If you are an avid summer resident, you probably wondered how a year-round greenhouse is built.
General arrangement of a year-round greenhouse

When a year-round greenhouse with heating will be built, you can take the dimensions presented in the article for the main ones. However, the dimensions of the building will depend on your own preferences, the number of seedlings grown, as well as the free space on the site. The example will consider a greenhouse whose width is 3450 millimeters, while the length will be 4050 millimeters. In the end, you will be able to get a total area of \u200b\u200bshelves of 10 square meters on which seedlings can be grown. If planted in pots with a diameter of 100 millimeters, then from the mentioned area it will be possible to have 1000 seedling units. A year-round greenhouse of this type will consist of a recessed room, insidewhich racks are installed. The roof must be made transparent, while it is recommended to use two-layer polycarbonate as a covering material. As mentioned above, the building should not be buried if the site has high groundwater, but in this case it will be necessary to sprinkle with soil from the outside of the wall. The length can be increased if necessary, for this it will be possible to add sections. The ridge beam should be lengthened with extensions. The connection is made in half a tree with a beam that has a similar section.
Dimensions and supports

If you will build a year-round greenhouse, then at the junction of the beam you will need to install a support, the last of which should look like a triangle. The ridge support is necessary to support the beam. It should be noted that the support should not come into contact with the polycarbonate coating. The supporting part has the qualities of strength, but does not prevent movement inside the greenhouse. This addition is required only when the length of the greenhouse is more than 4000 millimeters. If the structure will have a more impressive length, then the supports should be installed every 4 meters. As for the corner elements, they must be made from a square bar, the side of which is 100 millimeters.
Construction of walls and insulation of the greenhouse

If you build a year-round greenhouse, then from twothe sides of the support will need to be sheathed with a grooved board, and the resulting space should be filled with a heat insulator. In order to make the construction cheaper, it is recommended to use round timber, its diameter can vary from 120 to 150 millimeters. For wall cladding, slabs are often used. The space inside the walls is insulated, for this you can use sawdust, expanded clay or slag. If the first option is used, then quicklime must be added to the main ingredients. This will keep rodents away. Racks should be installed along the side walls, 600 millimeters should be retreated from the floor surface. When making them, boards should be used.
Excavation and installation of supports

If you decide to build year-round greenhouses with your own hands, then first you need to dig a foundation pit, the depth of which is 600 millimeters. The width and length may be greater than the greenhouse itself. At the bottom, markings should be made on which the supports will be installed. As soon as you decide on the markup, you will need to dig in the supports, while you need to go deep by 500 millimeters. At a height of 1020 millimeters from the ground, you need to stretch the twine, which is leveled with a level. It will help to install all the supports correctly. Next is backfilling. To do this, use the earth, which is carefully tamped after laying.
Installation and sewing walls

Do-it-yourself year-round greenhouses are built according to a certain technology. It involves leveling and further wall cladding. The last manipulations must be started from the bottom. This must be done at the same time from the inside and outside. Once you have completed this work, you need to cut off the ends of the boards that extend beyond the supports with a hacksaw. At the corners of the greenhouse from the inside, bars should be nailed to the boards, which have a square section with a side of 50 millimeters. They must be installed vertically. The lining of the back and front walls will be fixed on them.
Laying insulation
Year-round industrial greenhouses, like ordinary ones, require the presence of an insulating layer. It must be sealed if necessary. The material is poured in such a way that it comes out to the top of the wall. After these works are completed, the open top must be sewn up with boards, their width must correspond to the thickness of the walls. The inside is covered with insulation, which has a reflective surface. Polyethylene foam works well for this.
Roof installation
Greenhouses for year-round cultivation, as a rule, have a roof made on the basis of a frame. The rafters should be connected in half a tree, the jumper is nailed so that the distance at the bottom is 3450 millimeters.
The jumper is considered a temporary part, so it must be installed in such a way that it can be removed afterwards. We should not forget that it is not necessary to drive nails to the very end, it is necessary to leave a gap of 7millimeters. This will make it easier to remove the jumpers.
Final works
Greenhouses for year-round use require a truss system that is nailed to a support. The jumpers can then be removed. A ridge beam should be mounted under the rafters. Now the front supports are brought under it. Their size is 880 millimeters. Greenhouses for year-round use with heating require the installation of a furnace at the last stage, which is preferable to be located in the vestibule.