Tomatoes have been cultivated by man for several centuries. During this time, just a huge number of their most diverse varieties were bred. Some of the varieties are suitable for fresh consumption and for salads, others are used mainly for canning. The latter also includes a variety very popular with summer residents - Cream. These tomatoes are grown by many backyard owners and have earned excellent reviews from gardeners.
General Description
The fruits of all varieties of tomatoes of the Cream variety are different:
- ovoid;
- not too juicy;
- a few seeds.
Judging by the reviews of many gardeners, dense tomatoes of the Slivka variety, which have a large mass fraction of pulp, are much better suited for drying than many other varieties. They are also often used for pickling and pickling. Very often, various kinds of sauces and pastes are also prepared from these tomatoes. Many housewives praise this variety, including for the fact that it can be used in fresh vegetable salads.

These tomatoes got their name for the characteristic shape of the fruit. Outwardly, these tomatoes strongly resemble a large plum. The color of the skin of the fruit in different varieties of this group may vary. But the shape of Cream is always oblong and neat.
Biological features
Popularity tomatoes of the Cream variety among summer residents deserved, among other things, because they belong to the group of early ripening. Usually, no more than 100 days pass from the moment the seeds germinate to the harvest of these tomatoes. Tall tomatoes of this group most often do not grow. In most cases, Cream is determinant varieties. Their height does not exceed 60 centimeters and they do not need a garter or pinching. These tomatoes are grown mainly in open ground. They are not self-pollinating.
Tomato leaves of this variety are ordinary - dark green, slightly corrugated. Branching in tomatoes Cream is medium. Their inflorescence is complex, slightly loose.

Tomatoes (Cream variety): reviews of summer residents
According to most gardeners, cream tomatoes are completely unpretentious in their care. Seedlings can be grown in the usual way. That is, the seeds are planted in boxes in late March - early April. Grown up tomatoes are transferred to open ground at the end of May.
Tomatoes of the Cream variety are fed (photos of such tomatoes can be seen on the page) during the season, usually with organic fertilizers - manure or compost diluted slurry. These tomatoes are watered quite often, preventing the soil from drying out onbeds.

As for the yield, according to most summer residents, these tomatoes have a very good one. They form ovaries simply in large numbers. Moreover, almost all fruits eventually ripen. At the same time, such tomatoes are really just perfect for pickling - they do not change color at all in jars and keep their shape very well. Since the pulp of such tomatoes is very dense, they can be transported even over long distances without any problems. The keeping quality of tomatoes Cream, according to most gardeners, is also very good.
Most often summer residents grow Cream in suburban areas:
- Black (or Angolan). This variety is also called black De Barao by some gardeners. The mass of fruits in these tomatoes can reach 90 g. Their skin color is dark red. Tomatoes of the Black Cream variety, unlike most others, grow quite high - up to 150 cm.
- Canned. The mass of fruits of this variety is usually 50-60 g. The bushes reach a height of 50 cm. The advantages of the variety include, first of all, immunity to diseases and resistance to adverse weather factors.
- Pink. This is the most popular Slivka variety among summer residents. Its advantage, in addition to its excellent taste, is considered by many gardeners to be good immunity to various diseases and pest infestation. Yields of Pink Cream are very high.
- Yellow. This variety is tall. Peel itfruit is yellow. The weight of such tomatoes can vary between 30-70 grams.

Most often, gardeners grow Yellow Cream tomatoes on their plots. Varieties Pink and Canned are also very popular. Black Cream in the gardens of Russians can be seen less often.
Growing unpretentious Cream in your garden will not be difficult even for a not very experienced summer resident. To the defeat of various kinds of infectious and fungal diseases, this variety of tomatoes, as you can see, is resistant. For example, late blight or fusarium tomato varieties Slivki almost never get sick. These tomatoes do not have verticillium leaf wilt either.
However, according to many summer residents, this variety is quite often infected with TMV and cladosporiosis. Tomato varieties Cream Pink and Black are especially unstable to this disease.
Prevention of TMV
Tobacco mosaic appears in these tomatoes, as in any others, primarily in the change in leaf color to variegated. At the same time, light spots appear on the fruits. Unfortunately, antiviral drugs for this disease have not yet been developed. Therefore, when growing tomatoes of the Slivki variety, it is important to pay maximum attention to the prevention of TMV. For planting, use only quality seeds purchased from reliable sellers. In autumn, all tops from the beds should be removed and burned. The same goes for fallen leaves in the garden.

Brown spotting
Cladosporiosis is usually treated with broad-spectrum fungicides. It can be, for example, copper oxychloride or the drug "Bravo". Preventive treatment with such means should be carried out twice per season. This will minimize the risk of developing brown spot disease.
How to s alt
Thus, canning is what Slivki tomatoes are most suitable for. Harvesting for the winter can be done using different technologies. But most often they, like any other tomatoes, of course, are simply s alted in jars. To do this:
- fruits are thoroughly washed under running water;
- three-liter jars are rubbed with soda and sterilized over steam;
- dill, a piece of horseradish and currant leaves are placed at the bottom of each jar;
- tightly stuff glassware with tomatoes;
- garlic cloves, currant leaves and a large dill umbrella are placed on top.

The brine is prepared at the rate of 600-700 grams of table s alt per 10 liters of water. For reliability, some housewives also put aspirin in it (two tablets per jar). Pour it in such a way that the tomatoes are completely covered by it. Of course, there are a huge number of harmful microorganisms in brine and on tomatoes. To destroy them, the brine from each jar is poured into a saucepan. Then the latter is put on gas and the liquid is brought to a boil. At the final stage, the brine is poured back.