To establish accounting for water consumption in housing and communal services, meters with a pulse output are used, which can conduct automatic monitoring. The meters are connected to an external data relay that transmits information to the server of the management company through the selected channel. The pulse output water meter has a specific reading procedure.
Working principle
The principle of operation of such a meter is not complicated: it consists of a mechanical part with a rotating impeller and a magnetic coupling. The coupling is based on a simple magnet and a sealed contact (hergon), which is closed by the action of a magnetic field.
Impulse water meters are beneficial to management companies as metering devices that save water use. They allow you to economically count the consumed resources and simplify the process of counting the used water. Each volume of water in such water meters is used very economically.

Types and types of water meters
An ordinary water meter and a universal meter "Betar SGV-15" differ not so much. This is a device for measuring hot and cold water, which is installed in any home. It can operate in the temperature range from +5 to +100 °C. The device consists of a housing, impeller and nozzles. There is also a counting mechanism. The SGV-15 counter is a modification of the SHV-15, the current name is "Betar SGV-15". This model is designed to work at home in certain ranges. For cold water, the upper limit is 40 °C. The volume of water that is consumed in the device is 1.5 cubic meters per hour. The weight of the counter is small, it is equal to 0.5 kg.

The "Betar" meter has its advantages: the main one is water saving. "Betar" is inexpensive and serves almost up to six months without warranty repairs. When using the meter, you only need to know the monthly water consumption, which we can see on the meter dial, and water tariffs. In general, this is up to 6 cubic meters per person, and the tariff is in accordance with the new rules. As we already wrote, the Betar counter consists of an impeller and a counting mechanism. The counting mechanism counts the number of rotations - the more pressure, the more the impeller spins and the amount of water spent is displayed. A water meter with a pulse output operates in the same mode: information from the meter is read in an electronic device, which is convenient to use. In general, water meters of this type operate on energy andwater saving.
Application. Which counter is better
For practical use in rural and other areas, water meters manufactured by Betar are more preferable. Depending on the conditions of water use, savings, everyone chooses a meter at their discretion, depending on their financial capabilities. A cold water meter with a pulse output or another type of pulse meter is also used in hot water heating systems that are connected together with a low power pump. They can also be used in household, bath rooms, where the necessary water accounting is required. If water is taken from wells for domestic needs, then water meters are practically not needed there. Pulse output meters work great with both cold and hot water.

Things to consider
Before you buy a water meter, keep the following in mind:
• what water will flow through the meter meter;
• check the water is hard or dirty;
• what is the cost of the meter;
• how much power is needed to operate the device;
• where the water meter will be installed.
For their capabilities, cold and hot water meters work in the same way, but are made of different materials. The pulse meter for hot water operates up to 150 ° C, and for cold water the limit is up to 40 ° C. If the water is heavily polluted or has stable hardness, then the meters must be selected of a special type or a mud meter must be placed on the meter.filter. Dirty water significantly affects the accuracy of the readings, because the speed of rotation of the impeller in the meter slows down. When buying, you should also pay attention to this.

Meter Benefits
The advantage of the pulse output water meter is its compact weight, meter size, mandatory design, mechanical simplicity, reliability and efficiency. Pulse meters are also used in production, where we need the use of water, as well as their direct use as industrial water in the processing of parts and their subsequent assembly. The meters are mounted on a vertically standing supply pipe and are used as needed, and stored in specially designated places. It should be noted that some parts of the meter may be subject to corrosion deposits, and therefore they must be coated with a special solution composition that prevents the formation of rust. The mechanical part of the impulse water meter is protected by special devices that provide protection in case of careless use. The cold water impulse meter and the Betar version of the meter is a necessary argument for saving energy and water in our urban and rural sewerage systems. They are the best help in resource-saving technologies at home and local-territorial conditions.

In our time, the cost of public housing services is significantlyincreased, and therefore people began to think about saving the budget, which they saved for the future. Here, pulse water meters for hot and cold water can significantly save home and family savings. In rural local-territorial areas, this is very important and necessary. In urban centralized housing and communal services, the entire system of water use and saving is supplied in the manner regulated by laws. There, water meters with a pulse output for displaying information are also needed, they help to navigate the utility bill system.
Thus, water meters for domestic use are a necessary attribute in residential premises and help save money.