When creating electronic equipment and devices, conductive glue is used. It is used for mounting electronic parts of microcircuits and must have the appropriate parameters for electrical and thermal resistance.

In this article we will look at the composition and applications of the adhesive.
Conductive adhesive must have a small specific and thermal resistance. At the same time, its contact properties must be strong, reliable and durable.
It is possible to create stable electrical characteristics of the adhesive by introducing nickel powder into its composition. Sometimes palladium, silver and gold are used for these purposes. The more metal fraction in the composition of the adhesive, the better the current flow, but the contact strength will be lower.

Conductive adhesive will be elastic, and the connection will be stronger if polymer binders are introduced into its composition. They guarantee good adhesive properties and low adhesive density.
Polymer-based adhesive protects ICs from shock, vibration and permanenttemperature fluctuations.
Conductive adhesive "Kontaktol" meets all modern requirements. It consists of a viscous composition based on synthetic resins. Conductivity provides fine silver powder. By adding various alcohol solvents to the adhesive, its viscosity can be adjusted.
Many experienced hams make their own conductive glue. They know universal glue compositions that can be used to glue resistors, transistors, microcircuits and heat sinks.
There is no big secret in this, so below we will look at how to make homemade conductive glue at home.
1. We take a small tube of superglue made by Chinese craftsmen. Open the foil package from the opposite side. We fall asleep there in advance prepared graphite, in an amount equal to the amount of glue. Graphite can be polished with a drafting pencil (simple pencil). The stylus should be soft. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed with a match, after which we close the packaging foil. The conductive adhesive is ready to use.

If you don't have super glue on hand, you can use zaponlak for this purpose.
2. You can use the graphite rod of an AA battery and the same zaponlak. Graphite powder must be mixed with zaponlak until sour cream thickens. This glue has excellent conductivity. It should be noted that only the tracks of television remotes are restored with such home-made glue.
3. This composition includes finely ground graphiteand copper filings. To connect these materials, glue or varnish is used. Graphite can be removed from a pencil lead by planing it. Copper filings are obtained by processing a piece of copper with a small file. We combine two shares of copper filings and one share of graphite dust. We bind this mixture with glue. If there is no glue, you can apply cedar varnish.
4. A versatile compound with excellent conductivity and strength. We will need 15 g of graphite powder, 30 g of fine silver, the same amount of vinyl chloride copolymer and 32 g of purified acetone. The composition is thoroughly mixed. Keep glue in glass packaging.