Transparent roofs gave people a unique opportunity to admire the sky, stars, sunlight right through the roof of their own house. This miracle appeared quite recently, such technology began to be used abroad about 40 years ago, and in Russia - in the last decade. At first, many people were ambivalent about transparent roofs, because they considered them unreliable, but very quickly, polycarbonate materials actually proved their strength and durability.

Transparent roofs can take any shape: arches, domes, pyramids, etc. The material is used for the construction of sheds, summer and heated pools, vestibules, winter gardens, residential premises. Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic with a huge number of high performance properties. In construction, the material is divided into two categories: cellular and monolithic. Cellular polycarbonate looks like two plates with jumpers between them. Monolithic is a solid sheet without internal structure.
Transparent polycarbonate roofing should be highly durable and have good thermal insulation, so a cellular or honeycomb type of material is used in construction. Out of himmake sheds, greenhouses, fences, billboards, various elements in the exterior and interior. Floors are made of monolithic polycarbonate, they are used in the furniture industry, auto and aircraft manufacturing, because it perfectly absorbs ultraviolet radiation, is flexible, durable and reliable.

Design possibilities, ease of material and ease of installation are characterized by a transparent roof. The price of this design is much lower compared to the traditional coating. Roofs made of polycarbonate are very tight and reliable, therefore they win in comparison with the same glass. The material is not combustible and withstands temperatures from -40 °C to +115 °C. Cellular polycarbonate plates are easily mounted in steel, PVC, aluminum, wooden frames.
Transparent roofs are interesting because they can be given any shape. Cellular polycarbonate can be bent, but you should not get carried away, because at certain bending radii there are internal violations that reduce transparency, they appear due to excessive mechanical stress. To keep the roof in good condition, it is necessary to wash it twice a year with special cleaning products, but this must be done carefully.

Polycarbonate roofs have become a model of durability, reliability and strength, they have replaced heavy structures made of concrete and glass. This material is also safe, even strong blows are not afraid of it, since falling objects will immediately bounce off. Transparentroofs only seem fragile, in fact they are able to withstand during a strong hurricane. It should also be noted the light-forming properties of polycarbonate and its environmental friendliness. The material is very light, beautiful, resistant to atmospheric and mechanical influences, protects the room from overheating and cooling. With such a roof, the feeling of comfort will not leave either in the heat or in the cold.