Tomato "honey drop". Tomato "honey drop": reviews. Tomato "honey drop": description

Tomato "honey drop". Tomato "honey drop": reviews. Tomato "honey drop": description
Tomato "honey drop". Tomato "honey drop": reviews. Tomato "honey drop": description
tomato honey drop
tomato honey drop

Today gardeners, having certain opportunities and desire, are able to grow a wide variety of varieties of tomatoes on their plots. Moreover, each type differs not only in color, shape, but also in taste. In this article, we will look at what a "honey drop" tomato is and what is the technology for growing it.


This variety is one of the varieties of cherry tomatoes. Tomato "honey drop", reviews of gardeners about which indicate a high yield of this vegetable, does not require special care. That is why it is considered an almost ideal variety for growing in our conditions. Tomato fruits have a rich amber-yellow color. They taste unusually sweet, indicating a high sugar content. Small-sized tomatoes on average have a mass of about thirty grams. You can grow tomatoes both in the open field and in the greenhouse"honey drop" The height of the bush, as a rule, reaches no more than two meters. In open ground - up to 1.5 m. An important feature is the fact that the fruits are not affected by such common diseases as blackleg and late blight.

tomato honey drop reviews
tomato honey drop reviews


Small but very tasty tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption and for making all kinds of seamings. They will not only be a delicious dish on the table, but also decorate it.

Preparing seeds for storage

In order to get a new crop of these amazingly tasty tomatoes next year, you need to collect grains. To do this, take a slightly overripe fruit. From it you need to carefully remove the pulp, separating it from the seeds. Small grains must be transferred to paper and dried thoroughly in the sun. After that, the seeds should be wrapped in dry paper and cleaned in a dark place until spring. From mid-May, tomatoes can be planted again in the ground. However, before placing the grains in the ground, they should be soaked in water with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate.

Growing outdoors through seedlings

Tomato "honey drop", the description of which you can find above, it is pointless to sow immediately in open ground. The fact is that sufficiently warm weather is established only in May or June. Therefore, a late-sown plant simply does not have time to ripen for the season. If you want to eat early tomatoes, you need to sow seeds for seedlings in March.

Ground preparation and planting

Special store-bought tomato soil should be kept at room temperature for a while to warm up. Then it is recommended to water it with "EM" preparation. Seeds can be planted in containers as early as the end of March. To do this, use a pencil to make small grooves in the ground. They need to put prepared seeds in such a way that a strip is obtained. After this, the grains can be covered by three millimeters with soil and poured with warm water.

honey drop tomato variety
honey drop tomato variety


In order for the "honey drop" tomato to sprout, certain conditions must be created. The recommended temperature in the room where the seedlings are located should be within +27 degrees. Light day - about 12 hours. It is best to place the seed containers on a windowsill facing south or east, and next to radiators. Usually young shoots appear already on the fifth or tenth day. After that, the seedling boxes should be moved to a cooler place (about +20). The variety of tomatoes "honey drop" refers to moisture-loving crops, so young shoots should be watered regularly. However, water must not be allowed to stagnate. When three or four leaves appear, the seedlings must be dived into separate cups, with a volume of 250 to 500 ml. For planting it is recommended to use the same soil. To form strong additional roots, the stem of the plant needs to be slightly deepened. Light and heat are the main conditions,under which the "honey drop" tomato will quickly grow. Feedback from experienced gardeners suggests that it is desirable to keep young seedlings at a temperature not lower than +16 degrees.

tomatoes honey drop height
tomatoes honey drop height


Only in late April or early May, tomatoes can be placed in open ground. In the presence of late frosts, seedlings can be planted in the middle of summer. The minimum temperature at which tomatoes can be placed in the garden is +10 degrees. A day before planting, it is recommended not to water the "honey drop" at all. The bed should be prepared in advance. To do this, loosen the earth to a depth of at least five centimeters. After that, you need to dig a small hole, the depth of which will be about ten centimeters. Seedlings, together with the ground, should be carefully removed from the cup, placed in a prepared hole and filled with water. When the liquid is absorbed, the hole can be covered with earth, slightly compacting it. It is very important that the distance between the tomatoes is at least seventy centimeters. The "honey drop" tomato, the photo of which is presented on this page, begins to bear fruit ninety days after germination. Small tomatoes ripen almost simultaneously. It is recommended to collect them only fully ripe. Unripe tomatoes have a less pronounced taste. In open ground, the bush continues to bear fruit until the temperature drops to +10 degrees. Therefore, the harvest can be harvested until the end of the season.

Growing in a greenhouse

honey tomatodrop characteristic
honey tomatodrop characteristic

You can plant young seedlings already at the end of March or at the beginning of April. In this case, the greenhouse must be heated. Growing tomatoes in this way allows you to achieve an earlier harvest. The distance between plants should be at least sixty centimeters. It is very important that the greenhouse is periodically ventilated. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the occurrence of such a disease as late blight. From time to time, loosen the surface of the soil and periodically water the ground. If the plants do not have enough daylight hours, you can use special lamps. Being in a thermos greenhouse with heating and vents, the bush can bear fruit all year round.


tomato honey drop description
tomato honey drop description

Tomato "honey drop", the characteristic of which indicates the tallness of the bush, must be tied up. To do this, next to the plant, you should install a support in the form of wooden or metal rods. As the stem grows, the bush must be tied to a support so that it does not break from gravity. Very often it can be replaced that the tomato fruits begin to become covered with small brown cracks. This is due to lack of water. In the event that there is too much moisture, the tomatoes become watery and crack. To prevent various kinds of diseases, the formed plant should be periodically sprayed with "Fitosporin", "Aktofit" and "Mikosan".

Tomato "honey drop". Reviews

This tomato variety is differenthigh quality seed. As a rule, germination is about 96%. The fruits have a very beautiful, original shape. Tomato "honey drop" refers to medium-early varieties. Some gardeners managed to grow quite large fruits, weighing more than forty grams. Each brush usually has seven to nine tomatoes. Many gardeners note the fact that the fruits do not lose their taste and aroma during conservation. They make excellent preparations for the winter, and fresh tomatoes are simply incomparable.

tomato honey drop photo
tomato honey drop photo

Tomato "honey drop" is not too picky about watering. A good harvest can be achieved even in arid conditions by planting the crop in closed ground. Some summer residents plant this variety of tomato in pots and flowerpots. The bush bears fruit very well. This plant is very demanding on lighting, so planting it in shaded areas is highly discouraged. To achieve maximum fruit growth, experienced gardeners recommend trimming stepchildren. Ideally, the bush should have only three main branches. With proper care, the harvest can be harvested until mid-September. The fruits are perfectly stored, and unripe tomatoes ripen perfectly. Just a little effort and you will get a good result.
