Systemic insecticides: what is it, mechanism of action, list of the best and their description

Systemic insecticides: what is it, mechanism of action, list of the best and their description
Systemic insecticides: what is it, mechanism of action, list of the best and their description

Before the grower can harvest the long-awaited harvest, he will have to deal with many pests that degrade the quality and reduce the number of fruits. Unfortunately, not only fruit crops, but also decorative ones are subject to annual attacks. Insects feed on leaves, plant sap, which significantly spoils the appearance of the plant. In addition, with a strong infection, the tree may even die.

systemic insecticide
systemic insecticide

Systemic insecticides are used to save crops and attractive appearance of ornamental plants, which significantly reduce the population of garden pests. At the same time, depending on the active substance, they may have an effect on one or several species of insects at once.

A nice bonus is that a certain type of systemic insecticide can help get rid of weeds. Herbicides penetrate the plant and burn it to the root. When using, it is important to avoid contact with horticultural crops.

Varieties of insecticides by chemical composition

Systemic insecticide is being developed in chemical laboratories based on organicsubstances. Their toxicity allows them to poison insects by affecting the digestive system and sensory organs. The most common types of systemic insecticides are:

  1. Organochlorine insecticides are obtained by chlorinating liquid hydrocarbons. Available in the form of powders and oil emulsions. Guaranteed death of the insect occurs within 7 days after the treatment of the plant by affecting its nervous system. Despite their effectiveness, they have a huge drawback - high toxicity to humans and the environment. Currently hardly used.
  2. Organophosphate preparations are ether alcohols of phosphoric acid. The advantages include a wide spectrum of action - the substance destroys most insects. Of the shortcomings, toxicity to humans is noted, so protective gloves and a mask should be used when spraying.
  3. systemic insecticides
    systemic insecticides
  4. Pyrethroids are aimed at damaging the insect's nervous system, resulting in death. They are completely safe for humans and animals. Their disadvantage is that with prolonged use they can be addictive in insects, resulting in a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs.

Systemic insecticides are popular for their ease of use and high efficacy, but require some human safety measures.

Classification by way of penetration into the body

Systemic insecticide can enterinsect organism in different ways. Some drugs are able to combine several methods. Varieties according to the method of penetration are as follows:

  1. Contact-systemic insecticide enters the insect through contact with the surface of the body. Such preparations remain effective until the first rain. Of the shortcomings, gardeners note the lack of action on insect larvae.
  2. Intestinal have a fast action: getting into the digestive tract, they almost instantly cause death from poisoning. Often there are combined preparations with a contact-intestinal effect, which penetrate not only through the mouth, but also through contact with the surface of the body.
  3. Systemic insecticide has the ability to quickly penetrate into the vessels of the plant. Therefore, such preparations are independent of weather conditions. At the same time, they are able to infect not only insects that feed on foliage, fruits or buds, but also those pests that parasitize inside the plant.
systemic insecticides
systemic insecticides

The use of systemic insecticides helps to save up to 95% of the yield of a fruit plant.

Classification by spectrum of action

The following types are distinguished according to the spectrum of action:

  1. Selective - applicable to combat a specific type of pest. The species also includes drugs against ticks and helminths that infect plants.
  2. Solid action - aimed at the group destruction of different types of insects.

The choice of the drug depends entirely on the needsgardener. Some substances are harmless to bees, which are considered beneficial insects, as they help pollinate horticultural crops.

systemic insecticides for conifers
systemic insecticides for conifers

Types of drugs by industrial purpose

For ease of use, systemic insecticides for the garden are also divided according to their industrial purpose. They have differences in the nature of the impact on the insect and in the chemical composition. There are the following categories of funds:

  1. Pheromones are substances that attract insects, as they are created on the basis of substances released to attract beetles of the opposite sex. Such traps are capable of mass destruction of insects of a certain species.
  2. Insectoacaricides have a paralytic effect on ticks and other insects. The disadvantage is the harmful effect on the human nervous system. This species requires the use of a protective suit when processing plants.
  3. Ovicides only affect insect eggs and are harmless to other stages of the life cycle.
  4. Aficides are used to destroy all varieties of aphids.
  5. Larvicides are designed to kill insects at the larval stage.
  6. Repellents are repellers that do not kill insects, but their smell makes it clear that the plant is inedible. Used by gardeners for preventive purposes.
garden systemic insecticides list
garden systemic insecticides list

Most of the drugs are highly toxic, so experts do not recommend their use without special need foras a preventive measure.

Best systemic insecticides

The list of systemic insecticides for the garden is long - for each plant, a specific preparation is used that affects the insect that parasitizes this type of crop. The following preparations deserve special attention of gardeners:

  • "Decis Lux", "Aktara", "Bi-58", "Zolon", "Lufox" - used on fruit trees, especially often on apple trees, pears and cherries;
  • "Aktellik", "Apollo", "Bi-58 New", "Varant", "Nissoran", "Omayt", "Ortus" - intended for spraying vineyards;
  • "Vertimek", "Karate" - for cucumbers, pumpkins and carrots;
  • "Voliam Flexi", "Danadim Mix", "Engio", "Confidor Maxi" - for tomatoes;
  • "Reldan", "Helikovex" - for bell pepper;
  • "Ratibor", "Karate Zeon" - for eggplant;
  • "Antizhuk", "Calypso", "Matador", "Mospilan", "Fastak", "Fury" - are used to control insects on potatoes, in particular with the Colorado potato beetle;
  • "Greenforth", "Douglas", "Marsh", "Nurel D", "Pirinex Supper", "Sumition" - are used on cereal crops, including for processing large fields;
  • "Arrivo", "Fufanon" - for gourds (melon,watermelon);
  • "Vertimex", "Force", "Omite" - for strawberries.

This list of systemic insecticides is used both in the private sector and in the industrial sector. You should use those drugs that are suitable for a particular culture, as they are aimed at the destruction of a specific type of parasites.

Influence on plants and ecology

When treating plants in favorable conditions (suitable air temperature, lack of precipitation, moderate climate humidity), the entire list of systemic insecticides does not harm plants. Despite this, any attempt to treat a plant with a chemical preparation is stressful for him. If the dosage is calculated correctly, the drug stimulates the metabolism of plants, in some cases develops immunity to certain pests.

Soil insecticides have a detrimental effect that is neutralized only after 10 weeks. They also have a negative effect on fish, beneficial insects (especially bees), and domestic animals. Therefore, it is important to spray away from apiaries, ponds and pastures.

When to process plants

All drugs have instructions for use. in which the dosage is indicated in detail, as well as favorable conditions for spraying. The rules for processing horticultural crops are as follows:

  • it is worth considering the phase of the life cycle of an insect when choosing an insecticide - it is too late for adults to use ovicites, which only act on eggs;
  • when processing with several drugs, it is worth considering their compatibility,because if used incorrectly, chemicals can cause irreparable harm to plants;
  • treatment is not performed as a preventive measure - only when the first symptoms of the lesion are detected;
  • spraying should be stopped during the flowering of plants - this may affect the quality and quantity of the crop for the worse;
  • end of spraying occurs 40-45 days before harvest, as pesticides can harm the human body.

For maximum effect, treatment should be done in dry, calm weather, in the evening.

list of systemic insecticides
list of systemic insecticides

You should also avoid running the drug from the leaves and strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

Insecticide treatment methods

There are several effective chemical treatments that are widely used in horticulture. These include the following:

  1. Spraying the entire surface of the plant with an aqueous solution of the drug. In this case, special equipment is used - a spray gun with a long hose in order to reach the upper branches. It is the most common and effective way to kill insects. Systemic insecticides for fruit trees are mainly applied by spraying the drug.
  2. Pollination with a substance in the form of a powder, with this method the concentration of the drug is obtained, which guarantees its effectiveness.
  3. By burying granules in the soil, you can fight againstparasite larvae that develop in the soil.
  4. Fumigation - spraying chemicals over horticultural crops in the form of steam.
  5. Soaking seeds in an aqueous solution of insecticide can get rid of microscopic insect eggs.

The method is selected individually and depends on the wishes and capabilities of the gardener.

Systemic insecticides for indoor plants

Despite the fact that indoor plants are less susceptible to insect damage than garden plants, this happens. Eggs or larvae of parasites could have got along with the soil or water for irrigation. The following drugs are used to destroy them:

  • "Aktara" - a chemical preparation with the active ingredient thiamethoxam, which destroys pests such as thrips, scale insects, scale insects, aphids. Not effective against ticks.
  • "Akarin" - a substance that kills insects such as sawflies, leafworms, codling moths, thrips, aphids. The drug does not pollute the soil and quickly breaks down under the influence of water.
  • "Bazudin" is effective against insects in any phase of the life cycle. It is applied to the soil when transplanting a plant, as well as to the surface of the soil when a parasite is detected.
  • Green soap is applicable to fight against bedbugs, slobbers, thrips, scale insects. Due to its composition, it is considered an environmentally friendly drug.
  • "Inta-Vir" is available in the form of tablets, which are diluted in water at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed on the leaves of the plant. Up to 3 treatments possibledrug until the complete destruction of the insect population.
  • "Spark" is effective against scale insects, weevil, false scale insects, mealybugs. The drug is considered conditionally dangerous for humans and pets, therefore, after processing, pets and children should not be allowed near the plant.

These systemic insecticides for indoor plants are also applicable to horticultural crops, it is important to follow the dosage indicated on the product label. If possible, choose products that are harmless to people and pets.

Preparations for coniferous plants

Insects infect coniferous plants no less than garden ones. For this reason, systemic insecticides for conifers are used by gardeners who protect the beauty of the site.

contact systemic insecticide
contact systemic insecticide

Affected areas of the tree begin to turn yellow, needles crumble, white bloom appears on them? This indicates the presence of a pest. The following drugs are often used:

  • "Confidor", "Mospilan", "Calypso" - against juniper aphids.
  • "Aktara", "Engio" - effectively fight the European juniper scale insect. For greater effect, the treatment is carried out for 14 days with a frequency of 1 time in 2-3 days with a change in the drug.
  • "Caesar", "Nurel-D", "Aktelik" - are used to destroy the Oregon flatworm mite, which parasitizes on all types of coniferous plants. The drug is used at least 3 times with an interval10-11 days.
  • "Bazudin", "Thunder", "Medvetoks", "Antikhrushch" effectively exterminate the population of marbled beetle at all stages of development (from larva to adult). An alternative method can be mulching with pine bark, which prevents female beetles from laying eggs in the root zone of a coniferous plant.

When processing with chemicals, it is important to take into account the recommendations from the manufacturer indicated on the package. The correct dosage will kill parasitic insects without harming the plant.

It should be remembered that small space and high humidity are stimulants for the development of pests in the garden. In order to avoid their attack, you must first ensure normal conditions for the growth of horticultural crops.

Proper use of chemical insecticides, taking into account safety precautions and dosage recommendations from the manufacturer, will preserve the beauty of the site, plant he alth and crops.
