How to fill the fishing line into the trimmer spool and which one is better to use for this?

How to fill the fishing line into the trimmer spool and which one is better to use for this?
How to fill the fishing line into the trimmer spool and which one is better to use for this?

Very often those people who own cottages, vegetable gardens in their personal possession are faced with the need to care for the lawn on the site. In such cases, you simply cannot do without the usual manual braid or trimmer. The first is slowly fading into the background, and the number of people who use it is getting smaller. The trimmer works automatically and does not require much effort. Especially since you don't need a special skill to use it.

How does the trimmer work?

how to put line on a trimmer spool
how to put line on a trimmer spool

The principle of operation of such a device is that the grass is cut by a special fishing line mounted on a rapidly rotating head. The number of revolutions per minute can reach 8000. In a short time, the fishing line becomes unusable, more precisely, it is erased. Then the summer residents have a question: "How to fill the fishing line into the trimmer spool"?

Types of lines for trimmer

First of all, in order not to resort to frequent replacements, it is better to use a denser fishing line. The number of its types and manufacturers is simply amazing. The main parameter of a fishing line for a trimmer is its diameter. It varies from 1.6 to 3.2 mm. The most common type is the 2mm line. However, it must be selected depending on the type of trimmer you have.

winding line on a trimmer
winding line on a trimmer

There are several options for the section of the fishing line. So, it can be round, square, in the form of an asterisk with sharp edges. The last option is the most efficient. However, it is worth using it only on powerful braids and at the same time you need to know how to fill the fishing line into the trimmer spool. Therefore, we can conclude that the more powerful your scythe, the thicker the fishing line should be.

Such a process as winding a fishing line on a trimmer is not difficult, but has its own characteristics. First you need to choose the right fishing line, the diameter of which is registered in the device passport.

First, unscrew the spool cap. Be careful, as the thread can be both left and right. The left thread is necessary so that the head of the scythe does not unwind during operation.

Throwing the line into the trimmer

Before threading the line into the trimmer spool, measure 5 m from the skein (this is the average amount of line installed on trimmers). Then fold it in half exactly to find the middle. The resulting center must be inserted into a special slot, whichlocated on the coil. After that, wind the line in the direction of the arrow on the head.

winding line on the trimmer spool
winding line on the trimmer spool

There are models in which the winding place is divided into two halves. Therefore, one is often wound clockwise, and the second - against. Having wound the fishing line completely, its ends are threaded into special holes. A cap is put on top of the head.

From the above, it follows that the process of replacing the fishing line is not complicated. Having carried out such a manipulation as winding a fishing line on a trimmer spool several times, you will bring this process to automaticity. The only thing is that it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the fishing line in order to avoid breaking it while working on the site, when a spare skein may not be at hand.

Now you know how to thread a trimmer spool and you can do it yourself with little effort!
