WAN format connector. It has a Wi-Fi interface of the 802.11n standard, which causes data transfer at speeds up to 350 Mb / s. Two detachable antennas cover a large area.

The D-Link DIR-825/ACF router uses an SFP connector to receive data, so that the Wi-Fi distribution speed reaches 1167 Mbps when up to 4 devices are connected to the network at the same time. The USB interface can be used to connect a network drive. The ability to filter MAC address and modern security protocols will protect your network from intrusion.
Routers from provider
Some providers offer their own fiber optic router when connecting fiber optic cable. Rostelecom, Beeline, MTS are well-knownoperators who supply their equipment at the time of subscription. However, the connection cost increases significantly. In order not to overpay, you can choose your router, because there is no difference from which manufacturer to use the device.
It must be remembered that the parameters of the input signal correspond to the guaranteed data transfer rate. As the best option, we can recommend Mikrotik RB2011UAS-2HnD-IN with an impressive appearance and original design.
An alternative could be Huawei EchoLife HG-8240. It has several slots for connecting devices via local network, a special port for interactive TV and provides data transfer rates up to 1Gb per second.
Features of connecting a router to fiber
In some cases, when connecting the Internet, a terminal can be installed inside the apartment. Employees of the provider company themselves install such a device and connect fiber optics to it. Which router to choose and how to connect it to the terminal, you decide.

First you need to combine the selected router and optical terminal. This is done with a cable. If an optical network has been installed in your home, then this can be done through an optical outlet. After that, the router connects to the computer and the connection to the Internet is checked:
- Open command prompt as administrator.
- Run the command netstat -e –s andthen ping google.com.
After that, it remains to check the speed of the Internet signal. To do this, open the "Task Manager" and select the "Network" tab. If the connection speed matches the one guaranteed by the provider, then you have taken into account all the recommendations on how to connect the fiber to the router and have chosen the right router.