The kitchen can rightly be considered the main room in a modern apartment. It is in the kitchen that we often spend most of our time. Here we not only eat, but also often meet guests and just talk over a cup of tea. And in order to feel comfortable, you should pay special attention to the interior of the kitchen, and perhaps even make your own kitchen decor.

DIY kitchen decor
Only at first glance, it seems that making a kitchen decor with your own hands is an impossible task. But nothing is impossible for a person with fantasy and imagination.
Let's consider how you can change the kitchen without much effort and significant material costs. The main ways to transform a familiar interior are:
- search for new colors;
- furniture decor;
- window decor and textiles;
- new look of old technology;
- decorating kitchenapron and work surface;
- handmade kitchen decorations;
- lighting;
- floristry.

Search for new colors
The easiest way to change something in the kitchen, however, as in any other room, is to repaint the walls or re-paste the wallpaper. To do this, you first need to decide which color you gravitate more to and what exactly you want to achieve. It should be remembered how colors affect a person's feelings:
- Green and blue colors promote rest and relaxation.
- Red shades stimulate physical activity, give vigor. They go well with different, sometimes even the most unexpected colors.
- Yellow color evokes a feeling of joy. It is recommended to paint rooms in this color if the lighting in them is rather weak.
- Beige creates a calm atmosphere. The decor of a small kitchen is especially recommended in this color, as it greatly increases the space.
- White, like beige, allows you to expand the space, creates a feeling of purity and tranquility.
The choice of color always remains with the owner and the author of the interior, this is a matter of taste. For those who are not looking for simple ways like the usual repainting of the walls, you can do the decor of the kitchen walls with your own hands. For creative people, this will not be difficult: you can apply the author's drawing on the walls. Or, if there are no artistic inclinations at all, but there is a great desire for alterations, you canuse various stamps, patterns and stencils available for sale in specialized interior and art stores. In the most extreme case, you can use stickers. They are adhesive-based pictures of various shapes, sizes and subjects, which allows them to be applied to any surface.

Furniture Decor
There are many methods for updating old furniture. If it is upholstered furniture, it is possible to make it “upholstery”, the new upholstery will harmoniously fit in and noticeably refresh an already bored interior. The most inexpensive and very pleasant procedure is decoupage, which is gaining momentum in popularity and availability every year. After all, it is enough to choose a suitable napkin, and voila - Provence style kitchen decor is provided for you. But all you need to do is cut out beautiful elements and use a brush and glue to glue them to the surface of the furniture. It should also be taken into account that in order for the products to serve for a long time, it is necessary to varnish them, then they will not be afraid of wet cleaning or just a spilled glass of water. Well, if the soul is already completely cleared up, then this furniture can be artificially aged, and then a slight touch of time will add additional charm to your interior.
Window decor and textiles
No wonder they say that windows are the eyes of a building. So well-designed window decor in the kitchen can transform the whole room as a whole. Probably the most affordable and uncomplicated way to update here is to use textiles. Thankfully now you can choosecurtains, curtains and so on for every taste and at the rate of any means. Ideally, window textiles should be in harmony with kitchen textiles (potholders, towels, etc.). If, for example, you decide to make a Provence-style kitchen, then vintage textiles are ideal for you. If we consider the economy option, then in order to change the look of the curtains already in the kitchen, you can use various clips with which to form unusual folds. They can be used depending on the mood. For example, you can "open windows" by securing them to the sides with clips.

New look for old technology
How to make your own kitchen decor truly unique? It is necessary not to deprive even such seemingly hopeless and unpromising items in terms of decorating as kitchen appliances. To update them, you can use the same decoupage or stickers, after sticking which the old items will “play” in a new way and fit perfectly into the interior in a completely new look.
And you can completely repaint the habitually boring white technique in bright colors, making them, for example, non-trivial, for example, red, green or even "polka dots".

Handmade kitchen decorations
In order to make the kitchen not only modern, but also cozy, it should be supplemented with unique ones, you can even author crafts or just decorative elements. Only the thing that is made by hand really keeps you warm andgives a feeling of comfort and home.
Kitchen decor ideas can be quite varied. You can pick up beautiful bottles or jars, fill them with cereals. It will turn out beautifully if you make bouquets of dried flowers and herbs, which can then be used in the preparation of your favorite dishes. You can independently organize a place to store kitchen utensils, decorate a knife stand in the general style of an updated kitchen.

Small Kitchen Decor
Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to turn the kitchen into a luxurious dining room or recreation room for one simple reason: there are still small kitchens. The designers of such premises have a very difficult time: they need to place a lot of necessary things on a small "patch", and, moreover, create an imitation of freedom and lightness, and not clutter and tightness. There are special tricks that visually expand the space.
These, for example, can be multiple mirror surfaces. There are even original reflective tiles that are easy to paste over the walls in the kitchen. Of course, it looks beautiful, even luxurious, but on condition that perfect order reigns in the room. After all, even a slight carelessness with the help of mirrors "multiplies" several times.
In a small kitchenette, not a centimeter of usable area should be wasted. Let the place work under the desktop and above it, in these places it is convenient to place cabinets and shelves. Even a place outside the door, wise designers deftly attract to the "usefulactivities", arranging creative triangular cabinets in the corner that is formed when the door is opened.
A very important aspect of a comfortable stay in a room is its illumination. This is especially important in the kitchen. If you already take on the interior arrangement with your own hands, it is also worth updating the lighting fixtures. After all, it is not at all necessary to buy a new chandelier or a lamp above the stove, just be creative and decorate an existing ceiling. And again, decoupage and stickers come into play, these are probably the most affordable ways to quickly and at the same time economically update the space.

A real cozy kitchen simply cannot exist without indoor flowers. But the usual standard violets, aloe and geraniums are already pretty fed up. I want something new and different. There is a way out: grow spicy herbs on the windowsill, and especially the brave - cherry tomatoes and small cucumbers. Place all this in beautiful pots or planters - and a small garden is ready. Such plants do not require special care, but you will always have fresh parsley, basil and other goodies and usefulness.
Creating a kitchen decor with your own hands is much more pleasant and responsible than just inviting a designer and describing what you would like. When you do something yourself, you create, create for yourself, in accordance with your tastes and habits. Do-it-yourself kitchen decor ideas are almost limitless, a flight of fancy in conjunction with the initial data and technicalopportunities provides the owner of the kitchen with unprecedented scope for both creativity and organization of space. After all, only in a cozy kitchen are brilliant ideas born.