Long grass can be beautiful and romantic, say, in a field, but not in a summer cottage. It is customary to mow lawns near country houses. Of course, you can use the old grandfather method. However, not everyone knows how to use a hand scythe. In addition, it is impossible to cut the grass as smoothly as with modern tools. At the moment, two main types are produced: a lawn mower on wheels and a hand mower. In this article, we will consider the second type of such equipment.
Hand mowers are usually used to mow small lawns or places that are difficult to reach for lawn mowers. They, in turn, are also divided into two main types - trimmers and lawn mowers. The first variety refers to simpler equipment. With it, you can mow mostly only soft grass and for a short time. The manual mower of the second type - motokosa - is used for more serious work. She can cut grass with hard stems and even shoots. Such equipment is used for processing lawns of a fairly large area.

The most powerful lawn mowers are called brush cutters. They can cut not only grass, but also shrubs, and even small trees. This equipment works for a long time and is often used by professionals. By type of power, a manual mower can be electric or gasoline. Trimmers work only from a network. There are two types of such equipment on sale: with a lower and upper engine. When using the first type, you can mow the grass for no longer than 15 minutes. Such models have a power of about 500 watts.
Electric manual mower, the price of which is not too high (about 2000 rubles), is not very convenient to use, and it cannot be used in wet weather. Models with a top-mounted engine are somewhat more powerful - up to 1000 watts. They can be used continuously for longer periods of time. However, they are somewhat more expensive (3500 rubles).
Scythes run on both electricity and gasoline. All such tools have an overhead motor. This type of manual mower, powered by gasoline, is usually equipped with an air-cooled two-stroke carburetor type engine. When using this tool, gasoline of at least grade 92 is used. At the same time, oil is added to it in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer.

When purchasing a brush cutter, the cost of which can be 8000 - 15000 rubles, you should pay attention, among other things, to the design of its handle. Models are considered the most convenientbicycle type. In addition, a special belt system is used, thanks to which the weight of the mower is evenly distributed over the shoulders and back. Manual mowers, the price of which depends on the power and type of engine, may also have a working body of a different design.
In all trimmers, grass is cut with a stretched fishing line. Some lawn mowers have a similar working body. On sale there are also models equipped with metal knives. The brush cutter is equipped with a special disc with many teeth.
It is not so difficult to choose the right hand braid. If you need a tool in addition to a wheeled lawn mower, you should buy a trimmer. If you want to have full-fledged equipment for mowing small lawns, you should consider purchasing a lawn mower.