Dracaena flower: maintenance and care

Dracaena flower: maintenance and care
Dracaena flower: maintenance and care

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Dracaena flower is a favorite plant of so many flora lovers. It fits perfectly into various types of interior, looks impressive and beautiful. Some large varieties of this plant are great even for office space. And small forms look great at home. Such is the universal flower of dracaena. How to care for him, will be discussed further in the article.

Dracaena flower
Dracaena flower


For this representative of the flora in the summer, the optimal temperature regime is: + 20-25 C, and in winter at least +15 C. When choosing a location, you need to consider that the dracaena flower does not like drafts. However, during the warm season, it can be safely placed outdoors.


Most varieties of these plants love the light. Therefore, containers with them must be placed in the appropriate places. However, the dracaena flower must be protected from direct sunlight. The ideal location for it is the east and west windows. Varieties with plain dark foliageneed less light, and variegated with its deficiency may lose color. Phytolamps can be used for these representatives of the flora.


Dracaena flower is moisture-loving and therefore needs abundant watering. It should be remembered that it is impossible to overdry the substrate in a pot. Despite the fact that the soil should always be moist, it is also not recommended to overfill the plant. Permanent stagnation of water, especially in combination with low temperatures, can lead to the death of this representative of the flora. In the summer, it needs to be watered daily. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced.

Indoor flower dracaena
Indoor flower dracaena


Indoor flower dracaena loves moist air. Therefore, he needs daily spraying in the summer. In winter, they are needed if the heating devices in the room dry out the air. These representatives of the flora also need to wipe the leaves from dust and wash in the shower. However, there are two types of plants that do not need frequent moisture. Dracaena Godsef and Dragon tolerate dry air quite well.

Dracaena flower how to care
Dracaena flower how to care


Plants are propagated by cuttings. The material is taken from the tops and from the stems. The cuttings are rooted in a sand-peat mixture. They can be germinated beforehand by placing them in water. Cuttings should be 7-10 cm long. For better rooting, it is recommended to use bottom heating. Cuttings are accepted for 2-4 weeks.


Dracaena is desirable to transplant every two years. The optimal time for this procedure is March-April. For young plants, this operation is shown annually. As a primer, it is best to use a special substrate for dracaena. The pot needs to have good drainage so that moisture does not stagnate.


Dracaena flower needs to be fed during the period of activity, which lasts from March to August. Fertilize this representative of the flora with any complex compounds 2 times a month. For variegated species, it is advisable to use special dressings designed for plants with this type of foliage.
